Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Saint of the Day – 27 May – Saint Eutropius of Orange (Died c475) Bishop

Saint of the Day – 27 May – Saint Eutropius of Orange (Died c475) Bishop of Orange in France, from 463 until his death. It is believed that he was the successor to St Justus. Born in Marseilles, France and died in c475 at his See. Also known as – Eutrope, Eutropio.

The Roman Martyrology reads: “At Orange in France, St Eutropius the Bishop, illustrious for virtues and miracles.

Eutropius was born to the nobility, in Marseille, where he spent a wild dissipated and wasted youth. According to tradition, he was converted by his wife and, after her death, was Ordained a Deacon by the Bishop of Tours, Eustochius.

His conversion proved to be permanent and fruitful. He succeeded Saint Justus at the latest in 463, as Bishop of the old Diocese of Orange (Vaucluse), around 25 kilometers north of Avignon and became Bishop Eutropius II of Orange (c464-c475).

This appointment occurred at a time when the Bishopric had been laid waste by the Visigoths and Eutropius was greatly tempted to give up his difficult task because of the material and moral breakdown. At first, he was overwhelmed by the magnitude of the work he would have to do and fled. A man of God named Aper convinced him to return and devote himself to tending his flock. He became a man of intense piety and pastoral zeal and was regarded as worthy of imitation by all in surrounding regions, among other things, for his extreme devotion.

The new Bishop proved exemplary under difficult circumstances. At the same time, he continued to work with his hands. His biographer and successor as Bishop, Verus (475-494), praises his piety and his acts of love. According to tradition, his prayers also performed several miracles. He exchanged letters with the holy Pope Hilarius (461-468). He was a friend of Saint Faustus of Riez. Letters from contemporaries speak highly of his learning and piety. St Sidonius Apollinaris (c432-c482), Bishop of Clermont, who had experienced similar difficulties in his own Diocese, shows great respect for Eutropius’ learning and piety. Sidonius, an eloquent but wordy writer, has been considered the last representative of classical culture.

During his Episcopate, which lasted about twelve years, he did not hesitate to devote himself to many manual tasks, sometimes in a field where he himself worked with a plough, sometimes at a building site where he carried stones even when the other workers were having their meals.

He took part in the Councils of Arles in 463 and 475. According to tradition, Eutropius died on 27 May 475 in Orange and an Epitaph describes him as flawless. His memorial day in the Martyrologium Romanum is the day of his death on 27 May. His Relics are in the Altar of St Mary Magdalene’s Chapel in the London Oratory.

Around the year 500, his successor, Verus wrote his Vita which describes various miracles – the deliverance of a possessed person, the healing of someone struck by lightning; stopping a fire through prayer.


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