Posted in DIVINE Mercy, Goodness, Patience, HUMILITY-Fr Richard Clarke, QUOTES on GRACE, QUOTES on HUMILITY, QUOTES on REPENTANCE, QUOTES on SIN

Thought for the Day – 29 May – The Foundation of Humility

Thought for the Day – 29 May – Meditations with Fr Richard Frederick Clarke SJ (1839-1900) SJ

Meditations for a Month

Chapter Three
The Foundation of Humility

No-one can review his past life without finding therein, motives enough and to spare, for humbling himself before Almighty God. “We have sinned, we have committed iniquity, we have done
wickedly, we have revolted; to us belongeth shame and confusion of face
” (Dan 9: 5, 7). If ever we are inclined to think much of ourselves, we have only to look back on our past years. Look upon the deliberate sins against charity, against truthfulness, against purity. Look upon the pride, the selfishness, the self-will, the neglect of God. Look upon the sins which have stained our lives!

Besides actual sins, how many infidelities to grace have we committed! God has been so liberal with His graces and I have been so negligent in availing myself of them. How many I might have earned if I had been faithful and had not willfully turned aside from what God asked of me,
to follow my own will and pleasure. What cause for humiliation of myself! If others who have perhaps lived and died in sin had had my graces, would they not have made a far better use of them than I have made? To me, O God, shame and confusion of face! I must throw myself on Thy mercy and humbly beg forgiveness.

When, moreover, I look at what I now am, I find fresh cause for humbling myself. I might have been a Saint if I had been more faithful and now I am one of the vilest of sinners. My soul in the sight of God is disfigured by sin, as a body is by the ulcers and sores that spoil its natural beauty and comeliness. I abound with faults innumerable. I am unworthy to appear in the presence of God.
“O hide Thy face from my sins, blot out all my iniquities!”


Quote/s of the Day – 29 May – St Maria Magdalena de’ Pazzi

Quote/s of the Day – 29 May – St Maria Magdalena de’ Pazzi O.Carm (1566-1607) Virgin

Self-love is like the worm which gnaws at the root
and destroys, not only the fruit but even,
the very life of the plant.
The traitor whom we have to fear most, is self-love, f
or self-love betrays us as Judas
betrayed our Lord with a kiss.
He who conquers self-love, conquers all!

I do not desire to die soon
because, in Heaven, there is no suffering.
I desire to live a long time
because, I yearn to suffer much
for the love of my Spouse.


St Maria Magdalena de’ Pazzi (1566-1607)


One Minute Reflection – 29 May – ‘… Those who want to be favourably listened to by God, must begin by listening to God. …’

One Minute Reflection – 29 May – “The Month of the Blessed Virgin Mother of God” – St Maria Magdalena de’ Pazzi O.Carm (1566-1607) Virgin – 2 Corinthians 10:17-18; 11:1-2; Matthew 25:1-13 – Scripture search here:

Amen I say to you, I know you not.” – Matthew 25:12

REFLECTION – “Pay attention, dear brothers – the holy Scriptures were passed onto us, so to speak, like letters come from our homeland. Our homeland, indeed, is paradise; our forebears are the Patriarchs, the Prophets, the Apostles and the Martyrs; our fellow countrymen, the Angels; our King, Christ. When Adam sinned, we were thrown into the exile, as it were, of this world. But because our King is faithful and merciful, more than we can imagine or express, He deigned to send us the holy Scriptures through the Patriarchs and the Prophets, as the letters of invitation, with which He invites us to our eternal and original homeland. … Because of His unspeakable Kindness, He has invited us to reign with Him.

In these conditions, what idea do they have of themselves, these servants who do not deign to read the letters which invite us to the happiness of the Kingdom? … “If anyone does not acknowledge this, he is not acknowledged” (1 Cor 14:38). Certainly, the one who neglects to look for God in this world, by reading the Sacred texts, God, in His turn, will refuse to admit him to eternal happiness. He should fear that he may find the doors locked, leaving him outside with the foolish virgins (Mt 25:10) and that he might hear: “ I do not know who you are, I do not know you, depart from me, all you evildoers. ” … Those who want to be favourably listened to by God, must begin by listening to God. How could we have the effrontery to want God to listen to us favourably, if we attach so little importance to Him that we neglect to read His precepts!?” – St Caesarius of Arles (470-543) Bishop, Father of the Church (Sermons – 7).

PRAYER – O God, lover of chastity, Who endowed with heavenly gifts, blessed Mary Magdalena, a virgin on fire with love for You, grant that we, who keep this feast-day in her honour, may imitate her by purity and love. Through Jesus Christ, Thy Son our Lord, Who lives and reigns with Thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. Amen (Collect).

Posted in CARMELITES, DOCTORS of the Church, MAY - The Blessed Virgin MARY'S MONTH, Our MORNING Offering, PRAYERS of the SAINTS

Our Morning Offering – 29 May – Most Holy Mary By St John of the Cross

Our Morning Offering – 29 May – “The Month of the Blessed Virgin Mother of God” –

Most Holy Mary
By St John of the Cross (1542-1591)
Doctor of the Church

Most holy Mary,
Virgin of virgins,
Shrine of the most Holy Trinity,
joy of the Angels,
sure Refuge of sinners,
take pity on our sorrows,
mercifully accept our sighs
and appease the wrath
of your most holy Son.

Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Saint of the Day – 29 May – Saint Gerard of Mâcon (Died 926) Bishop

Saint of the Day – 29 May – Saint Gerard of Mâcon (Died 926) Bishop of Mâcon, France for 40 years, ruling from 886 until his death in 926. Uncertainty surrounds his place and date of birth, some indicate it in Belgium, others in Flanders but we do know that he died in a hermitage at Brou near Bourg-en-Bresse in France. Patronages – of Bourg-en-Bresse, Brou and several other French Towns. Also known as – Gerardo, Gérard, Gérald, Girard or Gérard, Gerard of Brou,

The Old Cathedral of Mâcon

Whilst biographical information on Saint Gerard is conflicting. The oldest sources, such as the Episcopal records and catalogues of Mâcon, place our Saint in the 9th Century, other scholars hypothesise an earlier era. However, less debated is his monastic training at the Abbey of Ainay, a renowned centre of culture and religious piety. The experience within the monastic community undoubtedly shaped his spirit and prepared him for his future Episcopal role.

Around the year 886, Gerard was Consecrated Bishop of Mâcon, a Diocese located in the turbulent region of Burgundy. His Episcopate, which lasted for forty years, coincided with a complex historical period, marked by feudal struggles and Norman incursions. In this stormy context, Gerard stood out as a tenacious and wise leader, capable of defending the rights of the Church and its people.

His participation in the Council of Chalon-sur-Saône in 886 testifies to his commitment to re-establishing ecclesiastical order and discipline, countering the interference of lay people in religious matters.

Despite his dedication to his flock, Gerard was not immune to hardship and disillusionment. Tired of the constant battles with the local lords and wanting a more contemplative life, he decided to retire to Brou, a Town near Bourg-en-Bresse. Here he founded a Monastery and a Church, dedicating himself to prayer and meditation. The hermit choice did not mean an abandonment of his pastoral commitment, for Gerard continued to receive visitors and dispense spiritual advice. His reputation for sanctity spread rapidly, attracting numerous pilgrims to Brou.

Saint Gerard died in 926. His remains were initially buried in the Church he had founded in Brou. Subsequently, after 958, they were transferred to the Church of Saint-Pierre in Mâcon, where they are still venerated today. His memory is still celebrated today on 29 May. Saint Gerard is considered the Patron Saint of Bourg-en-Bresse, Brou and several other French Towns.


Notre-Dame des Ardents / Our Lady of Ardents, France (1095), St Maria Magdalena de’ Pazzi O.Carm and the Saints for 29 May

St Conon the Elder
St Conon the Younger
St Daganus
St Eleutherius of Rocca d’Arce
St Felix of Atares
St Gerard of Mâcon (Died 926) Bishop of Mâcon, France
Bl Gerardesca of Pisa
Bl Giles Dalmasia
St Hesychius of Antioch
St John de Atarés

St Maximus of Verona
St Restitutus of Rome
Bl Richard Thirkeld
St Theodosia of Caesarea and Companions
St Votus of Atares