Thought for the Day – 8 June – Aids to Humility

Thought for the Day – 8 June – Meditations with Fr Richard Frederick Clarke SJ (1839-1900)

Meditations for a Month

Aids to Humility

To foster in ourselves a spirit of humility, we must not only look back but also look forward.
When we appear before our Lord to be judged, what reason we shall have for shame and for dismay! How can I, who am so full of sin, venture to face Him, Who sees through every disguise and recognises the true nature of every action?
How can I meet Him who has witnessed deeds of evil hidden from the eyes of men and wicked and uncharitable thoughts, indulged in secret!?
When I think of that day, I must be humble.

Nothing will then be such a cause of shame to me as my pride.
Nothing will so turn away the Face of my Judge from me in anger.
If God abhors the proud, how can I look forward to that day without trembling? St Teresa said that when she had the privilege of seeing our Blessed Lord in a vision, the prevailing thought in her mind was, what a terrible thing it would be, if He were to be angry with her.
He will be angry with me, then, unless I learn more humility!
O my God, make me humble at any cost!

What will be the punishment of pride? Will it be the fire of Hell that was prepared for the devil and his angels, simply and solely because of their pride?
None will endure such misery as the proud; not the gluttonous, or the impure, or the covetous, except, so far as their other vices fostered pride in them.
O my God, if nothing else will make me humble, grant that the thought of the lowest Hell, reserved for the proud, may conquer in me that hateful vice of pride!


Quote/s of the Day – 8 June – The Queenship of Mary

Quote/s of the Day – 8 June – The Queenship of Mary

She is the eldest daughter of the Great King.
If you enjoy her favour,
she will introduce you
to the Monarch of the Universe.
No-one has so great an interest with Him than Mary,
who was the occasion of His coming down from Heaven
to become man, for the redemption of mankind.

St John the Merciful (c 552-c 616)

And as Queen,
she possesses, by right,
the whole Kingdom of her Son

Rupert of Deutz OSB (c 1075- c 1130)
Benedictine Abbot

The Angels rejoiced to see their Queen,
the Apostles rejoiced to see their lady
and both obeyed her, with loving devotion.
… Therefore, when the Virgin of virgins
was led forth by God and her Son,
the King of kings. amid the company of exulting Angels
and rejoicing Archangels,
with the Heavens ringing with praise,
the prophecy of the psalmist was fulfilled,
in which he said to the Lord:
At your right hand stands the Queen,
clothed in gold of Ophir.

St Amadeus of Lausanne O.Cist (1108-1159)

So Mary is a Queen.
And, for our consolation,
we ought to remember
that she is a most tender and kind Queen,
eager to help us in our miseries.
So much so, that the Church wants us
to call her in this prayer, a Queen of Mercy.
Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy!

St Alphonsus Liguori (1696-17

O Queen of Angels and of Saints,
my most powerful and most loving Mother,
have pity on me, for I am surrounded
by such great perils and need so much
to advance in virtue.
Although I am weak and weary,
I desire ardently to imitate
the shining example of thy holidness.
Obtain for me, from thy Divine Son,
the grace to imitate thee,
as far as I am able on earth,
so that one day I may share thy happiness
in the Presence of God for all eternity.

Antonio Cardinal Bacci (1881-1971)


One Minute Reflection – 8 June – ‘ … the perfect model, worthy of God … ‘

One Minute Reflection – 8 June – The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary – Ecclesiasticus 24:5; 14:7; 14:9-11; 24:30-31; Luke 1:26-33 – Scripture search here:

Hail, full of grace!”– Luke 1:28

REFLECTION – “The degeneration caused by sin had obscured the beauty of our original nobility. But when the mother of supreme Beauty is born, our nature finds its purity once more and sees itself moulded according to the perfect model, worthy of God (Gn 1:26)… We had all preferred the world below to that above. There no longer remained any hope of salvation. The state of our nature cried aloud to Heaven to come to the rescue… Then, at last, in His good pleasure, the world’s Divine Artificer determined to make a new world appear, a different world full of harmony and youth.

Now, was it not fitting, that a most pure virgin without stain, should place herself at the service of this mysterious plan, first of all?… And where was this virgin to be found if not in this woman, alone of her kind, chosen by the world’s Creator before all generations? Yes, she indeed is Mother of God, divinely named Mary, whose womb gave birth to God Incarnate and whom, He Himself, had supernaturally prepared as His temple…

In this way, then, the design of the Redeemer of our race was to bring about a birth and, as it were, a new creation to replace the one that went before. Therefore, just as in Paradise He had taken a little clay, out of the pure and spotless earth, to fashion the first Adam (Gn 2:7), so, at the moment of bringing about His own Incarnation, He made use of another earth, so to speak, namely this pure and immaculate Virgin, chosen from among all other beings He had created. It is in her that He, Adam’s Creator, has remade us in our very substance and become a new Adam (1 Cor 15:45) that the old might be saved by the new and eternal.” – St Andrew of Crete (660-740) Bishop, Father (Sermon 1 for the Nativity of the Mother of God).

PRAYER – Grant we beseech Thee, O Lord, that we who keep the Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Queen, safe under her protection, may be worthy to have peace now and glory, in the future. Through Jesus Christ, Thy Son our Lord, Who lives and reigns with Thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. Amen (Collect).Through the same Jesus Christ, Thy Son our Lord, Who lives and reigns with Thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. Amen (Collect).

All praise, honour and glory to the divine HEART of JESUS. – Indulgence 50 Days, Once a day. Raccolta 168 Pope Leo XIII, 14 June 1901.

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Posted in MARIAN PRAYERS, Our MORNING Offering, PRAYERS of the SAINTS, QUEENSHIP of MARY, St Louis-Marie Grignion de MONTFORT

Our Morning Offering – 8 June – Hail Mary, Queen of Our Hearts, Our Mother

Our Morning Offering – 8 June – The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Hail Mary, Queen of Our Hearts, Our Mother
Prayer in Honour of Mary
By St Louis Marie de Montfort (1673-1716)

Hail Mary,
Daughter of God the Father!
Hail Mary,
Mother of God the Son!
Hail Mary,
Spouse of the Holy Spirit!
Hail Mary,
Temple of the Most Holy Trinity!
Hail Mary, our mistress,
our wealth, our mystic rose.
Queen of our hearts, our Mother,
our life, our sweetness
and our dearest hope!
We are all Thine
and all we have is thine.
O Virgin, blessed above all things,
may thy soul be in us,
to magnify the Lord,
may thy spirit be in us,
to rejoice in God.
Place thyself, O faithful Virgin,
as a seal upon our hearts,
that in thee and through thee,
we may be found faithful to God.
Grant, most gracious Virgin,
that we may be numbered
among those, whom thou art
pleased to love, to teach and to guide,
to favour and to protect, as thy children.
Grant that with the help of thy love,
we may despise all earthly consolations
and cling to heavenly things,
until through the Holy Spirit,
thy faithful Spouse and through thee,
His faithful Spouse,
Jesus Christ, Thy Son, be formed within us
for the glory of the Father.

Posted in MARTYRS, SAINT of the DAY

Saint of the Day – 8 June – Blessed John Davy O.Cart. (c1490-1535) Deacon, Martyr

Saint of the Day – 8 June – Blessed John Davy O.Cart. (c1490-1535) Deacon of the Carthusian Order, Martyr, Born in York in c1490 and died by being chained to a wall in the Tower prison, London and starved, until his death on 8 June 1535. Also known as – John Davies. Additional Memorial – 4 May as one of the Carthusian Martyrs of London. Blessed John was Beatified on 20 December 1886 by Pope Leo XIII.

Vicente Carducho c 1626 – The Martyrdom of the Carthusians Friars

The figure of Blessed John Davy is located in the stormy landscape of 16th Century England. A Carthusian Deacon, John faced the persecutions of Henry VIII with stoic firmness, remaining faithful to the Church and the Roman Pontiff until his last breath. His story, steeped in heroism and sacrifice, makes him a shining example for all those who find themselves facing similar trials. You might think we are not facing such trials today but think again, they are mounting and growing in intensity, all over the world, by dedicated persecution.

Information on John Davy’s birth and youth is fragmentary. He is presumed to have been born in York, England, around 1490. Attracted to the contemplative life and strict discipline of the Charterhouse, he joined the Carthusian community of London in 1514. There, he distinguished himself by his piety, his zeal and his profound knowledge of tSacred Scripture and heology.

The reign of Henry VIII marked a period of profound and diabolical upheaval for the Catholic Church in England. The Sovereign, animated by political and personal aims, separated from the Holy See and proclaimed the Church of England as the sole state religion. Catholics, who did not bend to his will were persecuted ferociously.
John Davy, as a Carthusian Deacon and fervent supporter of the Catholic Church, could not remain indifferent to this dramatic scenario. Together with his Brothers, he firmly opposed royal supremacy and the new doctrine imposed by the Sovereign. Their intransigence exposed them to harsh reprisals.

In 1534, Davy was arrested and imprisoned in the Tower of London. Subjected to cruel torture and a regime of extreme deprivation, he was firm to the end, never breaking under extreme torments. His will and his Faith remained fixed on Christ and His Church, Blessed John never renounced his Faith. His unwavering resistance and unswerving loyalty to the Church, further irritated his captors.
On 8 June 1535, after months of torment, John Davy died in prison, exhausted by hunger and mistreatment. His death was a silent but eloquent Martyrdom, a tangible testimony of his unshakable Faith and his unshakable attachment to the his Lord and His Catholic Church.

Vicente Carducho c 1626 – The Martyrdom of the Carthusians Friars

John Davy’s reputation for sanctity quickly spread among English Catholics, who venerated him as a Martyr of the Faith. In 1888, Pope Leo XIII Beatified him, confirming his status as a heroic example for the faithful.


The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Notre-Dame du Dimanche/ Our Lady of Sunday, France (1873) and the Saints for 8 June

Blessed Armand of Zierikzee OFM (Died c1524) Friar of the Order of the Friars Minor, renowned Scriptural Scholar.
St Bron of Cassel Bishop, Spiritual student of Saint Patrick.
St Calliope
St Clodulf of Metz
Bl Engelbert of Schäftlarn
St Eustadiola of Moyen-Moutier
St Fortunatus of Fano Bishop

Bl Giorgio Porta
Bl Giselbert of Cappenberg
St Heraclius of Sens
Blessed John Davy O.Cart. (c1490-1535) Deacon of the Carthusian Order, Martyr
Bl essedJohn Rainuzzi
Bl Maddallena of the Conception

St Melania the Elder
St Muirchu
St Pacificus of Cerano
Bl Peter de Amer
Bl Robert of Frassinoro
St Sallustian
St Syra of Troyes
St Victorinus of Camerino