One Minute Reflection – 18 April – The great commission

One Minute Reflection – 18 April – Easter Saturday, Readings: Acts 4:13-21, Psalm 118:1, 14-21, Mark 16:9-15

And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.” … Mark 16:15

REFLECTION –Duc in altum! “let us cast out into deep waters!” (Lk 5:4).   Let us go forward in hope!   …. The Son of God, who became incarnate two thousand years ago out of love for humanity, is at work even toda -: we need discerning eyes to see this and, above all, a generous heart to become the instruments of His work. (…)  “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Mt 28:19).   The missionary mandate accompanies us into the Third Millennium and urges us to share the enthusiasm of the very first Christians – we can count on the power of the same Spirit who was poured out at Pentecost and who impels us still today to start out anew, sustained by the hope “which does not disappoint” (Rom 5:5).

At the beginning of this new century, our steps must quicken as we travel the highways of the world.   Many are the paths on which each one of us and each of our Churches must travel but there is no distance between those who are united in the same communion, the communion which is daily nourished at the table of the Eucharistic Bread and the Word of Life.   Every Sunday, the Risen Christ asks us to meet Him as it were once more in the Upper Room where, on the evening of “the first day of the week” (Jn 20:19) He appeared to His disciples in order to “breathe” on them His life-giving Spirit and launch them on the great adventure of proclaiming the Gospel.” … St Pope John Paul II (1920-2005) Apostolic Letter “ Novo millennio ineunte ”, # 58

mark 16 15 go into all the world and proclaim - our steps must quicken as we travel - st john paul 18 april 2020

PRAYER – Lord our God, You increase and multiply Your faithful by Your abundant gift of grace.   Look now on Your chosen people and clothe them forever in the garment of eternal life.   May we, in confident love of You, go forth and live our lives in witness and speak with joy of the ways of truth.   Grant that the intercession of the Blessed Virgin, the saints and angels, may accompany us on our journey.   Through our Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, God forever, amen.blessed virgin mary immaculate mother - pray for us - 2 sept 2018


Our Morning Offering – 18 April – The Regina Coeli

Our Morning Offering – 18 April – Easter Saturday

Remember to exchange your Angelus prayer for the Regina Coeli as from Easter Sunday for the next 50 days of Eastertide.
According to Catholic tradition, St Gregory the Great (540-604) heard angels chanting the first three lines one Easter morning in Rome, while following barefoot in a great religious procession of the icon of the Virgin painted by St Luke the Evangelist.   He was thereupon inspired to add the fourth line.

The Regina Coeli

Queen of heaven, rejoice, alleluia.
For He whom thou did merit to bear, alleluia.
Has risen, as He said, alleluia.
Pray for us to God, alleluia.
Rejoice and be glad, O virgin Mary, alleluia.
For the Lord has truly risen, alleluia.

Let us pray.
O God, who gave joy to the world
through the resurrection of Thy son,
our Lord Jesus Christ,
grant we beseech Thee,
that through the intercession
of the virgin Mary,
His mother, we may obtain
the joys of everlasting life.
Through the same Christ our Lord.
Amenregina coeli - for eastertide 18 april 2020

Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Saint of the Day – 18 April – Blessed Luca Passi (1789-1866) “Apostolic Missionary”

Saint of the Day – 18 April – Blessed Luca Passi (1789-1866) Priest, Founder of the Teaching Sisters of Saint Dorothy, Apostle of the poor and of education of the young unde the Papal title of “Apostolic Missionary” – born on 22 January 1789 in Bergamo, Italy and died on 18 April 1866 in Venice, Italy of natural causes, aged 77.   Patronage – the Teaching Sisters of Saint Dorothy.   Following the example of their paternal uncle, two of his brothers became Priests and Passi himself, moved to Venice in order to dedicate himself to both his preaching and educational luca-passi

Luca was born in 1789 in Bergamo as the first of eleven children to the nobles Enrico Passi (a teacher) and Caterina Corner.   Two brothers were the priests Giuseppe Celio and Marco.   His paternal uncle was the priest Marco Celio Passi.   During his childhood, the volatile political circumstances, forced the family to relocate to a villa in Calcinate.

In 1810 he became the Director of the Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament at Calcinate and in 1811 became the Director of the Confraternity of the Christian Doctrine.

He began his studies for the priesthood in 1811 and was ordained as such on 13 March 1813.

His brother Marco aided him in founding the Pious Society of Saint Dorothy in 1815 for the education of both children and adolescents.   This was an establishment that Pope Pius VII praised and who also encouraged that the organisation expand and spread to other towns in the region.   In 1838 he founded the Teaching Sisters of Saint Dorothy. Pope Gregory XVI granted him the title of “Apostolic Missionary.”

Blessed Luca died on 18 April 1866.   He is buried at the Motherhouse of the Institute of the Teaching Sisters of Saint Dorothy in Venice.

Pope Benedict XVI approved a miracle on 28 June 2012 and confirmed that Fr Luca could now be Beatified.   Cardinal Angelo Amato Beatified him on 13 April 2013 on behalf of Pope Francis at the Basilica of San Marco, Venice.

During the homily of the Beatification Mass of Fr Luca Passi, Cardinal Angelo Amato, prefect for the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, described the now Blessed Passi, as “a great witness to God for the young and the poor.”

Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Saturday of the Easter Octave +2020 and Memorials of the Saints – 18 April

Saturday of the Easter Octave +2020

St Agia of Hainault
St Anthia of Illyria
St Athanasia of Aegina
St Bitheus
St Calocerus of Brescia
St Cogitosus
St Corebus
St Eleuterius of Illyria
St Elpidius of Melitene
St Eusebius of Fano
St Galdinus of Milan
St Gebuinus of Lyons
St Genocus
St Hermogenes of Melitene
Bl Idesbald of Dunes
Bl James Oldo OFS (1364-1404)

Bl Joseph Moreau
St Laserian of Leighlin
Bl Louis Leroy
Blessed Luca Passi (1789-1866)
St Perfecto of Córdoba
St Pusicio
Bl Roman Archutowski
Bl Savina Petrilli
St Ursmar of Lobbes
St Wigbert of Augsburg


Thought for the Day – 17 April – Peter Denies Jesus

Thought for the Day – 17 April – Meditations with Antonio Cardinal Bacci (1881-1971)

Peter Denies Jesus

“Peter was by nature impetuous and generous.
He loved Jesus sincerely.
Even after the other Apostles had run away when Jesus was arrested in Gethsemane (Cf Mt 26:56), he followed Him at a distance, as far as the courtyard of the High Priest’s house.
Peter was following at a distance” (Lk 22:54).
In his generous enthusiasm, however, he depended too much on himself.
During the last supper, Jesus had foretold to His Apostles, His approaching passion and death and their desertion.
Immediately, Peter had solemnly declared that, even if all the others would scandalised on the night of the passion, he would never be scandalised.
He would, he said, be ready to go with Jesus to prison and to death (Cf Mt 24:33, Lk 22:33).
But Jesus, tried to put him on his guard against presumption. “I tell thee, Peter, a cock will not crow this day, until thou hast denied three times, that thou knowest me” (Cf Lk 22:34).
In spite of this prophecy, the impetuous Apostle went as far as the courtyard of the High Priest.
While the divine Redeemer was brought in chains before the judgement seat of the High Priest, where He was calumniated, struck and condemned to death, Peter was asked if he was a follower of the Galilean.
Three times, He denied his Master with oaths and protests.
Unfortunately, this is what happens to anyone who trusts presumptuously in his own strength.
This is what happens when we forget that we can do nothing, as St Paul points out, without the help and the grace of God.

“Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think anything, as from ourselves but our sufficiency is from God” (2 Cor 3:5).
Anyone is courting disaster if he foolishly places all his confidence in himself and neglects to seek the help of God, when he is danger.
He is certain to fall!

Antonio Cardinal Bacci



Quote/s of the Day – 17 April – ‘Jesus is with me’

Quote/s of the Day – 17 April – Easter Friday, Readings: Acts 4:1-12, Psalm 118:1-2, 4, 22-27, John 21:1-14

Just as day was breaking,
Jesus stood on the shore ..

John 21:4

john 21 4 jesus stood on the shore - 17 april 2020

“In her voyage across the ocean of this world,
the Church is like a great ship
being pounded by the waves of life’s different stresses.
Our duty is not to abandon ship
but to keep her on her course.”

St Boniface (672-754)

in her voyage across the ocean of this world - st boniface 16 may 2019

“Jesus is with me.
I have nothing to fear.”

Bl Pier Giorgio Frassati (1901-1925)

jesus is with me i have nothing to fear bl pier giorgio frassati 4 july 2019

“Enemy-occupied territory – that is what this world is.
Christianity is the story of how the rightful king has landed,
you might say landed in disguise
and is calling us all,
to take part in a great campaign of sabotage.”

C S Lewis (1898-1963)


Never forget that only dead fish swim with the stream.

Malcolm Muggeridge (1903-1990)

Thomas Malcolm Muggeridge (24 March 1903 – 14 November 1990)
was an English journalist and satirist.
His father was a prominent socialist politician
and one of the early Labour Party Members of Parliament.
In his twenties, Muggeridge was attracted to communism
but after living in the Soviet Union in the 1930s, he became a forceful anti-communist.
In 1982, aged 79, Muggeridge was received into the Catholic Church along with his wife, Kitty.    This was largely under the influence of Mother Teresa,
about whom he had written a book, ‘Something Beautiful for God,’
setting out and interpreting her life.

never forget that only dead fish swim with the stream 17 april 2020


One Minute Reflection – 17 April – “It is the Lord!”

One Minute Reflection – 17 April – Easter Friday, Readings: Acts 4:1-12, Psalm 118:1-2, 4, 22-27, John 21:1-14

“It is the Lord!” … John 21:7

REFLECTION – “The Lord says to those tired and disappointed fishermen:  “Cast the net on the right side of the boat and you will find some” (v. 6).   The disciples trust in Jesus and the result is an incredibly abundant catch.   In that exclamation: “It is the Lord!” there is all the enthusiasm of the Paschal faith, full of joy and wonder, which sharply contrasts with the disappearance, the dejection, the sense of powerlessness that had accumulated in the disciples’ hearts.

The presence of the Risen Jesus transforms everything – darkness has become light, futile work has again become fruitful and promising, the sense of weariness and abandonment, give way to a new impetus and to the certainty that He is with us.   From that time, these same sentiments enliven the Church, the Community of the Risen One.  All of us are the community of the Risen One!” … Pope Francis – Regina Coeli, 10 April 2016john 21 7 it is the lord - the presence of the Risen Jesus transforms everything - pope francis - 17 april 2020 easter friday

PRAYER – Almighty, ever-living God, You offer the covenant of reconciliation to mankind in the mystery of Easter.   Cleanse our hearts by Your truth and guide our lives by Your holiness, may we do what is right and pleasing to You.   Open our eyes to see You and our ears to Hear You, that we may follow your commandments and Your Way.   Grant that what we celebrate in worship, we may carry out in our lives.   May our Holy Mother, ever keep us in her prayers and care.   Through Christ, our Lord in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honour to You, forever, amenblessed virgin mother pray for us 17 april 2020


Our Morning Offering – 17 April – Bl James Alberione -To Jesus, Master, the Way

Our Morning Offering – 17 April – Easter Friday

To Jesus, the Way
By Bl James Alberione (1884-1971)

O Jesus,
You are the Way secure,
You guide us on life’s troubled ways,
amid the errors of each age,
while we gaze toward our fatherland.
taking to Yourself our nature,
You came to us in flesh and blood
and as our model and our mould,
You call us to tread the way You trod.
A stable You chose at birth,
long years You laboured tirelessly,
the bitter Cross You did embrace
and so You tell us,
“Learn of me.”
Jesus, our everlasting Way, Truth and Life,
by You we are led,
by You we live,
to Father, You and the Spirit,
may all peoples praise and glory give.

Blessed Fr James Alberione (1884-1971)
the Founder of the Pauline Family,
composed various Prayers to Jesus Master,
The Way, the Truth and the Life,
specifically directed to honour Jesus, the Master –
to sanctify the whole person, mind, will and heart.
These prayers are prayed by his Orders everyday.

See Jesus, the Life

to jesus the way by bl james alberione 17 april 2020 easter friday

Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Saint of the Day – 17 April – Saint Donan of Eigg (Died 617) Priest and Martyr

Saint of the Day – 17 April – Saint Donan of Eigg (Died 617) Priest and Martyr, Monk, Missionary – Patronages – the Island of Eigg, an island in the Inner Hebrides where he was Martyred. He is also known as Dounan, Donnan and donan sml

Saint Donan, also known as Saint Donnán of Eigg, lived from about 550 to 17 April 617. He was probably Irish in origin and probably of noble birth.  He is known for his efforts to introduce Christianity to the Picts of north west Scotland.   Very little remains of him in the written record but, he is remembered in the quite remarkable number of places named after him, across large parts of modern Scotland.   The only part of his life to have made it into the annals in any detail was his death, when he and 52 of his monks were murdered at their Monastery on the Isle of Eigg.

stdonan-450 eigg
The Isle of Eigg

Donan’s birth date of 550 is a supposition, deriving largely from a comment in a document that he was contemporary of but younger than, St Columba.   He seems to have crossed to south western Scotland early in his adult life, possibly in company with a number of followers.   His progress can then be traced by a series of places named “Kildonan”, “Kildonnan”, “Chapel Donan” and “Eilean Donan” stretching up the western seaboard of Scotland from Ayrshire and the Isle of Arran via the Western Isles to Sutherland.   Additionally, it is said, that at least eleven churches in Scotland are dedicated to St Donan.St-Donan1

It is said that Donan went to visit St Columbanus, asking him to be his anamchara or soul-friend, a spiritual director and that Columbanus refused.   This may have been because Donan was welcomed by the Picts while Columba may have had his difficulties with them.   But another story records that Columba said:   “I will not be anamchara to one, who will inherit red martyrdom along with your people.”st Donnan

It is interesting, that in the centuries during which Celtic missionaries were spreading the Christian faith across Scotland, there are very few examples of any of them coming to any harm, from those whose faiths they were trying to replace.   St Donan is the most notable exception.   He and his followers had established a Monastery on the east side of the Isle of Eigg, facing the Scottish mainland.   It is said that Donan got into a dispute with a local noblewoman over the grazing of sheep on the island.   It seems she chose to resolve the dispute by commissioning a raiding party to remove the Monks from the island in the most permanent and brutal way possible.   On 17 April 617 the raiding party arrived.   They allowed Donan to complete the liturgy before herding him and all his fifty two monks into the refectory and setting it on fire, or beheaded, depending on the source.

St Donan was Canonised on 11 July 1898 by Pope Leo XIII (cultus confirmed).

Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Friday in the Easter Octave +2020 and Memorials of the Saints – 17 April

Friday in the Easter Octave +2020

Bl Andrés Hibernón Real OFM (1534-1602)

St Agia of Hainault
St Anthia of Illyria
St Athanasia of Aegina
St Bitheus
St Calocerus of Brescia
St Cogitosus
St Corebus
St Donan of Eigg (Died 617) Priest and Martyr
St Eleuterius of Illyria
St Elpidius of Melitene
St Eusebius of Fano
St Galdinus of Milan
St Gebuinus of Lyons
St Genocus
St Hermogenes of Melitene
Bl Idesbald of Dunes
Bl James Oldo
Bl Joseph Moreau
St Laserian of Leighlin
Bl Louis Leroy
Bl Luca Passi
St Perfecto of Córdoba
St Pusicio
St Robert de Turlande/Chaise-Dieu OSB (c 1000-1067)
His Life:
Bl Roman Archutowski
Bl Savina Petrilli
St Stephen Harding O.Cist. (1050-1104) Co-Founder of the Cistercian Order
About St Stephen:
St Ursmar of Lobbes
St Wigbert of Augsburg

Posted in Uncategorized

Beloved Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI has turned 93 today!! – 16 April

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI has turned 93 today!!

Please join me in wishing our beloved Pope Emeritus on his Birthday.

16 april 2020 93rd birthday papa benedict with heart stickers love you

On Holy Saturday, 93 years ago today, Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger was born and Baptised. This baby was destined to be our Holy Father from 19 April 2005 to 26 February 2013.

This year’s birthday will be different given the restrictions and lockdowns in place, across Italy, Europe and the world, which will not permit his brother, Msgr. Georg Ratzinger, to join him this year.

Yet, “we are doing well,” Benedict’s personal secretary, Archbishop Georg Ganswein says.

Let us all pray a Rosary for beloved Pope Benedict today!


Thought for the Day – 16 April – The Road to Calvary

Thought for the Day – 16 April – Meditations with Antonio Cardinal Bacci (1881-1971)

The Road to Calvary

After having been condemned to death, Jesus is delivered into the hands of the Jews to be crucified as a malefactor.
Two rough beams of wood are fixed together, in the form of a cross and placed upon His shoulders.
He is already worn out with suffering and has lost large quantities of blood as a result of the scourging and of the crowing with thorns.
Jesus does not reject the Cross, but embraces it.
He has come into this world to show forth His infinite love and to redeem us from our sins by His suffering and death.
In the garden of Gethsemane, He has said with sublime resignation to the Heavenly Father:  “Not my will but thine be done” (Lk 22:42).
The Cross is too heavy for His human strength but what does that matter?
He embraces it, takes it upon His weary shoulders and sets out for Calvary.

Perhaps we have often kissed the Crucifix with reverence and affection.
Let us keep it hanging upon the walls of our home where we can gaze on it, with love and hope.
Let us pray before it in our moments of need.
But what about our own cross?
Do we love our cross as Jesus loved His?
Do we embrace it as Jesus did?
Do we bow willingly beneath the load as He did and, do we carry it, with resignation and without useless complaints?
It is not enough to love the Crucifix.
We must love our own cross as well, in silence and in prayer, knowing, that only in this way, can we imitate Jesus, Who has said to us:  “If anyone wishes to come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me” (Lk 9:23).

Antonio Cardinal Bacci

our cross - the road to calvary - bacci - 16 april 2020


Quote/s of the Day – 16 April – Repentance

Quote/s of the Day – 16 April – Easter Thursday, Readings: Acts 3:11-26, Psalm 8:2, 5-9, Luke 24:35-48 and the Memorial of St Benedict Joseph Labre (1748-1783)

“… And said to them,
“Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer
and on the third day rise from the dead 
and repentance for the forgiveness of sins
should be proclaimed in his name to all nations…”

Luke 24:46-47

luke 24 46-47 thus it is written that the christ - 15 april 2020 easter thursday

“Repentance lifts a man up. 
Mourning knocks at heaven’s gate.
Holy humility opens it.”

St John Climacus (579-649)

“The Ladder of Divine Ascent” (Step 25)

repentance lifts a man up. mourning knocks at heaven's gate - st john climacus 30 march 2020

“Meditate on the horrors of Hell,
which will last for eternity
because of one easily-committed mortal sin.
Try hard to be among the few who are chosen.
Think of the eternal flames of Hell
and how few there are that are saved.”

meditate on the horrors of hell - st benedict joseph labre 16 april 2020

“The want of proper examination,
true contrition and a firm purpose of amendment,
is the cause of bad confessions
and of the ruin of souls.”

St Benedict Joseph Labre (1748-1783)
“The Beggar of Perpetual Adoration”

the want of proper examination, true contrition - st benedict joseph labre 16 april 2020

“The saints understood how great
an outrage sin is against God.
Some of them passed their lives
in weeping for their sins.
St Peter wept all his life;
he was still weeping at his death.
St Bernard used to say,
‘Lord! Lord! it is I who fastened You to the Cross!’”

St John Vianney (1786-1859)

the-saints-understood-st-john-vianney-29-jan-2018 and adpated - 16 april 2020


One Minute Reflection -– 16 April – “You are witnesses of these things”

One Minute Reflection -– 16 April – Easter Thursday, Readings: Acts 3:11-26, Psalm 8:2, 5-9, Luke 24:35-48

“You are witnesses of these things” ... Luke 24:48

REFLECTION – “After His Resurrection, the Lord appeared to His disciples and greeted them, saying:  “Peace be with you!”   Peace is what this saving salutation truly is, since the word “salutation” derives from the word for “salvation.”   What more could one hope for?   Man receives greetings of salvation in person, for our salvation is Christ.   Yes, He is our salvation, He who was wounded for our sake and nailed to the tree, then descended from the tree and placed in a tomb.   But He is risen from the tomb and His wounds are healed, although still keeping their scars.   That His scars remain, is a help to His disciples, so that the wounds in their hearts, might be healed.   What wounds are these? The wounds of their unbelief.   He appeared before their eyes in a genuine bodily form and “they thought they were seeing a ghost.”   This is no light wound to their heart. (…)
But what does the Lord Jesus say?   “Why are you troubled? And why do questions arise in your hearts?”   It is good for man, not that thoughts should arise in his heart but that his heart should arise – arise, that is to say, to where the apostle Paul wanted to set the hearts of the faithful, when he said to them:  “If you were raised with Christ, seek what is above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Think of what is above, not of what is on earth. For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, your life appears, then you too will appear with him in glory” (Col 3:1-4).   What glory is this? The glory of the resurrection. (…)
As for us, we believe in the word of these disciples without their having shown us the Saviour’s risen body. (…)   But at that time, such an event seemed unbelievable.   And so, our Saviour led them to believe, not by sight alone but by touch, so that by means of the senses, faith might enter their hearts and be preached throughout the world, to those who had neither seen nor touched but who, nevertheless, would believe unhesitatingly (cf. Jn 20:29).” … St Augustine (354-430) Father & Doctor of the Church – Sermon 116; PL 38, 657luke 24 48 you are witnesses - as for us we believe in the word of these disciples - st augustine 16 april 2020


PRAYER – Lord God, let there be one faith in our hearts, one love for You, one Way in You, for You are the One Truth and the only Way. We linger in Your light and beg Your unending kindness. Grant that by the prayers of Your saints we may obtain Your strength and may Your Mother and ours, walk by our side and hold fast to our hand.   Through Christ our Lord, with the Holy Spirit, God for always and forever, amen.

blessed virgin queen and mother pray for us 5 may 2019

Posted in CHRIST, the WAY,TRUTH,LIFE, DOCTORS of the Church, EASTER, FATHERS of the Church, Our MORNING Offering, PRAYERS of the SAINTS, The RESURRECTION

Our Morning Offering – 15 April – St Bede’s Grant us Your Light, O Lord

Our Morning Offering – 15 April – Thursday of Easter week

Grant us Your Light, O Lord
By St Bede (673-735)
Father and Doctor of the Church

Grant us Your light, O Lord,
so that the darkness of our hearts,
may wholly pass away
and we may come at last,
to the light of Christ.
For Christ is that morning star,
who, when the night of this world has passed,
brings to His saints,
the promised light of life
and opens to them,
everlasting day.

(From ‘On the Apocalypse’)grant us your light o lord - st bede - easter thursday 16 april 2020

Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Saint of the Day – 16 April – Saint Fructuosus of Braga (Died 665)

Saint of the Day – 16 April – Saint Fructuosus of Braga (Died 665) Archbishop of Braga, Spain, Hermit, Confessor, Monk, Abbot, a great Founder of Monasteries – born in the early 7th century in Spain and died on 16 April 665 of natural causes.  Patronage – Braga.São_Frutuoso_-_Galeria_dos_Arcebispos_de_Braga

He was the son of a Duke in the region of Bierzo and at a young age accompanied his father on official trips over his estates.   After the death of his parents, Fructuosus first sought instruction from the Bishop of Palencia, studying theology in the Seminary. Fructuosus then sold his estates and distributed most of the proceeds among the poor but saved a portion to establish Monasteries.   He initially retired as a hermit to a desert in Galicia.   Many pupils gathered around him and thus originated the Monastery of Complutum in the El Bierzo region, over which he himself at first presided, later, he appointed an Abbot and again retired into the desert.   In the course of time, he founded nine other Monasteries, including one for women under the Abbess Benedicta.

We have two extant rules composed by Fructuosus – one called Complutum, the other the common rule.   Whole families embraced his rule in community refuges, which he established based on the Rule of Saint Benedict.

His relationship with the kings of his time was not always happy one.   In 652, he wrote,what was apparently a second letter, to King Recceswinth asking for the release of political prisoners held from the reign of King Chintila, some of whom had languished in prison until the reign of King Erwig.   (I can’t resist posting this image I found of King Chintila, at least it is helpful to establish the times in your minds.)

King Chintila

He was later present at the Eighth Council of Toledo in 653, in place of Bishop Riccimer of Dumio.   It was at this Council that Fructuosus raised the issue of political prisoners once again.   After the death of Bishop Riccimer, Fructuosus succeeded him in the See of Dumio in 654.   In 656, he undertook to plan for a voyage to the Levant.   However, according to the new laws enacted by King Chindasvinth, it was illegal to leave the kingdom without royal permission.   One of the few disciples privy to his plans had given him up to authorities and Fructuosus was subsequently arrested and imprisoned but soon fructuoso de braga unknown

Bishop Fructuosus attended the Tenth Council of Toledo in December 656.   The last will and testament of the recently deceased bishop Riccimer, was disputed by those who saw his freeing of slaves and distribution of church rents to the poor was responsible for the subsequent impoverishment of that see.   The Council agreed that, by not providing compensation, Bishop Riccimer had obviated his duty and the acts of his will were rendered invalid.   They gave the job of correcting the problem to Fructuosus and commanded him to take moderation in the case of the slaves.   At the same Council, Archbishop Potamius of Braga was remanded to a monastery for licentiousness and his archdiocese was given to St Fructuosus on 1 December 656, thus he became an Archbishop.

Fructuosus dressed so poorly as to be mistaken for a slave and he even received a beating from a peasant, from which he was only saved by a miracle (according to the monastic chroniclers).   His Vita is one of the chief sources for writing the history of his age.

His innocence and virtue were no security from the shafts of envy but he overcame injuries by meekness and patience and died, laid on ashes before the altar, as he desired, on the 16th of April, 665.   His relics, which for a time were in the Cathedral of Braga, were later transferred to the Shrine of Santiago de Compostela in the year 1102.   They were returned to their original location in 1966.  Fructuosus is depicted with a stag, which was devoted to him, because he had been saved it from hunters.   Below is the story from “The Little Bollandists” by Monsignor Paul Guérin, 1882:

One day he was going through a forest, when a roe, pursued by hunters, took refuge under his cloak.     The Saint took the animal under his protection and brought it to the monastery, the grateful beast never left it’s liberator,  it followed him about all day, slept at his feet at night and never ceased to cry when he was absent.   More than once, he had it taken back to the forest but it always found the track of its deliverer’s footprints.   At last it was one day killed by a young man who disliked monks.   Fructuosus was absent for a few days and, on his return, he was surprised not to see his roe run to meet him and when he heard that it was dead, he was overcome with grief, his knees trembled and he prostrated himself on the floor of the church.   It is not related whether this was to ask God to punish the cruel man but the latter soon fell ill and sent for the Father to come to his assistance.   Fructuosus took the revenge of a noble Visigoth and Christian.   He cured the murderer of his roe and restored him to health both of soul and body.   It is related of him that, wishing to escape the homage of the people, he retired into the depth of the forest and that the jays which he had brought up in the Monastery, sought him out and betrayed the place of his retreat by the joyous chattering with which they greeted him. Fructuosus is painted with a roe and jays as his emblems.


Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Thursday of the Easter Octave +2020 and Memorials of the Saints -16 April 2020

Thursday of the Easter Octave +2020

Bl Arcangelo Canetoli
St Benedict Joseph Labre – Known as the Beggar of Perpetual Adoration (1748-1783)
Dearest St Benedict Joseph:

St Bernadette of Lourdes – The Visionary of Lourdes (1844-1879)
St Bernadette!

St Drogo (1105–1186)
His life:

St Elias
St Fructuosus of Braga (Died 665)

St Herveus of Tours
Bl Joachim Piccolomini
St Lambert of Saragossa
St Lambert of Saragossa
St Magnus of Orkney
St Turibius of Astorga
St Vaise
St William Gnoffi

Martyrs of Avrillé – 26 beati: – A group of lay people who were executed together for their faith during the anti-Christian persecutions of the French Revolution. They were martyred on 16 April 1794 at Avrillé, Maine-et-Loire, France.
• Blessed Anne Maugrain
• Blessed François Micheneau veuve Gillot
• Blessed François Suhard veuve Ménard
• Blessed Jean Ménard
• Blessed Jeanne Gourdon veuve Moreau
• Blessed Jeanne Leduc épouse Paquier
• Blessed Jeanne Onillon veuve Onillon
• Blessed Jeanne Thomas veuve Delaunay
• Blessed Madeleine Cady épouse Desvignes
• Blessed Madeleine Sallé épouse Havard
• Blessed Marguerite Robin
• Blessed Marie Forestier
• Blessed Marie Gingueneau veuve Coiffard
• Blessed Marie Lardeux
• Blessed Marie Piou épouse Supiot
• Blessed Marie Rechard
• Blessed Marie Roger veuve Chartier
• Blessed Marie-Genevieve Poulain de la Forestrie
• Blessed Marthe Poulain de la Forestrie
• Blessed Perrine Bourigault
• Blessed Perrine Laurent
• Blessed Perrine Pottier épouse Turpault
• Blessed Pierre Delépine
• Blessed Renée Bourgeais veuve Juret
• Blessed Renée Rigault épouse Papin
• Blessed Renée Sechet veuve Davy
16 April 1794 at Avrillé, Maine-et-Loire, France – Beatified: 19 February 1984 by Pope John Paul II at Rome, Italy

Martyrs of Corinth – 9 saints: A group of nine Christians who were tortured and martyred together in the persecutions of Decius. We know little more than three of their names – Callistus, Charisius and Leonide. They were thrown into the sea at Corinth, Greece c250

Martyrs of Saragossa: Group of eighteen martyrs murdered in 304 in Saragossa, Spain in the persecutions of Diocletian and the prefect Dacean. We know little more than the names – Apodemus, Caecilian, Caius, Crementius, Engratia, Eventius, Felix, Fronto, Gaius, Julia, Lambert, Lupercus, Martial, Optatus, Primitivus, Publius, Quintilian, Saturnius (4 men of this name), Succesus and Urban. Their graves re-discovered in 1389 in the crypt under the church of San Encrazia in Saragossa.


Thought for the Day – 15 April – The Resurrection

Thought for the Day – 15 April – Meditations with Antonio Cardinal Bacci (1881-1971)

The Resurrection

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ, is a fundamental truth of our faith.
Jesus intended it to take place, in such a way, that nobody could reasonably deny it.
There is no historical fact which can be upheld by such clear and ample evidence, as the Resurrection of Our Lord.
It emerges, most of all, from the absolute certainty of Jesus’ death.
After the fearful scourging, crowning with thorns and crucifixion, His blood had poured forth for three hours from His nailed Hands and Feet.
Moreover, even though he saw that Christ was dead, the Roman soldier pierced His heart with a lance.
His body was taken down from the Cross and enclosed in the Tomb until the third day.
Jesus, therefore, was dead and buried.
But, there is still further proof.
The Jews remembered that Jesus had prophesied that He would rise on the third day.
For this reason, they had the sepulchre sealed and they placed a guard of soldiers beside it, so that the body could not be stolen.
In spite of the enormous stone at the mouth of the Tomb, however, Our Lord rose in glory, flinging the sentries into a state of terror and confusion.
The frightened guards ran to the leaders of the Sanhedrin and related what had happened.
If the Jewish authorities had believed that the soldiers were responsible, they would have punished them and, if they had believed that the body of Our Lord had been stolen, they would have searched for it.
Instead, they bribed the soldiers to say that the body of Jesus had been stolen while they were asleep (Mt 28:12).
St Augustine comments on the stupidity of the Jews, in calling on the testimony of sleeping witnesses!
Jesus, moreover, saw to it that St Thomas would not be present when He appeared to the other Apostles and, that he would believe only when he had seen the wounds in His hands and feet and had placed his finger in the gash made by the lance, in Our Lord’s side.
What further evidence could anyone expect?
There is a still stronger proof, however.
After the death of Jesus, the Apostles were an insignificant group of discouraged and disillusioned men, without the daring or the ability, to accomplish anything.
It was only the Resurrection of Jesus which could have given them the supreme courage to stand up to the Jews and to convert the world.
Let us fall in adoration before the risen Christ and say with St Thomas, the Apostle: “My Lord and my God!” (Jn 20:28).

Antonio Cardinal Bacci


Quote/s of the Day – 15 April – Emmaus

Quote/s of the Day – 15 April – Easter Wednesday, Readings: Acts 3:1-10, Psalm 105:1-4, 6-9, Luke 24:13-35

“And their eyes were opened and they recognised him.”

Luke 24:31

luke 24 31 and their eyes were opened and they recognised him - 15 april 2020 easter wed

“Have faith and the one you cannot see is with you.”

St Augustine (354-430)
Father and Doctor of the Church

(Tractates on the Gospel of John, 2.)

have faith and the one you cannot see is with you - emmaus - st augustine 15 april 2020

“If we encounter Jesus on our road to Emmaus,
He will send us back to our Jerusalem.”

Msgr Alex Rebello

Diocese of Wrexham, Wales

if we encounter jesus on our road to emmaus - msgr alex rebello 15 april 2020


One Minute Reflection – 15 April – Only by faith is He known to be present… 

One Minute Reflection – 15 April – Easter Wednesday, Readings: Acts 3:1-10, Psalm 105:1-4, 6-9, Luke 24:13-35

“Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us on the road, while he opened to us the Scriptures?” … Luke 24:32luke 24 32 did not our hearts burn within us -15 april 2020 easter wed

REFLECTION – “Brethren, let us turn to the account of Christ’s appearances to His disciples after the Resurrection, which are most important, first, as showing that such an unconscious communion with Him is possible;  next, that it is likely to be the sort of communion now granted to us, from the circumstance that in that period of forty days after the Resurrection, He began to be, in that relation towards His Church, in which He is still and probably intended, to intimate to us thereby, what His presence with us is now.
Now observe what was the nature of His presence in the Church after His Resurrection. It was this, that He came and went as He pleased, that material substances, such as the fastened doors, were no impediments to His coming and that, when He was present His disciples did not, as a matter of course, know Him. …  The two disciples on the way to Emmaus do not seem to have been conscious of this at the time but on looking back, they recollected that, as having been, which did not strike them while it was.   “Did not,” they say, “did not our heart burn within us?”
Let us observe, too, when it was that their eyes were opened… when He consecrated and broke the Bread.   There is evidently a stress laid on this in the gospel…  for so it was ordained, that Christ should not be both seen and known at once, first He was seen, then He was known.   Only by faith is He known to be present…  He removed His visible presence and left but a memorial of Himself.   He vanished from sight that He might be present in a Sacrament and in order to connect His visible presence with His presence invisible, He for one instant, manifest Himself to their open eyes;  manifested Himself, if I may so speak, while He passed from His hiding-place of sight without knowledge, to that of knowledge without sight.” … St John Henry Newman (1801-1890) – Cardinal, Founder of the Oratory in England, Theologian, Poet, Writer, Hymnest – PPS 6, 10

luke 24 30 broke the bread- only by faith-knowledge without sight - st john henry newman 15 apil 2020

PRAYER – Stay with me, Lord, for it is necessary to have You present so that I do not forget You.   You know how easily I abandon You.
Stay with me Lord, because I am weak and I need Your strength, so that I may not fall so often.
Stay with me Lord, for You are my life and without You, I am without fervour.
Stay with me Lord, for You are my light and without you, I am in darkness.
Stay with me Lord, to show me Your will.
Stay with me Lord, so that I may hear Your voice and follow You…. St Padre Pio of Pietrelcina (1887-1968) (Stay with Me, Lord – Excerpt)
And grant holy Father, that the prayers of Our Lord’s Mother and ours, the Blessed Virgin, may assist us on our way.   Through Christ, our Lord, with the Holy Spirit, one God with You, forever, amen.stay-with-me-o-lord-st-padre-pio-23-sept-2018 and 22 sept 2019 2


Our Morning Offering – 15 April – Tis I – Be not Afraid!

Our Morning Offering – 15 April – Easter Wednesday

Tis I – Be not Afraid!
St John Henry Newman (1801-1890)

WHEN I sink down in gloom or fear,
Hope blighted or delayed,
Thy whisper, Lord, my heart shall cheer,
“’Tis I – be not afraid!”

Or, startled at some sudden blow,
If fretful thoughts I feel,
“Fear not, it is but I!” shall flow,
As balm my wound to heal.

Nor will I quit Thy way, though foes
Some onward pass defend,
From each rough voice the watchword goes,
“Be not afraid!… a Friend!”

And O! when judgement’s trumpet clear
Awakes me from the grave,
Still in it’s echo may I hear,
“’Tis Christ!  He comes to save.”tis i be not afraid 15 april 2020 st john henry newman easter wed

Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Saint of the Day – 15 April – St Paternus of Wales (c 482-c 568)

Saint of the Day – 15 April – St Paternus of Wales (c 482-c 568) Bishop, Monk, Hermit, renowned Preacher – he built a Monastery of Llanbadarn Fawr in Wales.    He died in c 568 of natural causes.   He is also known as Padern.Vannes_-_cathédrale,_vitrail_des_saints_Patern_et_Mériadec_Detail_Padarn

Paternus, was born in Brittany to devout parents named Patran and Gwen.   His father received Gwen’s permission to live as a hermit in Ireland and she brought up their son to be pious and godly.   The boy cherished the memory of his father and followed his father’s footsteps, becoming a monk and moving to Wales to become a hermit himself.

He met the great Welsh saints and humbly learned from them.   Instead of leading a solitary life, Paternus was called to found a great Monastery.   He built a Monastey in Cardiganshire that was later known as Llanabarn (Llanbadarn) Fawr, which means, “the church of the great Paternus.”   Over 120 monks joined Paternus and he became Bishop of the area.

Paternus was a bold opponent of the pagan kings of the region, never tiring of preaching in the hope of their conversion.   King Maelgun accused the saint of stealing royal treasure and Paternus proved his innocence by plunging his hand into boiling water and taking it out completely unharmed.   He was known for his preaching, charity and mortifications.

Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Wednesday of the Easter Octave +2020 & Memorials of the Saints – 15 April

Wednesday of the Easter Octave +2020

St Abbo II of Metz
St Abbondio
St Acuta
St Basilissa of Rome
Blessed Cesar de Bus (1544-1607)

St Crescens of Myra
St Eutyches of Rome
St Eutychius of Ferentino
St Huna of Slättåkra
St Hunna (of Strasbourg) (died 679)
The life of St Hunna:

Bl Laurentinus Sossius
St Maro of Rome
St Maximus of Persia
St Mundus
St Nidger of Augsburg
St Olympiades of Persia
St Ortario of Landelles
St Paternus/Padarn of Wales (c 482-c 568)
St Pausilopo of Thrace
St Ruadhan of Lorrha (died 584)
About St Ruadhan:
St Sylvester of Réome
St Theodore of Thrace
St Victorinus of Rome
St Waltmann of Cambrai

Mercedarian Martyrs of Africa: A group of Mercedarian monks sailing to Africa as on a mission to redeem capture Christians. Captured by Moors, they were tortured and executed for their faith. Martyrs. 1393


Thought for the Day – 14 April – The Death of our Saviour

Thought for the Day – 14 April – Meditations with Antonio Cardinal Bacci (1881-1971)

The Death of our Saviour

In the midst of His sufferings, Jesus forgets Himself and pray for His executioners.
“Father,” He pleaded, “forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing” (Lk 23:34).
Who were these people who crucified Him?
We know well that they were not only the Jews but all of us.
The prophet Isaiah, had foretold this.  “He was wounded for our iniquities, he was bruised for our sins … He was offered because it was his own will…” (Is 53:5-7).
We are all the crucifiers of Jesus.   Therefore, He willed to suffer and to die for all of us and when He was hanging on the Cross, He begged for forgiveness for us all.
This should incite us to trust in God and to do repentance for our sins.
We should be sorry for our sins because, they were the real cause of the voluntary death of Jesus.
We should have confidence in Him, because, He forgave us when He was dying on the Cross and is ready to pardon us again, as long as we are sincerely repentant.

Let us consider how Jesus, even though He was derided and nailed to the Cross, prayed for and forgave His executioners.
How do we normally behave?
Perhaps we fly into anger at the first word of offence or act of misunderstanding, or perhaps we nourish secret feelings of hatred in our hearts for our brothers in Jesus Christ?
Let us kneel before the Cross and tell Our Lord, that we wish to be meek and humble of heart, like Him.
We wish to be quick to forgive and to live in peace and, even, if it is necessary, to do good to those who offend us, or at any rate, to pray fervently for them.

Antonio Cardinal Bacci


Quote/s of the Day – 3 April – Love calls your name

Quote/s of the Day – 3 April – Tuesday in the Easter Octave

“Fear not, for I have redeemed you,
I have called you by name, you are mine.”

Isaiah 43:1

isaiah 43 1 fear not for i have redeemed you i have called you by name you are mine 14 april 2020 easter tuesday

“Since love grows within you,
so beauty grows.
For love is the beauty of the soul.”

since love grows within you - st augustine - 3 april 2018

“A Christian is:
a mind through which Christ thinks,
a heart through which Christ loves,
a voice through which Christ speaks
and a hand through which Christ helps.”

St Augustine (354-430)
Father & Doctor of the Church

a chrisitan is a mind through which christ thinks - st augustine 14 april 2020 easter tuesday

“He will be with you also,
all the way, that faithful God.
Every morning when you awaken
to the old and tolerable pain,
at every mile of the hot uphill dusty road of tiring duty,
on, to the judgement seat,
the same Christ there as ever,
still loving you,
still sufficient for you, even then.
And then, on through all eternity.”

Thomas à Kempis (1380-1471)

he will be with you also all the way - thomas a kempis 14 april 2020

“Think of the Cross when you rise and when you lie down,
when you go out and when you come in,
when you eat and when you walk and when you converse,
when you buy and when you sell,
when you labour and when you rest,
consecrating and sealing all your doings with this one mental action –
the thought of the Crucified.
Do not talk of it to others – be silent, like the penitent woman,
who showed her love in deep subdued acts.
She “stood at His feet behind Him weeping
and began to wash His feet with tears
and did wipe them with the hairs of her head
and kissed His feet and anointed them with the Ointment.”
And Christ said of her,
“Her sins, which are many, are forgiven her, for she loved much
but to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little.” [Luke vii. 38, 47.]”

St John Henry Newman (1801-1890)

Parochial Sermons V 23

think of the cross - st john henry newman 14 april 2020 easter tuesday

“Mary –
the revolution of her life,
the revolution destined
to transform the existence
of every man and woman,
begins with a name
that echoes in the garden
of the empty tomb…”

Pope Francis

Feast of St Mary of Magdalamary the revolution of her life - pope francis - 14 april 2020 easter tuesday


One Minute Reflection – 14 April – ‘Not everyone saw the Risen Jesus. Why Not?’

One Minute Reflection – 14 April – Tuesday of Easter week, Readings: Acts 2:36-41, Psalm 33:4-5, 18-20, 22, John 20:11-18

Jesus said to her, “Mary.”   She turned and said to him in Aramaic “Rabboni!” (which means Teacher). … John 20:16

REFLECTION – “One question, however, continually arises at this point.   Not everyone saw the Risen Jesus.   Why not?   Why did He not go in triumph to the Pharisees and Pilate to show them that He was alive and to let them touch His scars?   But in asking such a question, we are forgetting that Jesus was not a resuscitated corpse like Lazarus and the boy of Naim.   They were allowed to return once more, to their erstwhile biological life, which sooner or later, would have to end, after all, with death.   What happened in Jesus’ case, was quite different – He did not return to the old life but began a new one, a life that is ultimate, no longer subject to nature’s law of death but standing in God’s freedom and hence final and absolute.   A life, therefore, that is no longer part of the realm of physics and biology, although it has integrated matter and nature into itself on a higher plane.   And that is why it is no longer within the ambit of our senses of touch and sight.   The Risen One cannot be seen like a piece of wood or stone.   He can only be seen by the person to whom He reveals Himself.   And He only reveals Himself, to the one whom He can entrust with a mission.   He does NOT reveal Himself, to curiosity but to LOVE;  LOVE is the indispensable organ if we are to see and approach Him.” … Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI) – The Word of the Witnesses – Seek that Which is Above (1985)john 20 16 jesus said to her mary - the risen one cannot be seen like pieceor wood or stone - ratzinger - pope benedict 14 april easter tuesday

PRAYER – Almighty, ever-living God, You gave our Saviour the command to become man and undergo the Cross, as an example of humility for all men to follow and showed the Grace of Your love for us.   We have the lessons of His suffering, grant us the grace of His love and the fellowship of His Resurrection.   May Mary, His Mother and ours, who after the pain and sorrow of the Cross, rejoiced in the glory of His Resurrection, intercede for us, that we may grow in true love of her Son and thus join in her rejoicing.   Through Christ our Lord, with the Holy Spirit, one God forever, amen.holy mary mother of god - pray for us - 13 may 2018


Our Morning Offering –14 April – St Irenaeus – “O Lamb of God”

Our Morning Offering –14 April – Tuesday of Easter week

O Lamb of God
By St Irenaeus (c 135- c 202)
Bishop & Martyr, Father of the Church

O Lamb of God,
who takes away the sin of the world,
look upon us and have mercy upon us;
You who art Yourself, both victim and Priest,
Yourself, both Reward and Redeemer,
keep safe from all evil
those whom You have redeemed,
O Saviour of the world.



Saint of the Day – 14 April – St Benezet the Bridge Builder (c 1163-1184)

Saint of the Day – 14 April – St Benezet the Bridge Builder (c 1163-1184) Shepherd, Mystic, miracle-worker, Founder of the Fratres Pontifices – the Bridge-Building Brotherhood.   St Benezet is also known as Benezet of Hermillon, Benedict, Bennet, Benet, Benoit, Little Benedict the Bridge Builder.   Born in c 1163 at Hermillon, Savoy, France and died in 1184. Patronages – Avignon, bachelors, bridge-builders and construction workers.   His body is beneset header

St Benezet, also known as Little Benedict the Bridge Builder, was born somewhere in the countryside of eastern or northeastern France.   As he grew up he tended his mother’s sheep.   Though uneducated and unskilled, gentle Benedict was a quiet, devout youth, thoughtful of others.

One day in 1177, while the sun was in eclipse, Benezet heard a voice, he believed was Jesus, commanding him three times to go to Avignon, where the Rhone current was especially swift and to build a bridge there.   He was also told that angels would watch over his flocks in his absence.  st-benezet holy card

He obeyed the Divine order, without delay and reported immediately to the Bishop of Avignon.   Naturally, the Bishop was hesitant about accepting the word of the frail teenager.   But little Benezet lifted a massive stone to begin the work and announced that it would be the start of the foundation.   This would become the Pont Saint-Bénézet.   Thus he succeeded in convincing the Bishop that the construction of the bridge would be an act of true Christian charity.   Permission was granted and the youth set about his task.   According to the legend, there were shouts of “Miracle! Miracle!” when Bénézet had lifted and laid that first huge stone.   Eighteen miracles occurred in total during the project – the blind had their vision restored, the deaf could hear again, cripples could walk and hunchbacks had their backs straightened.512px-Saint_Bénézet,_Notre_Dame_des_Doms,_Avignon

For the next seven years Benedict worked hard on the project and around 1181 he won support for his project from wealthy sponsors who formed themselves into a Bridge Brotherhood to fund its construction.   This was a religious association active during the 12th and 13th centuries and begun in Avignon but by it’s inspiration, it spread across Europe and whose purpose was building bridges, especially to assist pilgrims.   It was customary for a bishop to grant indulgences to those who, by money or labour, contributed to the construction of a bridge.   They also maintained and/or built hospices at the chief fords of the principal rivers, besides building bridges and looking after ferries.   The Brotherhood consisted of three branches– knights, clergy and artisans, where the knights usually had contributed most of the funds and were sometimes called donati, the clergy were usually monks who represented the church and the artisans were the workers who actually built the bridges.   Sisters are sometimes mentioned as belonging to the same association.   In addition to the construction of bridges, the brotherhood often attended to the lodging and care of pilgrims and travellers and the collection of alms, in this area, the sisters were most benezet sml glass

In 1184, sadly, young Benezet died, some four years before the great stone bridge at Avignon was completed.   The wonders that occurred during the bridge’s erection and the miracles wrought at the Bridge Builder’s tomb convinced the people of Avignon that the young man was a Saint and he was referred to as such as early at 1237.   They, therefore, built a Chapel on the “Bridge of St Benezet” to enshrine his relics  . There the body was venerated until 1669, when floodwaters carried away a large segment of the bridge.   His remains were rescued from the flood and on examination, were found to be incorrupt.   Now they repose in the local church of St benezet and relics

Understandably, bridge builders adopted little Benedict as their Patron Saint.   The remains of the bridge still remain a pilgrimage site.  Below are artworks and images showing the bride through the ages.   The last shows it as it is today, only about half is left and that half if filled with pilgrims.

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St Benezet’s bridge has another claim to fame – it achieved worldwide fame through its commemoration by the song “Sur le Pont d’Avignon” (“On the Bridge of Avignon”).

One can build in a figurative as well as a literal sense.   Bishops, the pope in particular, are often called “pontiffs”, a title derived from the Latin word for “builder of bridges”. Building bridges between God and mankind is their special calling.   Our Lord Himself was a “pontiff” in the sense that He made his Cross a bridge, on which souls could enter heaven.   The beatitude “Blessed are the peacemakers” promises heaven to those who work for reconciliation, that is, “build bridges”.

Some persons labour to raise walls, or “iron curtains” to divide mankind.   Others labour to tear down the walls that divide, straighten the paths that connect, bridge the crevices that separate people.   Surely they come close to fulfilling the great commandment to love our neighbour as oneself.   St Benezet was one such.   He promoted the unity of God’s children.    Little St Benezet, Pray for us!st BENEZET bY becker

st benezet the bridge builder

Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Tuesday of the Easter Octave +2020 and Memorials of the Saints – 14 April

Tuesday of the Easter Octave +2020

St Abundius the Sacristan
St Antony of Vilna
St Ardalion the Actor
St Benezet the Bridge Builder (c 1163-1184)

St Bernhard of Tiron
St Domnina of Terni
St Eustace of Vilna
St Fronto of Nitria
Bl Hadewych
St John of Monte Marano
St John of Vilna
St Lambert of Lyon
Blessed Lucien Botovasoa (1908-1947) Martyr
Blessed Lucien’s life:

St Lydwina of Schiedam (1380-1433)

St Maximus of Rome
St Peter Gonzalez OP (1190 – 1246)
About St Peter:

St Tassach of Raholp
St Thomaides of Alexandria
St Tiburtius of Rome
St Valerian of Trastevere


Thought for the Day – 13 April – Easter: The Herald of Peace

Thought for the Day – 13 April – Meditations with Antonio Cardinal Bacci (1881-1971)

Easter:  The Herald of Peace

“When Jesus was born in the manger at Bethlehem, the sky became brilliantly aglow and Angels descended singing: “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace among men of goodwill.”
When our Lord had risen from the dead, He greeted the Apostles with the words: “Peace be with you!”
Peace, is a gift from God, only He can give real peace.
The peace of this world has a certain value but, it is nothing like the genuine and soul-satisfying, peace, which God can give us.
This is why Jesus said to His Apostles: “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you, not as the world gives do I give to you” (Jn 14:27).
Worldly peace is external and can be disturbed or destroyed by men but, the peace of God is internal and nothing can destroy it, except sin.
It is possible to be persecuted and slandered and yet, to preserve interior peace, as the Martyrs and the Saints did in adversity.
It is this inner peace which we must aim at acquiring.
We shall be truly content, when we have achieved it, because, as St Thomas Aquinas says, “the fullness of joy is peace” (Summa Theologiae, I-II, q70, a3).
St Thomas Aquinas defined peace as “tranquillitas ordinis,” (Ibid II-II, q29, a1 ad1) i.e. “tranquillity of order;” St Augustine called it “ordinata corcordia” (De Civitate Dei, XIX:13) i.e. “ordered harmony.”
It is not sufficient for this harmony and order to be established externally among men.
It is necessary that this harmony and order should reign first of all, in our minds and hearts and in our actions.”

Antonio Cardinal Bacci