Matka Boża Tęskniąca / Longing Mother of God, Warsaw, Poland and Memorials of the Saints – 26 June

Matka Boża Tęskniąca / Longing Mother of God, Warsaw, Poland – 26 June:

One of the oldest Churches in the Archdiocese of Warsaw is St Elizabeth Powsin Located on the main Altar is a painting of th Longing Mother of God– artist unknown – from the first half of the seventeenth century. At either side, the image is surrounded by statues of Saints Adalbert and Stanislaus – Polish Bishops and Martyrs.
The testimony of miracles and graces relating to the Longing Mother of God icon, have been collected at least since the mid-seventeenth century.
On 28 June 1998, the image became the fourth image of Mary in the Archdiocese of Warsaw to be canonically Crowned.

St Acteie of Rome
St Albinus of Rome

Blessed Andrea Giacinto Longhin OFM. Cap (1863 – 1936) Bishop of Treviso, Italy from 1904 until his death.
His Life:

Bl Andrii Ischak
St Anthelm of Belley O. Cart. (c 1105-1178) Bishop, Prior
St Babolenus of Stavelot-Malmédy
St Barbolenus of Fossés
Bl Bartholomew of Vir
St Corbican
St David of Thessalonica
St Deodatus of Nola
St Dionysius of Bulgaria
St Edburga of Gloucester
St Hermogius of Tuy
St Iosephus Ma Taishun
St John of Rome
St John of the Goths
St José Maria Robles Hurtado

St Josemaria Escriva (1902-1975) “The Saint of Ordinary Life” – Priest, Founder of Opus Dei.

Blessed Jacques Ghazir Haddad OFM Cap (1875-1954) the “St Vincent de Paul of Lebanon,“the Apostle of the Cross” and “the Apostle of Lebanon.” Priest, Religious of the Order of Friars Minor as a Capuchin Friar, Founder of the Franciscan Sisters of the Holy Cross of which he is the Patron, noted Preacher and founder of many orphanages and schools across Lebanon.
Beautiful Blessed Jacques:

St Maxentius of Poitou
St Medico of Otricoli
Bl Mykola Konrad
St Paul of Rome
St Pelagius of Oviedo
St Perseveranda of Poitiers
Bl Raymond Petiniaud de Jourgnac
St Salvius
Bl Sebastian de Burgherre
St Soadbair
St Superius
St Terence of Rome
St Vigilius of Trent
Bl Volodymyr Ivanovych Pryima

Martyrs of Africa – 4 saints: Four Christians who were martyred together – Agapitus, Emerita, Felix and Gaudentius at an unknown location in Africa, date unknown.

Martyrs of Alexandria – 3 saints: Three Christians who were martyred together, but we really know little more that the names – Agatho, Diogenes and Luceja. They were martyred in Alexandria, Egypt, date unknown.

Martyrs of Cambrai – 4 beati: Four Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul nuns at Arras, France. Imprisoned together in 1792 and executed together two years later in the anti-Catholic excesses of the French Revolution. They were:
• Jeanne Gerard
• Marie-Françoise Lanel
• Marie-Madeleine Fontaine
• Thérèse-Madeleine Fantou
They were guillotined on 26 June 1794 at Cambrai, Nord, France and Beatified in June 1920 by Pope Benedict XV.

Posted in CHRIST, the WAY,TRUTH,LIFE, DOCTORS of the Church, FATHERS of the Church, ONE Minute REFLECTION, QUOTES of the SAINTS, QUOTES on SIN, SAINT of the DAY, The WORD

One Minute Reflection – 26 June – “… Go show yourself to the priest”

One Minute Reflection – 26 June – “Month of the Sacred Heart” – Friday of the Twelfth week in Ordinary Time, Year A, Readings 2 Kings 25:1-12Psalm 137:1-6Matthew 8:1-4 and the Memorial of Blessed Andrea Giacinto Longhin OFM.Cap (1863 – 1936) Bishop

“Then Jesus said to him, ‘See that you tell no-one but go show yourself to the priest and offer the gift that Moses prescribed; that will be proof for them.’” … Matthew 8:4matthew 8 4 see that you tell no-one but go show yourself to the priest - 26 june 2020

REFLECTION – “What then was the gift that was to be brought by the leper according to the law?   “Two small birds,” one of which the priest killed “over running water.”   Taking “cedar wood and broken scarlet and hyssop” and the living bird, he dipped them “in the blood of the slain bird, over running water.”   He anointed the right ear, hand and foot of the leper who was cleansed.   He sent the living bird outside the city, “into the open field.”
Observe, therefore, how perfectly Christ depicts these things for us.   By the living bird you may understand the living, heavenly Word.
By the blood of the slain bird, you should understand the blood of our suffering Lord, for whom, we say, that He suffered “in the flesh,” rather than “in his own body.”
The cedar is a wood not prone to rot.   The incorruptible flesh, the body of Christ, “did not see corruption.”
Hyssop symbolises the effervescence, activity and power of the Spirit.
Scarlet intends the confession of the covenant made with blood.
The running water signifies the life-creating gift of baptism.
Through this baptism, whoever has become a leper through sin may be cleansed.
The sending of the living bird outside of the city teaches us to abandon this world, as did Christ in His ascension into heaven.
Having thus come into the presence of God the Father, He makes intercession for all of us and we, therefore, shall be cleansed.
By the anointing of the leper’s right ear, hand and foot, we are taught that we must be, in contemplation and in action and in our way of life, in touch with divine things.” … St Cyril of Alexandria (376-444) Father known as “The Pillar of the Faith” Doctor of the Incarnation (Fragment 93)what then was the gift that was to be brought by the leper - st cyril of alex 26 june 2020

PRAYER – Enable me loving Father, to live a life of purity that will make me live in You.   Let me be so united with You that whatever I might ask will be in total accord with Your will for me.   Bl Andrea Giacinto Longhin, your tireless work and preaching for the glory of the Kingdom show us the way to sanctification, please intercede for us all. May Mary our Mother of Compassion, be our constant companion.   We make our prayer through Christ our Lord, with the Holy Spirit, one God for all eternity, amen.BL ANDREA GIACINTO LONGHIN PRAY FOR US ORA PRO NOBIS 26 JUNE 2020

Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Saint of the Day – 26 June – Blessed Andrea Giacinto Longhin OFM.Cap (1863 – 1936)

Saint of the Day – 26 June – Blessed Andrea Giacinto Longhin OFM.Cap (1863 – 1936) Bishop of Treviso, Italy from 1904 until his death, Priest of the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin, Teacher, renowned Preacher, Reformer, Spiritual guide, Apostolic Visitor – born as Hyacinth Bonaventure Longhin on 23 November 1863 in Fiumicello di Campodarsego, Province and Diocese of Padua, Italy and died on Friday 26 June 1936 in Treviso, Italy of natural causes following an eight-month illness. Patronage – Diocese of andrea longhin

Blessed Andrea held various roles of leadership within his Order following his Ordination such as acting as a Professor in Udine and acting as the Provincial Minister for his Order.   He became close friends with the Patriarch of Venice, Giuseppe Melchiorre Sarto. The latter became Pope Pius X in 1903 who made his old friend Andrea, the new Bishop for the vacant Treviso episcopal see.

The Bishop became noted for his devotion to pastoral reform initiatives, that sought to strengthen the spiritual formation for Seminarians and ongoing formation for the Diocesan Priests.   He was active in organising and collaborating in relief initiatives during World War I and was even awarded the Cross of Merit for his activism.

Bishop Andrea Longhin, a Capuchin religious of deep spirituality and solid doctrine, was a gift of Pope Pius X to the Diocese of Treviso, his place of origin.   Together with the Church entrusted to him, he lived heroically in one of the most difficult and exciting times of Catholicism in Italy in the 19th and 20th centuries.

He was born on 23rd November 1863 in Fiumicello di Campodarsego (Province and Diocese of Padua) into the family of the poor and very religious tenant farmers, Matthew and Judith Marin and given the names Hyacinth Bonaventure at his Baptism.   Early on, he showed signs of a vocation to the Priesthood and religious life.   At the age of 16 he entered the novitiate of the Capuchin Order under the name of Andrea of Campodarsego and then completed his humanistic studies in Padua and the theological studies in Venice.   On 19th June 1886, only 23 years old, he was Ordained a Priest.   For 18 years he held the office of spiritual director and instructor of the young religious and proved himself a firm guide and an enlightened teacher.   In 1902 he was elected Provincial Minister of the Capuchins of Venice.   In this period at Venice the Patriarch Sarto “discovered” him and charged him with the ministry of preaching and a variety of delicate tasks in the service of the Diocese.

Just a few months after becoming Pope, Pius X on 13th April 1904, personally appointed Fr Andrea as Bishop of Treviso and wanted him to be Consecrated in Rome.   The Consecration, by Cardinal Rafael Merry del Val, took place a few days later in the Church of Trinità dei Monti in Rome.   Before the new shepherd moved into his Diocese on the following 6th August, he had issued two pastoral letters that outlined his reform programme.   The following year he began his first pastoral visit which lasted almost five years – he wanted to know his church, which belongs to the largest and most peopled of the Venetian region;  he wanted to establish a personal contact with his clergy, who would take first place in his pastoral care;   he also intended to be close to the lay associations, which at the time, were exposed to severe trials in the field of the Catholic social movement.   He concluded the visit with the celebration of the Synod, which had, as it’s aim, the implementation in the Diocese, the reforms initiated by Pius X, to equip the local church to be “militant” and to call all, clergy and lay people, to a life in holiness.

He reformed the Diocesan Seminary by improving the quality of studies and the spiritual formation.   He promoted spiritual retreats for the clergy and prepared, every year personally, a programme of ongoing formation.   He guided the Priests in their pastoral activity with precise guidelines and verified their application in three further pastoral visits.

At the outbreak of the First World War (1915-1918), Treviso was on the frontline;  it suffered invasions and the first aerial attacks, which destroyed the town and over 50 parishes.   Bishop Longhin remained at his post even when the civilian authorities escaped to safer places.   He wanted his Priests to do the same, unless they had to accompany their people on flight.   He led the destiny of the town with heroic courage, was the point of reference in religious, moral and civilian matters for a whole community in turmoil.   He organised assistance for the soldiers, the sick and the poor.   Encouraging everybody, he never fell prey to partisanship or war rhetoric, yet he was accused of defeatism and some of his Priests were tried in court and andrea longhin sml

In the difficult years of the material and spiritual reconstruction, the Bishop resumed the second pastoral visit which had been interrupted. He was a firm leader at a time of grave social tensions, which divided the Catholics among themselves.   He insisted, with evangelical firmness, that justice and social peace, demanded the straight road of non-violence and the unity of all Catholics.   The fascist movement was growing at the time and had its instances of violence in Treviso, especially against Catholic organisations.   From 1926 to 1934 Bishop Longhin made his third pastoral visit, to strengthen the faith of the parish communities – in his understanding, the militant Church was a Church fully geared towards holiness and prepared for martyrdom!

Pope Pius XI held Bishop Longhin in great esteem;  he entrusted him with the delicate task of Apostolic Visitor, first in Padua, then in Udine, in order to bring back peace to those Dioceses, suffering from divisions between the Priests and their Bishop.

God wanted to purify his faithful servant and afflicted him with an illness that deprived him progressively of his mental faculties.  Longhin endured his suffering with extraordinary faith and total abandonment into the will of God.   He died on 26th June 1936.  His remains are interred in the Cathedral of Treviso.

He had been known for his holiness, his heroic charity and his wise evangelical guidance when still alive.   With his death the devotion to the saintly shepherd grew stronger and quickly spread, especially in the Dioceses of Treviso and Padua and also in the Capuchin Order.   The devotion exalted his virtues and implored his intercession.   The process of Beatification was introduced in 1964.   In the same year the young Dino Stella was cured of diffuse peritonitis on the intercession of Longhin.   It is this miracle that was recognised for his Beatification.Holy-Card-bl andrea longhin

His spiritual Heritage:
The unique connection of Bishop Andrea Giacinto Longhin with St Pope Pius X, was fundamentally of spiritual nature – the holiness of one, reminds and, in a way, produces the holiness of the other.   Both have lived for the Church and with the Church, conceiving the pastoral ministry as a formation to holiness and, the whole life of the Church, as a call to be “holy and immaculate.”   Both were driven to make themselves “models of the flock” in the footsteps of Christ the Good Shepherd.   Bishop Longhin identified himself with his Church to the point of taking up the burden of all vicissitudes of history, living them in the first person and paying the price for so doing.

Franciscan spirituality, in the rigorous form of the Capuchin Order, always guided Bishop Longhin, not only in a his life that was ascetical, exacting and faithfully observant (prayer and penitence) but also, in an evangelical commitment without compromise – God as the Supreme, “religious” obedience towards the Church, poverty lived as freedom, respect for all things of the world.

His reform efforts brought him also cross and suffering, from the part of the clergy that was not willing to follow him on the path of renewal, as well as, from the laity that was either fixed on their material interests or taking sides with partisan positions.   He was opposed by Fascism, which preferred to avenge itself on the Priests and the organised laity, thus inflicting on the pastor greater pain than if it had turned against his person.    Right until his end, he remained the leader of a militant church that did not give in, neither to violence nor to flattery.   In his charity, which he exercised with extraordinary dedication, he showed no weakness, being convinced that charity always called for truth.   In him, firmness and humility appeared wonderfully united.   The fruit of his testimony of holiness and of his courageous pastoral leadership, is the fact, that the church of Treviso, in that period of it’s history, has produced numerous saints among the Priests, religious and laity.   Praise be to God! Amen … Vatican.vasantino-holy-card-B-ANDREA-GIACINTO-LONGHIN

St Pope John Paul II Beatified Andrea Longhin on 20 Octoer 2002 in Saint Peter’s Square.


Feasts of Our Lady and Memorials of the Saints – 26 June

Blessed Virgin of Potente del Trompone:
Visionary:  Domenica di Miglianotto on 26 June 1562
2nd Visionary: St Peter of Alcantara (1499-1562) – seen below:st-t-of-a-and-st-peter-of-alcantara

Our Lady of Longing:   Matka Boża Tęskniąca / Longing Mother of God, Warsaw, Poland – One of the oldest churches in the Archdiocese of Warsaw is St Elizabeth Powsin Located on the main altar is a painting of Our Lady of Longing – artist unknown – from the first half of the seventeenth century.   At either side, the image is surrounded by statues of Saints Adalbert and Stanislaus – Polish bishops and martyrs . The testimony of miracles and graces relating to the Our Lady of Longing icon have been collected at least since the mid-seventeenth century. On 28 June 1998, the image became the fourth image of Mary in the Archdiocese of Warsaw to be canonically crowned.our-lady-of-longing-26-june 2017

St Acteie of Rome
St Albinus of Rome
Blessed Andrea Giacinto Longhin OFM. Cap(1863 – 1936) Bishop
Bl Andrii Ischak
St Anthelm of Belley
St Babolenus of Stavelot-Malmédy
St Barbolenus of Fossés
Bl Bartholomew of Vir
St Corbican
St David of Thessalonica
St Deodatus of Nola
St Dionysius of Bulgaria
St Edburga of Gloucester
St Hermogius of Tuy
St Iosephus Ma Taishun
St John of Rome
St John of the Goths
St José Maria Robles Hurtado
St Josemaria Escriva (1902-1975)

Blessed Jacques Ghazir Haddad OFM Cap (1875-1954)
Beautiful Blessed Jacques:
St Maxentius of Poitou
St Medico of Otricoli
Bl Mykola Konrad
St Paul of Rome
St Pelagius of Oviedo
St Perseveranda of Poitiers
Bl Raymond Petiniaud de Jourgnac
St Salvius
Bl Sebastian de Burgherre
St Soadbair
St Superius
St Terence of Rome
St Vigilius of Trent
Bl Volodymyr Ivanovych Pryima

Martyrs of Africa – 4 saints: Four Christians who were martyred together – Agapitus, Emerita, Felix and Gaudentius at an unknown location in Africa, date unknown.

Martyrs of Alexandria – 3 saints: Three Christians who were martyred together, but we really know little more that the names – Agatho, Diogenes and Luceja. They were martyred in Alexandria, Egypt, date unknown.

Martyrs of Cambrai – 4 beati: Four Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul nuns at Arras, France. Imprisoned together in 1792 and executed together two years later in the anti-Catholic excesses of the French Revolution. They were:
• Jeanne Gerard
• Marie-Françoise Lanel
• Marie-Madeleine Fontaine
• Thérèse-Madeleine Fantou
They were guillotined on 26 June 1794 at Cambrai, Nord, France and Beatified in June 1920 by Pope Benedict XV.