Quote/s of the Day – 7 June – St Anthony Mary Gianelli

Quote/s of the Day – 7 June – The Memorial of St Anthony Mary Gianelli (1789-1846) Bishop, Founder of the Missionaries of St Alphonsus, the Oblates of St Alphonsus and the Sisters of Our Lady of the Garden.

In every activity we do,
let us imitate Mary.
Let us build with our example
and exercise charity.

In the dangers,
in the anguish,
in the needs,
in the uncertainties,
think, seek, invoke Mary!

Everything is possible
and even easier with God’s help
which is never lacking
to those who ask Him,
with humility and faith.

Time is short.
While we have it,
let us do good.

St Anthony Mary Gianelli (1789-1846)



Madonna della Quercia / Our Lady of the Oak – Italy (1578), Apparition de St José / Apparition of St Joseph at Cotignac – (1660): 7 June

Madonna della Quercia / Our Lady of the Oak – Visora di Conflenti, Italy (1578) – 7 June:

Apparition de St José / Apparition of St Joseph at Cotignac – (1660): 7 June

Blessed Ana of Saint Bartholomew OCD (1550-1626) Blessed Ana was an early member of St Teresa of Àvila’s Discalced Carmelite Order, Mystic, Spiritual writer. Beatified on 6 May 1917 by Pope Benedict XV.
Her Life:

St Anthony Mary Gianelli (1789-1846) Bishop, Founder of the Missionaries of
St Alphonsus, the Oblates of St Alphonsus and the Sisters of Our Lady of the Garden. – Canonised in on 25 October 1951 by Pope Pius XII.

St Aventinus of Larboust
Bl Basilissa Fernandez
St Colman of Dromore
Bl Demosthenes Ranzi

St Deochar OSB (Died 847) Monk, Abbot, Hermit, (another Patron of the Blind and those with Eye Diseases) – Monk, Abbot, Hermit, Disciple and Spiritual Student of St Alcuin, Founder of a Monastery and first Abbot in Herrieden, in modern Bavaria, Germany., Royal Messenger and as such, translated the Relics of the great St Boniface to Fulda, Germany.

St Gotteschalk
St Justus of Condat
St Landulf of Yariglia
St Lycarion of Egypt

Venerable Matt Talbot (1856 – 1925) (born Matthew Talbot) – Layman, Ascetic, Mystic – known as the “Saint in Overalls” and “the Workers’ Saint” disciple of Eucharistic Adoration and the Blessed Virgin – Patron of Struggling and Recovering Addicts and Alcoholics and many addiction treatment programs, retreats and centres throughout the world bear his name. On 6 November 1931, Edward Joseph Byrne, Archbishop of Dublin, opened a sworn inquiry into the alleged claims of holiness of the former dock worker. He was declared Venerable in 1975.
The Matt Talbot Story:

St Meriadoc I of Vannes
St Meriadoc II of Vannes
St Odo of Massay
St Potamiaena of Alexandria the Younger
St Quirinus of Cluny

St Robert of Newminster O.Cist. (c 1100–1159) English Priest, Abbot, Apostle of the poor, Miracle-worker. He was one of the Monks who founded Fountains Abbey in North Yorkshire, England, another at Newminster, Northumbria and 3 other Monasteries Robert ruled and directed the Monks at Newminster for 21 years.
St Robert’s Life:

St Sergius of Cluny
St Vulflagius of Abbeville

Martyrs of Africa – 7 Saints: A group of seven Christians who were Martyred together. No details about them have survived except the names – Donata, Evasius, Guirillus, Januaria, Privata, Spisinna, Victurus. The precise location in Africa and date are unknown.

Martyred in Córdoba, Spain:
Habentius of Córdoba
Jeremiah of Córdoba
Peter of Córdoba
Sabinian of Córdoba
Wallabonsus of Córdoba
Wistremundus of Córdoba


Pentecost Tuesday, Madonna della Quercia / Our Lady of the Oak – Visora di Conflenti, Italy (1578) and Memorials of the Saints – 7 June

Pentecost Tuesday

Madonna della Quercia / Our Lady of the Oak – Visora di Conflenti, Italy (1578) – 7 June:

Blessed Ana of Saint Bartholomew OCD (1550-1626) Blessed Ana was an early member of St Teresa of Àvila’s Discalced Carmelite Order, Mystic, Spiritual writer.
Her Life:

St Anthony Mary Gianelli (1789-1846) Bishop, Founder of the Missionaries of
St Alphonsus, the Oblates of St Alphonsus and the Sisters of Our Lady of the Garden. – Canonised in on 25 October 1951 by Pope Pius XII.

St Aventinus of Larboust
Bl Basilissa Fernandez
St Colman of Dromore
Bl Demosthenes Ranzi
St Deochar OSB (Died 847) Monk, Abbot, Hermit
St Gotteschalk
St Justus of Condat
St Landulf of Yariglia
St Lycarion of Egypt

Venerable Matt Talbot (1856 – 1925) (born Matthew Talbot) – Layman, Ascetic, Mystic – known as the “Saint in Overalls” and “the Workers’ Saint” disciple of Eucharistic Adoration and the Blessed Virgin – Patron of Struggling and Recovering Addicts and Alcoholics and many addiction treatment programs, retreats and centres throughout the world bear his name.
The Matt Talbot Story:

St Meriadoc I of Vannes
St Meriadoc II of Vannes
St Odo of Massay
St Potamiaena of Alexandria the Younger
St Quirinus of Cluny

St Robert of Newminster O.Cist. (c 1100–1159) English Priest, Abbot, Apostle of the poor, Miracle-worker. He was one of the Monks who founded Fountains Abbey in North Yorkshire, England, another at Newminster, Northumbria and 3 other Monasteries Robert ruled and directed the Monks at Newminster for 21 years.
St Robert’s Life:

St Sergius of Cluny
St Vulflagius of Abbeville

Martyrs of Africa – 7 Saints: A group of seven Christians who were Martyred together. No details about them have survived except the names – Donata, Evasius, Guirillus, Januaria, Privata, Spisinna, Victurus. The precise location in Africa and date are unknown.

Martyred in Córdoba, Spain:
Habentius of Córdoba
Jeremiah of Córdoba
Peter of Córdoba
Sabinian of Córdoba
Wallabonsus of Córdoba
Wistremundus of Córdoba


Madonna della Quercia / Our Lady of the Oak – Visora di Conflenti, Italy (1578) and Memorials of the Saints – 7 June

Madonna della Quercia / Our Lady of the Oak – Visora di Conflenti, Italy (1578) – 7 June:

On 7 June 1578, the Virgin appeared for the first time to a shepherd of humble conditions, named Lorenzo Folino. Due to the sultry heat, the young man had lain down under a Chestnut tree and had fallen asleep. He was suddenly awakened by the sound of a beautiful melody, which became gradually clearer and more intense. Frightened, he looked at a small hill called Serracampanara and saw the Virgin Mary surrounded by angels, descending on a large Oak tree. Lorenzo immediately rushed to the tree and knelt devoutly in prayer. Smiling, Our Lady asked him to come closer and entrusted him with this message:

Go, my son, to the Mayor and the Parish Priest and tell them what you have seen. Say that I am the Mother of God and that I want a Church to be built in the place which I will show to you.

After showing him a large Oak tree, in the place called Visora, not far from the Town of Conflenti, she disappeared. Lorenzo ran into the village and told the Parish Priest and the Mayor what he had seen and heard, referring to Mary’s message. However, his story provoked general laughter, many believed he had gone mad and turned him away with derision.
The Madonna della Quercia then appeared to the peasant Vermiglia Mercuri and, finally, to the housewife Delicia Mastroianni always asking for the erection of a Church to be dedicated to her.
Since the reactions of the people did not change and even the ecclesiastical authorities did not give weight to the reports of the three visionaries, Mary reappeared many other times, both to individual citizens and to all the people. She worked numerous miracles, until it was evident that it was a supernatural event and was finally decided, that a Church had to be built.
In 1862 a Church was built ad even the Oak tree on which the Our Lady had appeared was kept as a part of the Shrine.

But, on the evening of 21 July 1921, the Church was destroyed by fire. After a decade of complete abandonment, the Church was eventually rebuilt, with the help of the emigrants of Conflenti, scattered around the world. On 7 Jue each year, a Procession and festival is held and attended by many from the Town and surrounding villages.

Blessed Ana of Saint Bartholomew OCD (1550-1626) Blessed Ana was an early member of St Teresa of Àvila’s Discalced Carmelite Order, Mystic, Spiritual writer.
Her Life:

St Anthony Mary Gianelli (1789-1846) Bishop, Founder of the Missionaries of
St Alphonsus, the Oblates of St Alphonsus and the Sisters of Our Lady of the Garden. – Canonised in on 25 October 1951 by Pope Pius XII.

St Aventinus of Larboust
Bl Basilissa Fernandez
St Colman of Dromore
Bl Demosthenes Ranzi
St Deochar
St Gotteschalk
St Justus of Condat
St Landulf of Yariglia
St Lycarion of Egypt

Venerable Matt Talbot (1856 – 1925) (born Matthew Talbot) – Layman, Ascetic, Mystic – known as the “Saint in Overalls” and “the Workers’ Saint” disciple of Eucharistic Adoration and the Blessed Virgin – Patron of Struggling and Recovering Addicts and Alcoholics and many addiction treatment programs, retreats and centres throughout the world bear his name.
The Matt Talbot Story:

St Meriadoc I of Vannes
St Meriadoc II of Vannes
St Odo of Massay
St Potamiaena of Alexandria the Younger
St Quirinus of Cluny
St Robert of Newminster O.Cist. (c 1100–1159) Priest, Abbot
St Sergius of Cluny
St Vulflagius of Abbeville

Martyrs of Africa – 7 saints: A group of seven Christians who were martyred together. No details about them have survived except the names – Donata, Evasius, Guirillus, Januaria, Privata, Spisinna, Victurus. The precise location in Africa and date are unknown.

Martyred in Córdoba, Spain:
Habentius of Córdoba
Jeremiah of Córdoba
Peter of Córdoba
Sabinian of Córdoba
Wallabonsus of Córdoba
Wistremundus of Córdoba


Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity +2020 and Memorials of the Saints – 7 June 2020

Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity +2020
Bl Ana of Saint Bartholomew OCD (1550-1626)
St Anthony Mary Gianelli (1789-1846)
St Aventinus of Larboust
Bl Basilissa Fernandez
St Colman of Dromore
Bl Demosthenes Ranzi
St Deochar
St Gotteschalk
St Justus of Condat
St Landulf of Yariglia
St Lycarion of Egypt
Venerable Matt Talbot (1856 – 1925)
The Matt Talbot Story!

St Meriadoc I of Vannes
St Meriadoc II of Vannes
St Odo of Massay
St Potamiaena of Alexandria the Younger
St Quirinus of Cluny
St Robert of Newminster
St Sergius of Cluny
St Vulflagius of Abbeville

Martyrs of Africa – 7 saints: A group of seven Christians who were martyred together. No details about them have survived except the names – Donata, Evasius, Guirillus, Januaria, Privata, Spisinna, Victurus. The precise location in Africa and date are unknown.

Martyred in Córdoba, Spain:
Habentius of Córdoba
Jeremiah of Córdoba
Peter of Córdoba
Sabinian of Córdoba
Wallabonsus of Córdoba
Wistremundus of Córdoba

Posted in DOCTORS of the Church, FATHERS of the Church, MORNING Prayers, PAPAL SERMONS, QUOTES of the SAINTS, SAINT of the DAY, The HOLY GHOST, The WORD

One Minute Reflection – 7 June – Thursday of the Ninth Week of Ordinary Time, Year B

One Minute Reflection – 7 June – Thursday of the Ninth Week of Ordinary Time, Year B – Today’s Gospel Mark 12:28-34.

Jesus replied, “The first is this: ‘Hear, O Israel!   The Lord our God is Lord alone!
You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength.’
The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself.’  There is no other commandment greater than these.” …Mark 12:29-31

REFLECTION – “We cannot truly love God without loving our neighbour, nor can we truly love our neighbour, without loving God.   This is why… the Holy Spirit was given a second time to the disciples.   First it was given by the Lord, while He was still dwelling on earth and later, while He was watching over us in heaven (Jn 20:22; Acts 2).   He was given to us on earth, that we may love our neighbours, from heaven that we may love God.   Why first on earth and later from heaven, except for the reason, given us openly by John:  “How can anyone who does not love his brother whom he sees, love God whom he does not see?”   So let us love our neighbours, my friends, let us love the one who is near us, so that we may be able to attain the love of the one, who is above us.”…St Gregory the Great (c 540-604), Pope, Doctor of the Church (Homilies on the Gospel, no 30)so let us love our neighbours and you must love the lord your god - st pope gregory and mark 12 30-31 - 7 june 2018

PRAYER – Lord Almighty God, You sanctify Your Church, by the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Fulfil in us the words of Your Son that our love for You and Your children may be come to perfection.   Grant that by the prayers of St Anthony Mary Gianelli, who served You through his neighbour, with love and zeal, we too may attain our heavenly home. Through Christ our Lord, in union with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, anthony mary gianelli - pray for us - 7 june 2018

Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Saint of the Day – 7 June – St Anthony Mary Gianelli (1789-1846)

Saint of the Day – 7 June – St Anthony Mary Gianelli (1789-1846) Bishop, Founder, eloquent Preacher, Apostle of Charity and evangelisation – born Antonio Maria Gianelli on 12 April 1789 at Cerreto, Italy – died on 7 June 1846 of a serious fever.  Patronages – Bobbio, Val di Vara, Sisters of Our Lady of the Garden.     St Anthony Mary was also the founder of the Missionaries of St Alphonsus, the Oblates of St Alphonsus and the Sisters of Our Lady of the Garden.   Gianelli was dedicated to the educational needs of his people and catered to their spiritual and material needs as well;  he was on hand to aid the ill and the poor and made evangelisation a focus to his episcopal mission.   He likewise preached missions and became known for his charisma and his eloquence.St. Peter's - Altar of Crucifixion of St Peter St Anthony Maria Gianelli

Anthony Maria Gianelli was born in 1789 into a middle-class family living near Genoa in the north of Italy.   As a child, people were often struck by his gentle nature, industriousness and extraordinary intelligence.   When he came of age, the lady who owned the farm his family lived on, became his generous benefactress and financed his schooling and entry into the ecclesiastical seminary in Genoa.

He quickly distinguished himself by his virtue and exceptional eloquence, thus earning him the unusual privilege of being allowed to preach while still a subdeacon.     In 1812, when he was twenty-three years old, he was granted special dispensation to be ordained a priest two years before the required canonical age.


Although Fr Anthony was dedicated to his educational work, he also devoted himself to the work of preaching and hosting missions which resulted in a great harvest of souls. All this was in addition to all his ordinary duties and functions as a parish priest – indeed, he was often confined to his confessional for long stretches of time in order to accommodate the endless stream of penitents who flocked to him for spiritual aid.

He was ordained a bishop in 1838 and appointed to the diocese of Bobbio, where he led his flock by his extraordinary example of virtue, prudence and firm government.   He organised the Society of Saint Raphael and Society of Saint Dorothea to instruct the faithful in his diocese and restored devotion to Saint Columbanus in his diocese. He conducted two synods and was constantly on the road from parish to parish, visiting his flock.

Before his death from a fever in 1846, at the age of fifty-seven, Bishop Gianelli founded three religious orders – two for men and one for women.   The Missionaries of St Alphonsus and the Oblates of St Alphonsus were established in 1827-1828 but sadly, both lasted only twenty years.gianelli 2

The Sisters of Our Lady of the Garden were founded in 1829 and dedicated their lives to teaching poor children and caring for the ill and infirm.   They are still active and well known today in Italy and in other parts of the world as well.

Anthony Gianelli was canonised in on 25 October 1951 by Pope Pius XII.800px-Bobbio-duomo3Carro-santuario_di_Cerreta-statua_Antonio_Maria_Gianelli