Posted in MIRACLES, SAINT of the DAY

Saint of the Day – 22 May – Saint Fulgentius of Otricoli (Mid 6th Century) Bishop

Saint of the Day – 22 May – Saint Fulgentius of Otricoli (Mid 6th Century) Bishop., Miracle-worker, remembered by St Gregory the Great in his Dialogues. Died in the mid 6th Century in Otricoli, Terni, Italy of natural causes. Also known as – Fulgenzio, Fulgencio.

In the Town of Otricoli in the Province of Terni, an ancient inscription is preserved, which recalls its Bishop, Fulgentius, who found the body of the holy Martyr Victor and built an Altar for it. The said epigraph is still preserved in the collegiate Church of St Maria, which already existed in the 12th Century.

Fulgentius, the Bishop of Otricoli, who is remembered by St Gregory the Great (535-604), in his ‘Dialogues.’ The holy Pope reports a miracle worked by Fulgentius, told to him by an old cleric, still alive when he wrote his work about him.

Totila, King of the Ostrogoths from 541 to 552, in his descent into Italy, defeating the Byzantines, passed through Otricoli and here he received some gifts from the Bishop Fulgentius, who thus tried to mitigate the insane fury of the barbarian King, so that he would spare the population of that City.

But Totila, despising the homage, had the Bishop placed in custody to then submit him to trial/ Those guarding him thus placed him within a circle traced on the ground, forbidding him to go beyond it. The Bishop suffered from the heat of the scorching sun, from which he could not shelte. Then the weather changed and it began to rain heavily but the place where Fulgentius was sitting remained dry!

This fact was reported to Totila, who then transformed his hatred into admiration.

This miracle has been told and depicted in all the hagiographic works which have come down to us. His feast day falls on 22 May.


Within the Octave of Ascension, Beata Vergine di San Luca / The Blessed Virgin of Saint Luke, Bologna, St Rita of Cascia and Memorials of the Saints – 22 May

Within the Octave of Ascension

Day IV of the Pentecost Novena

Beata Vergine di San Luca, Bologna, Italy / The Blessed Virgin of Saint Luke, Bologna – 22 May, Saturday before the Feast of the Ascension of our Lord:. The Blessed Virgin of St Luke is the Patron Saint of Bologna.

St Rita of Cascia (1386-1457) Mother, Widow, Stigmatist, Consecrated Religious, Mystic, – Patron of Impossible Causes, Abused Wives and Widows et al
About St Rita:

St Aigulf of Bourges
St Atto of Pistoia
St Aureliano of Pavia
St Ausonius of Angoulême
St Baoithin of Ennisboyne

St Basiliscus of Pontus (Died c 310) Martyr, Bishop of Comana in Pontus, Asia Minor (in modern Turkey).
His Life and Death:

St Beuvon (Died 986) Pilgrim, Apostle of the poor, Hermit, Knight
About St Beuvon:

St Boethian of Pierrepont
St Castus the Martyr
St Conall of Inniscoel
Bl Diego de Baja
Bl Dionisio Senmartin
St Emilius the Martyr
St Faustinus the Martyr
St Fulgentius of Otricoli (Mid 6th Century) Bishop
Bl Fulk of Castrofurli
Bl Giacomo Soler
Bl Giusto Samper
St Helen of Auxerre

St Humility of Faenza (c 1226–1310) Wife, Mother, Nun – a founder of Vallumbrosan Convents, and is considered the Founder of the Vallumbrosan Nuns.
Her Story:

Blessed John Forest OFM (1471-1538) Martyr of Oxford University, Priest of the Order of Friars Minor. Beatified by Pope Leo XIII on 29 December 1886.
His Life and Death:

St Julia (5th century) Virgin Martyr
Her Life and Death:

St Lupo of Limoges
St Marcian of Ravenna
St Margaret of Hulme
Bl Pedro of the Assumption
St Quiteria
St Romanus of Subiaco
St Timothy the Martyr
St Venustus the Martyr