Posted in EYES - Diseases, of the BLIND, MARIAN TITLES, MARTYRS, PRAYERS to the SAINTS, SAINT of the DAY

Within the Octave of the Immaculate Conception, La Reina del Rosario de Banos de Agua Santa / Queen of the Holy Rosary, Ecuador (1570), St Lucy and a Prayer for her intercession and Memorials of the Saints – 13 December

Wednesday of the Second Week of Advent

Within the Octave of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God

Prayer to St Lucy

O St Lucy, you preferred to let your eyes be torn out
instead of denying the faith
and defiling your soul
and God, through an extraordinary miracle,
replaced them with another pair of sound and perfect eyes
to reward your virtue and faith,
appointing you as the protector against eye diseases.
I come to you for you to protect my eyesight
and to heal the illness in my eyes.

O St Lucy, preserve the light of my eyes
so that I may see the beauties of creation,
the glow of the sun,
the colour of the flowers
and the smile of children.

Preserve also the eyes of my soul,
the faith, through which I can know my God,
understand His teachings,
recognise His love for me
and never miss the road that leads me
to where you, St Lucy,
can be found in the company of the angels and saints.
St Lucy, protect my eyes and preserve my faith.

St Lucy, “Bringer of Light” Pray for those with eye ailments,
Pray for us all!

Prayer for the Intercession of St Odilia

Merciful God,
I come to You to ask Your aid
that my life may always give You praise.
I ask through the intercession
of St Odilia and all your holy people
to be a beacon of Your Light to all I meet.
Give me holiness of soul and body
and bring me into Your divine Light.
May I obtain these favours,
as well as my special prayer,
St Odilia, pray for my eyes
and the eyes of my faith.
Through the merits of Our Saviour, Jesus Christ,
Your Son, our Lord,
Who lives with you and the Holy Spirit,
God forever and ever.

St Antiochus of Sulci

St Aristone
St Arsenius of Latro
St Aubert of Arras
Bl Bartholomew of Tuscany
St Edburgh of Lyminge
St Einhildis of Hohenburg
Bl Elizabeth Rose
St Jodocus

St Martino de Pomar
St Roswinda
St Tassio of Bavaria
St Ursicinus of Cahors (Died c595) Bishop
St Wifred

Posted in CHRIST the LIGHT, CHRIST the WORD and WISDOM, EYES - Diseases, of the BLIND, PRAYERS to the SAINTS, SAINT of the DAY

Quote/s of the Day – 13 December – Light! Dear St Lucy and St Odilia

Quote/s of the Day – 13 December – The Memorial of St Lucy (c 283-304) Virgin Martyr “Bringer of Light” and St Odilia of Alsace (c 660-720) Virgin Both Patrons of those with eye ailments

I am the light of the world;
he who follows me will not walk in darkness
but will have the light of life.

John 8:12

Saint Lucy’s name (Lucia in Italian) shares the root luc with the Latin word for light, lux. Because of this connection, Saint Lucy is often depicted in art and religious custom as a bringer of light – which also ties in to her Patronage of eyes and sight. Her feast day today, is during Advent when we await the Light of Christ and is in winter, for the Northern Hemisphere, so there is significant iconography of Lucy as a bringer of light in the darkness.

In your light God,
we see light.

Psalm 35:36

Let us pray to St Lucy, for the intercession for all those with eye illnesses and for the protection of the ‘eyes of our faith’ of all of us.

Let your light shine before men

Matthew 5:16

O St Lucy, you preferred to let your eyes be torn out
instead of denying the faith
and defiling your soul
and God, through an extraordinary miracle,
replaced them with another pair of sound and perfect eyes
to reward your virtue and faith,
appointing you as the protector against eye diseases.
I come to you for you to protect my eyesight
and to heal the illness in my eyes.

O St Lucy, preserve the light of my eyes
so that I may see the beauties of creation,
the glow of the sun,
the colour of the flowers
and the smile of children.

Preserve also the eyes of my soul,
the faith, through which I can know my God,
understand His teachings,
recognise His love for me
and never miss the road that leads me
to where you, St Lucy,
can be found in the company of the angels and saints.
St Lucy, protect my eyes and preserve my faith.

St Lucy, “Bringer of Light” Pray for those with eye ailments,
Pray for us all!

Light came into the world.”

John 3:19

St Odilia, born blind – at the age of 12, her bodily eyes were opened and she was equally enlightened by the “eyes of faith” when she was Baptised, Pray for those with eye ailments, Pray for us all that our faith may grow and strengthen as those around us grow more and more blind!

Then again He laid His hands
upon his eyes
and he looked intently
and was restored
and saw everything clearly.

Mark 8:25

Prayer for the Intercession of St Odilia

Merciful God,
I come to You to ask Your aid
that my life may always give You praise.
I ask through the intercession
of St Odilia and all your holy people
to be a beacon of Your Light to all I meet.
Give me holiness of soul and body
and bring me into Your divine Light.
May I obtain these favours,
as well as my special prayer,
St Odilia, pray for my eyes
and the eyes of my faith.
Through the merits of Our Saviour, Jesus Christ,
Your Son, our Lord,
Who lives with you and the Holy Spirit,
God forever and ever.


La Reina del Rosario de Banos de Agua Santa / Queen of the Holy Rosary, also known as the Virgin of the Holy Waters, Baños de Agua Santa, Ecuador (1570) and Memorials of the Saints – 13 December

La Reina del Rosario de Banos de Agua Santa / Queen of the Holy Rosary, also known as the Virgin of the Holy Waters, Baños de Agua Santa, Ecuador (1570) 13 December:

This is or is similar to, the Statue which stands at the Holy Waters

A few years before the founding of Quito, Dominican Missionaries travelled throughout the Ecuadorian Province of Tungurahua, bringing the Faith to the people. A bamboo Chapel was erected at Baños de Agua Santa ( Bath) wherein was venerated the Blessed Virgin of Montserrat.
One night the Sacristan of the Church saw a small Statue of the Virgin accompanied by two beautiful Angels hovering in the air then coming down to the foot of a waterfall that flowed from the mountain. This event was repeated several times, causing the people gathered in the Chapel, to beseech the Blessed Virgin to clearly manifest her intentions. The following night the Virgin appeared asking for the erection of a Church at the spring, promising to cure the sick who bathe with faith, in those waters.

A new Church was built as Our Lady asked but the Statue of the Virgin of Montserrat had disappeared before it could be transferred to the new Church. A mule came to the Town Square carrying a box containing a beautiful Statue of Our Lady of the Rosary. When this was unclaimed by anyone, it was seen as a gift from Our Lady and the image of “La Reina del Rosario de Agua Santa” was lovingly placed in the Church.
The present Basilica was completed in 1929. A brief of Pope Pius XII in 1957 declared the Virgin of Banos de Agua Santa “Principal Patroness of the missions of eastern Ecuador.” On 13 December 1959, the Cardinal Archbishop of Quito, Carlos M de la Torre, solemnly crowned the Statue of the Virgin in the presence of President of the Republic, Dr Camilo Ponce, who offered to the Mother of God, the Presidential baton invoking her as the Patron of Ecuador.

Many miracles and cures were granted by Our Lady of the Rosary of Agua Santa and numerous times, the Church has provided a sanctuary when the volcano Tungurahua hsd erupted. On one occasion, a horrendous eruption began while many were gathered to honour Our Lady. Lava was flowing toward the Church. The people raised the Statue of Our Lady of Agua Santa on high and processed to the Town Square. There, Our Lady lifted her hand silencing the roaring volcano and and diverting the flow of lava.
In 1916, a nearby farmhouse was burned completely to the ground, except for a picture of Our Lady of the Rosary of Agua Santa.

St Lucy (of Syracuse) – St Lucy/Lucia of Syracuse (c 283-304) Virgin and Martyr
Patron of the blind, eye disorders, martyrs, Perugia, Italy, Malta; epidemics; salesmen, Syracuse, Italy, throat infections, writers, against fire, against poverty, against spiritual blindness, peasants, penitent prostitutes, poor people, sick children, authors, cutlers, farmers, glass blowers, glass makers, glaziers, labourers, lawyer, maid servants, notaries, ophthalmologists, opticians, porters, printers, saddler, sailors, salesmen, seamstresses, stained glass workers, tailors, upholsterers, weavers and 10 further towns and cities.
St Lucy’s Life and Death:

St Antiochus of Sulci

Blessed Antonio Grassi Cong. Orat. (1592 – 1671) Priest of the Oratorians of St Philip Neri, Confessor, Spiritual advisor, Counsellor, Mediator, Miracle Worker, Apostle of the poor and the sick.
Blessed Antonio’s biography:

St Aristone
St Arsenius of Latro
St Aubert of Arras
Bl Bartholomew of Tuscany
St Edburgh of Lyminge
St Einhildis of Hohenburg
Bl Elizabeth Rose
St Jodocus

Blessed Giovanni Marinoni CR (1490-1562) Priest of the Theatines of St Cajetan (1480-1547) (The Congregation of the Clerics Regular of the Divine Providence), renowned Preacher and spiritual director.

St Martino de Pomar
St Odilia of Alsace (c 660-720) Virgin Abbess
St Roswinda
St Tassio of Bavaria
St Wifred

Blessed Mercedarian Knights – (7 beati): A group of Mercedarian knights who fought the enemies of the Catholic faith in the first century of the Order.
• Blessed Bernardo de Podio
• Blessed Giacomo de Copons
• Blessed Giovanni de Bruquera
• Blessed Guglielmo de Sa
• Blessed Pietro Boguer
• Blessed Pietro Ricart
• Blessed Raimondo de Frexa

Martyrs of Jeongju – (6 saints): Six Christian laymen who were imprisoned, tortured and martyred together in the persecutions in Korea. They were beheaded on 13 December 1866 in Supjeong-i, Jeongju, Chungcheong-do, South Korea
and Canonised on 6 May 1984 by St Pope John Paul II.
• Bartholomaeus Chong Mun-Ho
• Iosephus Han Won-So
• Peter Cho Hwa-so
• Petrus Son Son-Ji
• Petrus Yi Myong-So
• Petrus Chong Won-Ji

Martyrs of Sebaste – (5 saints): A group of Christians martyred together in the persecutions of Diocletian. We know little more than their names – Auxentius, Eustratius, Eugene, Mardarius and Orestes. They were martyred in c 302 at Sebaste, Armenia (in modern Turkey) and their relics are enshrined at the church of Saint Apollinaris in Rome, Italy.


Thought for the Day – 13 December – “Bringer of Light”

Thought for the Day – 13 December – The Memorial of St Lucy (c 283-304) Martyr “Bringer of Light”

Every little girl named Lucy must bite her tongue in disappointment, when she first tries to find out, what there is to know about her patron saint.   The older books, will have a lengthy paragraph, detailing a small number of traditions.   Newer books, will have a lengthy paragraph, showing that there is little basis in history for these traditions.   The single fact survives, that a disappointed suitor accused Lucy of being a Christian and she was executed in Syracuse, Sicily, in the year 304.   But it is also true, that her name is mentioned in the First Eucharistic Prayer, geographical places are named after her, a popular song has her name as its title and down through the centuries, many thousands of little girls, have been proud of the name Lucy.

One can easily imagine what a young Christian woman had to contend with in pagan Sicily in the year 300.   If you have trouble imagining, just glance at today’s pleasure-at-all-costs world and the barriers it presents against leading a good Christian life.

Her friends must have wondered aloud about this hero of Lucy’s, an obscure itinerant preacher in a far-off captive nation that had been destroyed more than 200 years before. Once a carpenter, He had been crucified by the Romans after His own people turned Him over to their authority.   Lucy believed with her whole soul that this man had risen from the dead.   Heaven had put a stamp on all He said and did.   To give witness to her faith she had made a vow of virginity.

What a hubbub this caused among her pagan friends!   The kindlier ones just thought her a little strange.   To be pure before marriage was an ancient Roman ideal, rarely found but not to be condemned.   To exclude marriage altogether, however, was too much.   She must have something sinister to hide, the tongues wagged.

Lucy knew of the heroism of earlier virgin martyrs.   She remained faithful to their example and to the example of the carpenter, whom she knew to be the Son of God.   She is the patroness of eyesight.

If you are a little girl named Lucy, you need not bite your tongue in disappointment.  Your patron is a genuine authentic heroine, first class, an abiding inspiration for you and for all Christians.   The moral courage of the young Sicilian Martyr shines forth as a guiding light, just as bright for today’s youth as it was in 304.

Saint Lucy’s name (Lucia in Latin) shares the root luc with the Latin word for light, lux. Because of this connection, Saint Lucy is often depicted in art and religious custom as a bringer of light – which also ties in to her patronage of eyes and sight.   Her feast day today, is during Advent when we await the Light of Christ and is in winter, for the Northern Hemisphere, so there is significant iconography of Lucy as a bringer of light in the darkness.   For this reason, she is particularly venerated as part of Scandinavian Christian custom – young girls dress in a white gown and wear wreaths of lights during celebrations in the darkest days of winter.   Indeed, the fact that Saint Lucy’s feast day is celebrated as a festival of light, seems appropriate for a woman, who believed, she was bearing the light of Christianity in a world that punished her for it.   Let us pray to St Lucy, for the intercession for all those with eye illnesses and for the protection of the ‘eyes of our faith’ of all of us.

O St Lucy, you preferred to let your eyes be torn out
instead of denying the faith
and defiling your soul
and God, through an extraordinary miracle,
replaced them with another pair of sound and perfect eyes
to reward your virtue and faith,
appointing you as the protector against eye diseases.
I come to you for you to protect my eyesight
and to heal the illness in my eyes.

O St Lucy, preserve the light of my eyes
so that I may see the beauties of creation,
the glow of the sun,
the colour of the flowers
and the smile of children.

Preserve also the eyes of my soul,
the faith, through which I can know my God,
understand His teachings,
recognise His love for me
and never miss the road that leads me
to where you, St Lucy,
can be found in the company of the angels and saints.
St Lucy, protect my eyes and preserve my faith.
Amenprayer to st lucy for our eyes and the eyes of our faith - 13 dec 2019.jpg

St Lucy, “Bringer of Light” Pray for those with eye ailments,

Pray for us all!st lucy bringer of light pray for us 13 dec 2019.jpg

Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Memorials of the Saints – 13 December

St Lucy (of Syracuse) – St Lucy/Lucia of Syracuse (c 283-304) Virgin and Martyr
About St Lucy:

St Antiochus of Sulci
Bl Antonio Grassi Cong. Orat. (1592 – 1671)
Blessed Antonio’s biography:

St Aristone
St Arsenius of Latro
St Aubert of Arras
Bl Bartholomew of Tuscany
St Edburgh of Lyminge
St Einhildis of Hohenburg
Bl Elizabeth Rose
St Jodocus
Bl Giovanni Marinoni CR (1490-1562)
St Martino de Pomar
St Odilia of Alsace
St Roswinda
St Tassio of Bavaria
St Wifred
Blessed Mercedarian Knights – (7 beati): A group of Mercedarian knights who fought the enemies of the Catholic faith in the first century of the Order.
• Blessed Bernardo de Podio
• Blessed Giacomo de Copons
• Blessed Giovanni de Bruquera
• Blessed Guglielmo de Sa
• Blessed Pietro Boguer
• Blessed Pietro Ricart
• Blessed Raimondo de Frexa

Martyrs of Jeongju – (6 saints): Six Christian laymen who were imprisoned, tortured and martyred together in the persecutions in Korea. They were beheaded on 13 December 1866 in Supjeong-i, Jeongju, Chungcheong-do, South Korea
and Canonised on 6 May 1984 by St Pope John Paul II.
• Bartholomaeus Chong Mun-Ho
• Iosephus Han Won-So
• Peter Cho Hwa-so
• Petrus Son Son-Ji
• Petrus Yi Myong-So
• Petrus Chong Won-Ji

Martyrs of Sebaste – (5 saints): A group of Christians martyred together in the persecutions of Diocletian. We know little more than their names – Auxentius, Eustratius, Eugene, Mardarius and Orestes. They were martyred in c 302 at Sebaste, Armenia (in modern Turkey) and their relics are enshrined at the church of Saint Apollinaris in Rome, Italy.


Thought for the Day – 13 December – Wednesday of the Second Week of Advent and the Memorial of St Lucy (c 283-304)

Thought for the Day – 13 December – Wednesday of the Second Week of Advent  and the Memorial of St Lucy (c 283-304)

Gospel for today : Matthew 11:28-30

Jesus exclaimed, Come to me, all you that are weary
and are carrying heavy burdens
and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me;
for I am gentle and humble in heart
and you will find rest for your souls.
For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.matthew 11 29-30

The symbol of “yoke” used by Jesus in the Gospel has a special significance.
Two bulls are required to carry a yoke.
When Jesus says, “Take my yoke upon you” means He is already on one side of the yoke.
He is inviting us to put our shoulder on the other side!
When we take Jesus’ yoke upon ourselves, we experience that the burden is light
and the yoke is easy to carry because of the presence of Jesus.

The ones who walk in the way of the Lord, will never be tired
because the Lord Himself will be their peace and their rest.
The peace and rest that come from the Lord are the signs which assures us
that we are carrying the burden with Jesus, whereas, disturbance and
restlessness, are signs which suggest that we are trying to do things
our own way and are burdened with our own agenda!

So how do we “see” our Lord there, right next to us?
Touch the hem of Christ’s garment! Celebrate the Eucharist – for it is here
that we are given peace and strength – in this mystery, God holds us to His Heart
and we can find Him on the other side of the yoke and we become whole.

Lord Jesus, our Christ, may we always accept Your invitation just as St Lucy did, whose Memorial we celebrate today and whose prayers we implore!st lucy pray for us 2

Posted in DOCTORS of the Church, MORNING Prayers, QUOTES of the SAINTS, QUOTES on SUFFERING, SAINT of the DAY

Quote/s of the Day – 13 December

Quote/s of the Day – 13 December

“If you want to honour the body of Christ,
do not scorn it when it is naked;
do not honour the Eucharistic Christ
with silk vestments and then,
leaving the church, neglect the other Christ
suffering from cold and nakedness”

St John Chrysostom (347-407)

Father and Doctor of the Church – (Hom. in Matthaeum, 50.3: PG 58)if-you-want-to-honour-the-body-of-christ-st-john-chrysostom-19-nov-2017

“The more we are afflicted in this world,
the greater is our assurance in the next;
the more we sorrow in the present,
the greater will be our joy in the future.”

St Isidore of Seville (560-636) Doctor of the Churchthe more we are afflicted - st isidore of seville - 13 dec 2017

“When it is all over, you will not regret having suffered;
rather, you will regret, having suffered so little
and suffered that little so badly.”

Bl Sebastian Valfre (1629-1710)when it is all over - bl sebastian valfre - 13 dec 2017


One Minute Reflection – 13 December – The Memorial of St Lucy (c 283-304)

One Minute Reflection – 13 December – The Memorial of St Lucy (c 283-304)

Cast me not our of your presence and your Holy Spirit, take not from me….Psalm 51:13psalm 51 13

REFLECTION – “When the Holy Spirit is in a soul, He communicates Himself in one way or another.
We can say that He makes virtue contagious and turns a simple faithful into an apostle.”…St Claude de la Colombiere S.J. (1641-1682)when the holy spirit - st claude de la colombiere 1641-1682 - 13 dec 2017

PRAYER – Heavenly Father, grant that Your Holy Spirit may inspire me to be a true follower of Your Son.   May He dwell in me always and keep me ever on the path of holiness.   May the prayer of the virgin Martyr Lucy, support us, O Lord, so that with each passing year, we may celebrate her entry into life and finally see You face to face and greet her with joy.   Through our Lord, Jesus Christ, in unity with the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever lucy - pray for us - 13 Dec 2017

Posted in ADVENT, SAINT of the DAY

Saint of the Day – 13 December – St Lucy (c 283-304)

Saint of the Day – 13 December – St Lucy/Lucia of Syracuse  (c 283-304) Virgin and Martyr – Patron of the blind, eye disorders, martyrs, Perugia, Italy, Malta; epidemics; salesmen, Syracuse, Italy, throat infections, writers,  against fire, against poverty, against spiritual blindness,  peasants, penitent prostitutes, poor people, sick children, authors, cutlers, farmers, glass blowers, glass makers, glaziers, labourers, lawyer, maid servants, notaries, ophthalmologists, opticians, porters, printers, saddler, sailors, salesmen, seamstresses, stained glass workers, tailors, upholsterers, weavers and 10 further towns and cities.  Attributes – • cord• eyes• eyes on a dish• lamp• swords• woman hitched to a yoke of oxen• woman in the company of Saint Agatha, Saint Agnes of Rome, Barbara, Catherine of Alexandria and Saint Thecla• woman kneeling before the tomb of Saint AgathaSOD-1213-SaintLucy-790x480Niccolò_di_Segna_-_Saint_Lucy_-_Walters_37756

All that is really known for certain of Lucy is that she was a martyr in Syracuse during the Diocletianic Persecution of 304 AD.   Her veneration spread to Rome and by the 6th century to the whole Church.   The oldest archaeological evidence comes from the Greek inscriptions from the catacombs of St. John in Syracuse.

St Lucy was born in Sicily and died during the persecution of Diocletian.   The fact that she is still mentioned in the first Eucharistic Prayer of the Mass shows the great respect that the Church has for her.   One story about Lucy is that she is said to have made a vow to remain unmarried.   When the man to whom she was engaged found out, he turned her in as a Christian.   After torture that included having her eyes torn out, she was surrounded by bundles of wood which were set afire; they went out.   She prophesied against her persecutors and was executed by being stabbed to death with a dagger.   She was executed in Syracuse (Sicily) in the year 304.   Her name is mentioned in the First Eucharistic Prayer, geographical places are named after her, a popular song has her name as its title and down through the centuries many thousands of little girls have been proud of the name Lucy.unknown artist; Saint Lucy

One can easily imagine what a young Christian woman had to contend with in pagan Sicily in the year 300.   If you have trouble imagining, just glance at today’s pleasure-at-all-costs world and the barriers it presents against leading a good Christian life.

Her friends must have wondered aloud about this hero of Lucy’s, an obscure itinerant preacher in a far-off captive nation that had been destroyed more than 200 years before. Once a carpenter, He had been crucified by the Roman soldiers after his own people turned Him over to the Roman authorities.   Lucy believed with her whole soul that this man had risen from the dead.   Heaven had put a stamp on all He said and did.   To give witness to her faith she had made a vow of virginity.

What a hubbub this caused among her pagan friends!   The kindlier ones just thought her a little strange.   To be pure before marriage was an ancient Roman ideal, rarely found but not to be condemned.   To exclude marriage altogether, however, was too much.   She must have something sinister to hide, the tongues wagged.

Lucy knew of the heroism of earlier virgin martyrs in particular St Agatha to whom she prayed for intercession.   She remained faithful to their example and to the example of the carpenter, whom she knew to be the Son of God.

Lucy, whose name means “light” kept the light of her loyal faith burning through the experience of death.   Now she is enjoying the eternal wedding banquet.

Dolci, Carlo, 1616-1686; Head of a young Saint (St Lucy?)Saint_Lucy_by_Cosimo_Rosselli,_Florence,_c._1470,_tempera_on_panel_-_San_Diego_Museum_of_Art_-_DSC06640

Posted in MORNING Prayers, SAINT of the DAY

Thought for the Day – 13 December

Thought for the Day – 13 December

Lucy’s feast comes during Advent, when we wait for the coming of Christ, the Light of the World.   It is said that our eyes are the windows into our souls. There is physical blindness and there is also inner blindness. I often wonder how many opportunities I have missed or have been blind to when it comes to being an instrument of Christ’s light for others. In a world filled with the darkness of greed, selfishness and individualism, light is needed and we have been given the wonderful challenge to be that light for others. Stamping out the darkness that surrounds and envelops our world by courageously standing up for our faith would result in a world of brilliant Christ-light!

St Lucy is a genuine, authentic heroine, first class, an abiding inspiration for all Christians. The moral courage of the young Sicilian martyr shines forth as a guiding light, just as bright for today’s youth as it was in A.D. 304.

St Lucy Pray for us!
