Corpus Christi, Notre-Dame du Dimanche/ Our Lady of Sunday, France (1873) and Memorials of the Saints – 8 June 2023

Corpus Christi
The Feast is liturgically celebrated on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday or, “where the Solemnity of The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ is not a Holy Day of Obligation, it is assigned to the Sunday after the Most Holy Trinity, as its proper day.
(Sanctissimi Corpus et Sanguis Christi.)

Notre-Dame du Dimanche/ Our Lady of Sunday, Saint-Bauzille-de-la-Sylve, l’Hérault, France (1873) – 8 June:

Bl Armand of Zierikzee
St Bron of Cassel
St Calliope
St Clodulf of Metz
Bl Engelbert of Schäftlarn
St Eustadiola of Moyen-Moutier
St Fortunato of Fano

St Gildard of Rouen (c 456-c 545 Bishop of Rouen, Confessor * Twin Brother of St Medard below.
The Roman Martyrology states of St Medard and his twin brother, St Gildard, today: “At Soissons, in France, the birthday of St Gildard, Bishop of Rouen, whose life and precios death are illustrated by glorios miracles – at Rouen, St Gildard, Bishop, twin brother of St Medard,who was born with his brother on the same day, Consecrated Bishops at the same time and being taken away from this life, also on the same day, they entered Heaven together!
About St Gildard:

Bl Giorgio Porta
Bl Giselbert of Cappenberg
St Heraclius of Sens
Bl John Davy O.Cart. (Died 1537) Deacon Martyr
Bl essedJohn Rainuzzi
Bl Maddallena of the Conception
St Maximinus of Aix (1st Century) The first Bishop of Aix-en-Provence, France, in the 1st Century.

St Medard (c 456-545) Bishop and Convessor * Twin Brother of St Gildard above
About this iluustrious Saint:
The Roman Martyrology states of St Medard and his twin brother, St Gildard, today: At Soissons, in France, the birthday of St Medard, Bishop of Novon, whose life and precios death are illustrated by glorious miracles – at Rouen, St Gildard, Bishop, twin brother of St Medard,who was born with his brother on the same day, Consecrated Bishops at the same time and being taken away from this life, also on the same day, they entered Heaven together!

St Melania the Elder
St Muirchu
St Pacificus of Cerano
Bl Peter de Amer
Bl Robert of Frassinoro
St Sallustian
St Syra of Troyes
St Victorinus of Camerino

St William of York (Died 1154) Archbishop of York, Monk
St William’s Life:


Ember Wednesday, Notre-Dame du Dimanche/ Our Lady of Sunday, Saint-Bauzille-de-la-Sylve, l’Hérault, France (1873) and Memorials of the Saints – 8 June

Ember Wednesday – Fast & Abstinence

Notre-Dame du Dimanche/ Our Lady of Sunday, Saint-Bauzille-de-la-Sylve, l’Hérault, France (1873) – 8 June:

St Anne Mary Taigi
St Bron of Cassel
St Calliope
St Clodulf of Metz
Bl Engelbert of Schäftlarn
St Eustadiola of Moyen-Moutier
St Fortunato of Fano
St Gildard of Rouen (c 456-c 545 Bishop, Confessor * Twin Brother of St Medard below
Bl Giorgio Porta
Bl Giselbert of Cappenberg
St Heraclius of Sens
Bl István Sándor

St Jacques Berthieu SJ (1838-1896) Martyr, Priest, Missionary known as the “Martyr of Madagascar”

Bl John Davy OC (Died 1537) Deacon Martyr
Bl essedJohn Rainuzzi
Bl Maddallena of the Conception
Bl Mariam Thresia Chiramel Mankidiyan
St Maximinus of Aix

St Medard (c 456-545) Bishop and Convessor * Twin Brother of St Gildard above
About this iluustrious Saint:
The Roman Martyrology states of St Medard and his twin brother, St Gildard, today: “At Soissons, in France, the birthday of St Medard, Bishop of Novon, whose life and precios death are illustrated by glorious miracles – at Rouen, St Gildard, Bishop, twin brother of St Medard,who was born with his brother on the same day, Consecrated Bishops at the same time and being taken away from this life, also on the same day, they entered Heaven together!”

St Melania the Elder
St Muirchu
St Pacificus of Cerano
Bl Peter de Amer
Bl Robert of Frassinoro
St Sallustian
St Syra of Troyes
St Victorinus of Camerino

St William of York (Died 1154) Archbishop of York, Monk
St William’s Life:


Notre-Dame du Dimanche/ Our Lady of Sunday, Saint-Bauzille-de-la-Sylve, l’Hérault, France (1873) and Memorials of the Saints – 8 June

Notre-Dame du Dimanche/ Our Lady of Sunday, Saint-Bauzille-de-la-Sylve, l’Hérault, France (1873) – 8 June:

An apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Auguste Arnaud on 8 June 1873 and 8 July 1873. Arnaud was married, the father of two,and a winemaker who regularly skipped Sunday Mass to work his vineyards.
Our Lady appeared to him in the vineyard on 8 June and reminded him:

“You must not work on Sundays.”

In honour of this blessing, Arnaud placed a Cross and a Statue of Mary at the site in the field. Later a little Chapel in honour of the Virgin was built there too.

On 8 July Our Lady appeared again, this time to both Auguste and his neighbours who had gathered there and told them again:

“You must never work on Sunday! Blessed are those who believe.”

In 1876, the Diocesan Bishop, Bishop De Cabrières, after the establishment of a commission of inquiry and having questioned several times the seer, he recognised the supernatural origin of the apparitions.

St Anne Mary Taigi
St Bron of Cassel
St Calliope
St Clodulf of Metz
Bl Engelbert of Schäftlarn
St Eustadiola of Moyen-Moutier
St Fortunato of Fano
St Gildard of Rouen * Twin Brother of St Medard below
Bl Giorgio Porta
Bl Giselbert of Cappenberg
St Heraclius of Sens
Bl István Sándor

St Jacques Berthieu SJ (1838-1896) Martyr, Priest, Missionary known as the “Martyr of Madagascar”

Bl John Davy
Bl John Rainuzzi
Bl Maddallena of the Conception
Bl Mariam Thresia Chiramel Mankidiyan
St Maximinus of Aix

St Medard (c 456-545) Bishop and Confessor * Twin Brother of St Gildard above
About this illustrious Saint:

The Roman Martyrology states of St Medard and his twin brother, St Gildard, today: “At Soissons, in France, the birthday of St Medard, Bishop of Novon, whose life and precios death are illustrated by glorious miracles – at Rouen, St Gildard, Bishop, twin brother of St Medard,who was born with his brother on the same day, Consecrated Bishops at the same time and being taken away from this life, also on the same day, they entered Heaven together!”

St Melania the Elder
St Muirchu
St Pacificus of Cerano
Bl Peter de Amer
Bl Robert of Frassinoro
St Sallustian
St Syra of Troyes
St Victorinus of Camerino
St William of York (Died 1154) ArchBishop of York, Monk


One Minute Reflection – 8 June – There is nothing as beautiful as a soul which is pure. 

One Minute Reflection – 8 June – Month of the Sacred Heart” – Monday of the Tenth week in Ordinary Time, Year A, Readings: 1 Kings 17:1-6, Psalm 121:1-8, Matthew 5:1-12 and the Memorial of Saint Medard (c 456-545) Bishop

Blessed are the clean of heart, for they will see God.” … Matthew 5:8

REFLECTION – “There is nothing as beautiful as a soul which is pure. If we understood this, we would be incapable of losing our purity. A pure soul is like a beautiful pearl. As long as it is concealed in a shell, at the bottom of the sea, no-one thinks of admiring it. But if you display it in the sun, then this pearl shines and draws people’s eyes.

Purity comes from Heaven, we have to ask God for it. If we ask for it, we shall receive it. We must take great care not to lose it. It closes our hearts to pride, sensuality and every other passion.

Children, we cannot understand the power which a pure soul has over the Good God – it receives all it wishes for. … Before God, a pure soul is like a child before its mother, it caresses her and hugs her and its mother returns its caresses and embraces.

To preserve our purity, there are three things – the Presence of God, prayer and the Sacraments.” … St John-Marie Baptiste Vianney (1786-1859) Curé d’Ars (Selected Thoughts of the Curé d’Ars).

PRAYER – Lord God and Father, grant us we pray, a heart like Your divine Son’s – His Sacred Heart is our standard and our goal – grant us a heart made of flesh, pure and beautiful in Your sight.   May we ever seek Your Face and follow the love with which the Sacred Heart of Jesus guides our way.   May the prayers of St Medan today, help us to be Your children, pure in heart.    Through Christ our Lord, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever, amen.

st medard pray for us 8 june 2020 (1)

Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Saint of the Day – 8 June – Saint Medard (c 456-545) Bishop


The Roman Martyrology states of St Medard and his twin brother, St Gildard, today: “At Soissons, in France, the birthday of St Medard, Bishop of Novon, whose life and precios death are illustrated by glorios miracles – at Rouen, St Gildard, Bishop, twin brother of St Medard,who was born with his brother on the same day, Consecrated Bishops at the same time and being taken away from this life, also on the same day, they entered Heaven together!”

Saint of the Day – 8 June – Saint Medard (c 456-545) Bishop and Confessor, Apostle of the poor  – born in c 456 at Salency, Picardy, France – died on 8 June 545 at Noyon, France of natural causes.   Patronages – the weather, invoked against toothache.  St Medard was one of the most honoured Bishops of his time, often depicted laughing, with his mouth wide open and therefore he was invoked against toothache.

Saint Medard, one of the most illustrious prelates of the Church of France in the sixth century, was born of a pious and noble family, at Salency, about the year 457.   From his childhood, he displayed the tenderest compassion for the poor.   On one occasion he gave his coat to a destitute blind man and when asked why he had done so, he answered, that the misery of a fellow-member in Christ, so affected him that he could not help giving him part of his own clothes.

st medard bishop header

Being promoted to the Priesthood in the thirty third year of his age, he became a bright ornament of that sacred order.   He preached the word of God with an unction which touched the hearts of the most hardened and the influence of his example, by which he enforced the precepts which he delivered from the pulpit, seemed irresistible.

st medard alamy just face

In 530, Alomer, the thirteenth bishop of that country, died.   St Medard was unanimously chosen to fill the see and was consecrated by St Remigius, who had Baptised King Clovis in 496, and was then exceeding old.   Our Saint’s new dignity did not make him abate any of his austerities and, though at that time, seventy-two years old, he thought himself obliged to redouble his labours.   Though his Diocese was very wide, it did not suffice his zeal, which could not be contained, when he saw the opportunity of advancing the honour of God and of abolishing the remains of idolatry.   He overcame all obstacles and by his zealous labours and miracles, the rays of the Gospel dispelled the mists of idolatry throughout the whole extent of his Diocese.   What rendered this task more difficult and perilous, was the savage and fierce disposition of the ancient inhabitants of Flanders, who were the most barbarous of all the nations of the Gauls and Franks.

In 545, our Saint, having completed this great work in Flanders, returned to Noyon, where shortly after, he fell ill and soon rested from his labours at an advanced age.   The whole kingdom lamented his death as the loss of their common father and protector.   His body was buried in his own Cathedral but the many miracles wrought at his tomb so moved King Clotaire that he transferred the precious remains to Soissons.   The Statue and the Gospel book below belonged to St Medard and reside at Soissons.


As a child, St Medard was said to have once been sheltered from rain by an eagle which hovered over him. This is how he was most commonly depicted and is why he is associated with weather, good or bad and why he is held to protect those who work in the open air. The French rhyme is: Quand il pleut à la Saint-Medard, il pleut quarante jours plus tard If it rains on St Medard’s Day, it rains for forty days more.

Every year at Salency (Medard’s birthplace) near Noyon, France (and certain other villages) “the most virtuous young girl of the year” of the community is elected the Rosière.   The custom is said to have been started by St Médard himself and the first Rosaire is said to have been his sister, Sainte Médrine.   Clothed in a long white dress, the Rosière is escorted to Mass by 12 young girls dressed in white and 12 young boys. After Mass, accompanied by two godmothers, she is crowned with a crown of 12 roses, decorated a blue ribbon and a silver ring, at the chapel of St Médard.   Then she goes to receive a bouquet of roses from the mayor, who also presents her with two arrows, two tennis balls and a whistle.   She blows the whistle three times and throws nuts to the assembled crowd.   The procession is followed by a fair with rides, stalls and fireworks.

Church of St Medard

Feast of Notre-Dame du Dimanche/Our Lady of Sunday and Memorials of the Saints – 8 June

Our Lady of Sunday:  Also known as Notre-Dame du Dimanche
About the Apparition:
An apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Auguste Arnaud on 8 June 1873 and 8 July 1873. Arnaud was married, the father of two, and a winemaker who regularly skipped Sunday Mass to work his vineyards. Our Lady appeared to him in the vineyard on 8 June and reminded him “You must not work on Sundays.”   In honour of this blessing, Arnaud placed a Cross and a Statue of Mary at the site in the field.   On 8 July Our Lady appeared again, this time to both Auguste and his neighbours who had gathered there and told them, “You must never work on Sunday!   Blessed are those who believe.”
Dates: 8 June and 8 July in 1873
Location: vineyard in Saint-Bauzille-de-la-Sylve, l’Hérault, France
St Anne Mary Taigi
St Bron of Cassel
St Calliope
St Clodulf of Metz
Bl Engelbert of Schäftlarn
St Eustadiola of Moyen-Moutier
St Fortunato of Fano
St Gildard of Rouen
Bl Giorgio Porta
Bl Giselbert of Cappenberg
St Heraclius of Sens
Bl István Sándor
St Jacques Berthieu SJ (1838-1896)
Bl John Davy
Bl John Rainuzzi
Bl Maddallena of the Conception
Bl Mariam Thresia Chiramel Mankidiyan
St Maximinus of Aix
St Medard (c 456-545)

St Melania the Elder
St Muirchu
St Pacificus of Cerano
Bl Peter de Amer
Bl Robert of Frassinoro
St Sallustian
St Syra of Troyes
St Victorinus of Camerino
St William of York