Pentecost Novena to the Holy Spirit – Day Five – 4 June

Novena to the Holy Spirit – Day Five – 4 June

“The Holy Spirit leads us like a mother.

He leads His child by the hand…

as a sighted person leads a blind person.”

St John Vianney (1786-1859

the holy spirit is like a mother - st john vianney - 4 june 2019 no 2.jpg


For the Traditional Novena, here with the Act of Consecration:


Begin by reciting the following prayer…

O Holy Spirit, Divine Consoler!
I adore You as my True God.
I offer You my whole heart
and I render You heartfelt thanks
for all the benefits You have bestowed upon the world.
You are the author of all supernatural gifts
and enriched the Blessed Virgin Mary,
the Mother of God,
with all favours,
I ask You to visit me by Your grace and Your love
and grant me the favour
I so earnestly seek…
…………………………………. State your request here…
O Holy Spirit,
spirit of truth, come into our hearts.

Let us Pray:

Come, O Spirit of sanctity,
from the glory of heaven
and send forth the radiance of Your light.
Father of all the poor,
light and peace of all hearts,
come with Your countless gifts.
Consoler in desolation,
refreshment full of loveliness,
come dear friend of my soul.
In weariness send repose,
breath gently cool refreshing breeze,
console the desolate who weep alone.
Light of Beatitude,
make our hearts ready,
come enter our souls.
Without Your grace,
man stands alone;
he cannot be good or sure.
Cleanse what is soiled,
heal what is wounded,
moisten what is arid.
Bend the stubborn will,
warm the cold heart,
guide the wandering footstep.
O Holy Spirit,
we beg You to give us grace through Your seven-fold power
and grant me the favour I so earnestly seek in this novena…
Give us merit for the present
and one day beatitude, when we have finished our earthly journey.

Come, O Holy Spirit,
fill the hearts of Your faithful,
and kindle in them the fire of Your love.