Thought for the Day – 14 March – The Spirit of Prayer

Thought for the Day – 14 March – Meditations with Antonio Cardinal Bacci (1881-1971)

The Spirit of Prayer

Our Lord warned His disciples that “They must always pray and not lose heart ” (Luke 18:1).
But how is it possible to pray always?
One might decide that His command was intended for monks and hermits, dedicated to the contemplative life and not for men living in the midst of the daily preoccupations of the world.
But this is not so.
Properly interpreted, Christ’s precept holds good for everybody.
We must pray always in the sense that we must remain always united to God in mind and heart.
“Whether you eat or drink, or do anything else,” says St Paul, “do all for the glory of God” (1 Cor 10:31).
“Whatever you do, in word or in work,” he repeats elsewhere, “do all in the name of the Lord Jesus” (Col 3:17).
In other words, whatever we are doing, even if it is something very simple, like eating or drinking, we should do it in the name of Jesus and for the glory of God.
Once we understand it in this way, the Gospel precept transforms all our actions into prayer.
The spirit of prayer should accompany us everywhere.
In all our actions and conversations, no matter how far we may travel, we should remain close to Jesus.
One brief act of attentiveness to God, repeated from time to time, is enough to change all our actions and our entire life into a continual prayer.

Antonio Cardinal Bacci


Quote of the Day – 14 March – We are ever but beginning

Quote of the Day – 14 March – Saturday of the Second Week of Lent

“We are ever but beginning,
the most perfect Christian,
is to himself but a beginner,
a penitent prodigal
who has squandered God’s gifts
and comes to Him,
to be tried over again,
not as a son
but as a hired servant.”

St John Henry Newman (1801-1890)we-are-ever-but-beginning-bl-john-henry-newman-16-aug-2019-and-27-oct-2019 and 14 march 2020

Posted in DIVINE Mercy, Goodness, Patience, DOCTORS of the Church, FATHERS of the Church, LENT 2020, QUOTES - J R R Tolkien and MORE, QUOTES of the SAINTS, QUOTES on CONVERSION, QUOTES on DISCIPLESHIP, QUOTES on LOVE of GOD, QUOTES on REPENTANCE, QUOTES on WILL (Reasonable or Superior), The WORD

Lenten Reflection – 14 March – ‘…Whoever sticks by God, possesses everything in common with God!

Lenten Reflection – 14 March – Saturday of the Second Week of Lent, Readings: Micah 7:14-15, 18- 20, Psalm 103:1-4, 9-12, Luke 15:1-3, 11-32

“Lord, open my lips, and my mouth shall declare your praise.”

“Who is a God like you, who removes guilt and pardons sin for the remnant of his inheritance; Who does not persist in anger forever, but instead delights in mercy …” …Micah 7:18luke-15-31-32-sat-of-the-second-week-lent-23-march-2019and 14 march 2020

Daily Meditation:
“For what was it Jesus’ detractors said?   “No man can forgive sins but God alone.” Inasmuch then, as they themselves laid down this definition, they themselves introduced the rule, they themselves declared the law.   He then proceeded to entangle them by means of their own words. “You have confessed,” he says in effect, “that forgiveness of sins is an attribute of God alone;  my equality therefore is unquestionable.”   And it is not these men only who declare this but also the prophet Micah, who said, “Who is a God like you?” and then indicating his special attribute he adds, “pardoning iniquity and passing over transgression.” ..St John Chrysostom (347-407) Father & Doctor

Let us always and everywhere give thanks to Christ our Saviour and ask him with confidence:
Lord, help us with Your grace.

May we keep our bodies pure,
– as temples of the Holy Spirit.
May we offer ourselves this day to the service of others,
– and do Your will in all things throughout the day.
Teach us to seek the bread of everlasting life,
– the bread that is Your gift.
May Your Mother, the refuge of sinners, pray for us,
– and gain for us Your loving forgiveness.

Closing Prayer:
God of infinite love,
You shower me with limitless gifts in my life.
In my every thought and action today
guide me to the bright and loving light of Your kingdom.
Help me to be aware of
the many ways You allow me
to share in Your life so intimately today.
Thank You for the gifts You have placed in my life.
Let me be grateful every moment of this day.
May the Lord bless us,
protect us from all evil
and bring us to everlasting life.

“For us, a portion of God’s inheritance, is our existence, our freedom, our intellect, our accountability – all of these, are the most sublime goods imaginable, goods that only God could give us.   That we, waste it all and end up in distress and that the distress brings us to our senses, is not really as significant, as the father’s vigil, compassion, extravagant greeting, refurbishing of the prodigal and the feast announced in his honour.
Not even for the refractory and envious brother, does the father have a harsh word – he is not scolding him when he speaks to him, he merely speaks the full truth- whoever sticks by God, possesses everything in common with God!”

Servant of God Cardinal Hans Urs von Bathasar (1905-1988)

luke-15-20-but-while-he-was-still-at-a-distance-for-us-hans-urs-von-bathasar-31-march-2019 and 14 march 2020

“You are always with me and all that is mine, is yours”

The Elder Brother’s Prayer

Teach me, my Lord,
to be sweet and gentle in all the events of life,
in disappointments,
in the thoughtlessness of those I trusted,
in the unfaithfulness of those on whom I relied.
Let me put myself aside,
to think of the happiness of others,
to hide my little pains and heartaches,
so that I may be the only one to suffer from them.
Teach me to profit by the suffering
that comes across my path.
Let me so use it that it may make me
patient, not irritable.
That it may make me broad in my forgiveness,
not narrow, haughty and overbearing.
May no one be less good
for having come within my influence.
No one less pure, less true, less kind,
less noble for having been a fellow traveller
in our journey toward Eternal Life.
As I go my rounds from one distraction to another,
let me whisper from time to time,
a word of love to Thee.
May my life be lived in the supernatural,
full of power for good,
and strong in its purpose of sanctity.
Amenprodigal-the-elder-brothers-prayer-beautiful-fantastic-8-october-2019-martha-mary-luke-10-42 prodigal son 14 mach 2020


One Minute Reflection – 14 March –  “Father, I have sinned!”

One Minute Reflection – 14 March – Saturday of the Second Week of Lent, Readings: Micah 7:14-15, 18-20, Psalm 103:1-4, 9-12, Luke 15:1-3, 11-32

“Quickly bring the finest robe and put it on him” … Luke 15:22luke 15 22 quickly bring the finest robe - prodigal son 14 march 2020

REFLECTION – “How many there are who, through repentance, have been worthy to receive the love You hold for humankind.   You justified the anguished publican and the weeping woman who was a sinner (Lk 18:14; 7:50) for, through a predetermined design, You foresee and grant pardon.   Convert me also together with them, You who desire that all should be saved.

My soul was soiled as it put on the garment of its sins (Gn 3:21).   O let me make fountains flow from my eyes that I may purify it by repentance.   Clothe me with the shining robe worthy of your wedding (Mt 22:12), You who desire that all should be saved (…).

O heavenly Father, have compassion for my cry as You did for the prodigal son for I, too, am throwing myself at Your feet and crying aloud as he cried:   “Father, I have sinned!” Do not reject me, Your unworthy child, O my Saviour but cause Your angels to rejoice also on my behalf, O God of goodness who desire that all should be saved.

For You have made me Your child and Your own heir through grace (Rm 8,17).   Yet as for me, because I have offended You, am here a prisoner, an unhappy slave sold over to sin! Take pity on Your own image (Gn 1,26) and call it back from exile, O Saviour, You who desire that all should be saved…

Now is the time for repentance…  The words of Paul urge me to persevere in prayer (Col 4,2) and await You.   Therefore, with trust I pray, for I well know Your mercy, I know You come the first towards me and I am calling out for help.   Should You delay, it is to give me the reward for perseverance, You who desire that all should be saved.

Grant me always to extol You and give You glory by leading a life that is pure.   Grant that my deeds may be in accord with my words that I may sing to You, Almighty… with pure prayer, Christ alone who desires that all should be saved.” … St Romanos Melodios (c 490-c 556) 1 October Monk, Composer of Hymns, Poet – Hymn 55o have compassion for my cry as you did for the prodigal son - st romanos melodios 14 march 2020

PRAYER – Almighty God, whose healing grace even here on earth, brings us the gifts of heaven, guide us in this present life to constantly seek You and to know You and to love You.   Lead us to that Light in which You have Your dwelling.   By following Your Son, faithfully bearing our crosses, may we be His light here on earth  . And may Mary, the Blessed Mother of Sorrows, constantly be our succour and lead us to You.   We make our prayer through Christ, our Lord, with the Holy Spirit, God for all ages, amen.mater dolorosa blessed virgin holy mother pray for us 23 feb 2020


Our Morning Offering – 14 March – My Sorrowful Mother, Help Me to Bear My Crosses

Our Morning Offering – 14 March – Saturday of the Second Week of Lent and always a “Marian Saturday”

In his General Audience on Ash Wednesday, 5 March 2014, Pope Francis highlighted the special protection and help of the Blessed Virgin for the journey of Lent:

“Let us give thanks to God for the mystery of His crucified love, authentic faith, conversion and openness of heart to the brethren.   These are the essential elements for living the season of Lent.   On this journey, we want to invoke with special trust the protection and help of the Virgin Mary.

May she, who was the first to believe in Christ, accompany us in our days of intense prayer and penance, so that we might come to celebrate, purified and renewed in spirit, the great paschal mystery of her Son.”

These words of Pope Francis help us to appreciate one reason why Mary is the perfect companion for Lent   She is the model of the perfect disciple because she entrusted herself completely to God.   At the Annunciation, Mary tells the angel:  “I am the handmaid of the Lord.   May it be done to me according to your word” (Lk 1:38).

In 1974, St Pope Paul VI taught that Mary is “worthy of imitation because she was the first and the most perfect of Christ’s disciples” (Marialis Cultus, No. 35).

Lent is a perfect time to renew our devotion to Mary as our spiritual mother who cares for us in the midst of challenges and difficulties.

My Sorrowful Mother,
Help Me to Bear My Crosses
By St Alphonsus Liguori (1696-1787) Doctor of the Church

My sorrowful Mother,
by the merit of that grief
which you felt
at seeing your beloved Jesus
led to death,
obtain for me the grace
to bear with patience,
those crosses which God sends me.
I will be fortunate
if I also shall know how
to accompany you
with my cross until death.
You and Jesus,
both innocent,
have borne a heavy cross
and shall I,
a sinner who has merited hell,
refuse mine?
Immaculate Virgin,
I hope you will help me
to bear my crosses with patience.
Amenmy-sorrowful-mother-help-me-to-bear-my-crosses-st-alphonsus-liguori-23-march-2019 and 14 march 2020


Saint of the Day – 14 March – Saint Leobinus of Chartres (Died c 558)

Saint of the Day – 14 March – Saint Leobinus of Chartres (Died c 558) Bishop of Chartres, Abbot, Hermit, Miracle worker – he had the gift of healing, especially of dropsy or edema – born as Lubin at Poitiers, France and died on 14 March 558 of natural causes.   Patronages – against dropsy/oedema, against rheumatism, of innkeepers and wine leobinus of chartres

Leobinus’s parents were peasants from the region of Poitiers in France.   As a young boy, Leobinus had an aptitude for learning and applied to a monastery where he was employed in menial tasks.

His work occupied him the entire day and he was obliged to do most of his studying at night, screening his candle as best he could.   The monks complained that the light disturbed their slumbers but by much humility and perseverance Lubin advanced in knowledge.572px-Chartres_-_Vitrail_de_la_Vie_de_saint_Lubin- leobinus1

He eventually joined the monastery and, probably at the suggestion of St Carilef, for a time lived as a hermit under the guidance of St Avitus.   Later, he settled in an abbey near Lyons, remaining for five years.Mar+14+Leobinus+of+Chartres+1

In a war between the Franks and the Burgundians this monastery was raided and all the monks fled with the exception of Leobinus and an old monk.   The enemy, unable to extort from Leobinus the location of the monastery’s “treasure”, tortured him by first strangling him with a rope and then by tying his feet and dipping him, head first, into the river.   Left for dead, he recovered and was received in the monastery of Le leobanus

After Avitus died, Leobinus continued living as a hermit until he was ordained by Bishop. Aetherius of Chartres, who appointed him Abbot of Brou.   He served until apparently deciding he did not like administrative duties.   So he left to become a monk at Lérins.
He remained there until St Caesarius, the Bishop of Arles and a former monk at Lérins convinced him to return to Brou, rather than to leave his people “like sheep without a shepherd.”

Leobinus participated in the Fifth Council of Orleans and in the Second Council of Paris and died on March 14, about the year 558, after a long illness.   He was buried at the Church named for him in Chassant, Eure-et-Loir, France.621px-Buste_saint_lubin leobinas1024px-Saint_Leobinus _église_Saint-Lubin_Chassant_Eure-et-Loir_France

Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Memorials of the Saints – 14 March

St Agno of Zaragoza
St Alexander of Pydna
St Aphrodisius of Africa
Bl Arnold of Padua
St Boniface Curitan
St Diaconus
St Eutychius of Mesopotamia
Bl Eve of Liege
Bl Giacomo Cusmano (1834-1888)
His life: 1888/
St Lazarus of Milan
St Leo of the Agro Verano
St Leobinus of Chartres (Died c 558)
St Matilda of Saxony (c 894-968)

St Maximilian
Bl Pauline of Thuringia
St Peter of Africa
St Philip of Turin
St Talmach
Bl Thomas Vives

47 Martyrs of Rome – Forty-seven people who were baptised into the faith in Rome, Italy by Saint
Peter the Apostle, and were later martyred together during the persecutions of Nero. Martyred c.67
in Rome, Italy

Martyrs of Valeria – Two monks martyred by Lombards in Valeria, Italy who were never identified.
After the monks were dead, their killers could still hear them singing psalms. They were hanged on a
tree in Valeria, Italy.