Thought for the Day – 27 March – The Human Soul

Thought for the Day – 27 March – Meditations with Antonio Cardinal Bacci (1881-1971)

The Human Soul 

The human body is one of the most wonderful things which God has created.
Unlike the bodies of most animals, it does not bend, towards the earth but stands up, towards the sky, in the direction of our true heavenly fatherland.
It communicates with creation outside it, by means of the five senses.
It has contact with other bodies, as well, as a way of making use of them, when the opportunity arises, by means of the sense of touch.
It has the sense of taste, to distinguish between different flavours and to act as a guide to it’s sustenance.
The sense of smell, enables it to experience perfumes and to avoid unhealthy odours.
By means of hearing and speech, it can communicate with other people, understand their ideas and express it’s own, as well as, listen to the wonderful music of creation.
Lastly, there is sight, the most astounding of the senses, which helps us o see in earthly things, an enchanting reflection of the eternal beauty of God.
The scientist is lost in admiration at the perfection of the human body and if his science is also wisdom, he should exclaim:  ‘This is the hand of God!’
Nevertheless, in comparison with the greatness of human soul, the perfections of the body are quite insignificant.
The soul is like a breath of the Divine Spirit and a ray of the Divine Wisdom.
It is a simple, spiritual and immortal being, which bears in itself, the Image of God.

Unlike the body, it is not tied to this earth but can soar high above it, by means of it’s faculty of thought.
It can investigate the secrets of God’s own nature and is also capable of immense love.
We should indeed be grateful to God, for His infinite goodness.

Antonio Cardinal Bacci


Quote/s of the Day – 27 March – Death

Quote/s of the Day – 27 March – Friday of the Fourth Week of Lent

“So everyone who acknowledges me before men,
I also will acknowledge before my Father,
who is in heaven…”

Matthew 10:32

matthew-10-32-so-everyone-who-acknowledges-me-13-july-2019-and-27-nov-2019 and 5 feb 2020

“O my God and my Father,
may I know You
and make You known,
love You
and make You loved,
serve You
and make You served,
praise You
and make all creatures praise You.”

St Anthony Mary Claret (1807-1870)
Founder of the Claretians

may i know you - st anthony mary claret 27 march 2020

It is certain, however, that of the two thieves
dying beside the Cross of our Redeemer, only one heard Him say:
“This day, you will be with me in Paradise!”
The other, remained obdurate in his sin.
It is the height of stupidity, to wait to be converted,
at the hour of death!”

Antonio Cardinal Bacci (1881-1971)

it is the height of stupidity - bacci - 11 jan 2020

“The greatest freedom,
is the freedom from the fear of death,
when we know Who sent us
and to Whom we must return.”

Msgr Alex Rebello CMF
Claretian Priest
Diocese of Wrexham, Wales

the greatest freedom is the freedom from the fear of death - msgr alex rebello bible diary 27 march 2020


Lenten Reflection – 27 March – ‘Here is the Son of God …’

Lenten Reflection – 27 March – Friday of the Fourth Week of Lent, Readings: Wisdom 2:1, 12-22, Psalm 34:17-21, 23, John 7:1-2, 10, 25-30

“Lord, open my lips, and my mouth shall declare your praise.”

“You know me and you know where I come from?
But I have not come of my own accord;
he who sent me is true and him you do not know.”…John 7:28

Daily Meditation:
May we reach out with joy to grasp Your hand.

“In His Resurrection Christ has revealed the God of merciful love, precisely because He accepted the Cross as the way to the Resurrection.   And, it is for this reason, that, when we recall the Cross of Christ, His passion and death, our faith and hope are centred on the Risen One – on that Christ who “on the evening of that day, the first day of the week, . . .stood among them” in the upper Room, “where the disciples were, …breathed on them and said to them: ‘Receive the Holy Spirit.   If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained’ ” (Jn 20:19).
Here is the Son of God, who in His Resurrection, experienced in a radical way, mercy shown to Himself, that is to say the love of the Father which is more powerful than death.   And it is also the same Christ, the Son of God, who… reveals Himself as the inexhaustible source of mercy, of the same love… more powerful than sin.” … St Pope John Paul (1920-2005) – Encyclical « Dives in Misericordia » # 8

and-it-is-also-the-same-christ-st-john-paul-encyclical-frifourtheweeklent-5-april-2019 AND 27 MARCH 2020

When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears,
and delivers them out of all their troubles.
The Lord is near to the brokenhearted
and saves the crushed in spirit.
Psalm 34:17-18

friday of the fourth week 27 march 2020

Let us pray to Christ our Saviour,
who redeemed us by His Death and Resurrection:
Lord, have mercy on us.

You went up to Jerusalem to suffer and so enter into Your glory,
– bring Your Church to the Passover feast of heaven.
You were lifted high on the cross and pierced by the soldier’s lance,
– heal our wounds.
You made the Cross the Tree of Life,
– give its fruit to those reborn in baptism.
On the Cross You forgave the repentant thief,
– forgive us our sins.

Closing Prayer:

Act of Contrition
By St Alphonsus Mary Liguori (1696-1787)
Doctor of the Church

My Lord Jesus Christ,
You have made this journey
to die for me, with love unutterable
and I have so many times unworthily abandoned You
but now I love You with my whole heart
and because I love You,
I repent sincerely for having ever offended You.
Pardon me, my God
and permit me to accompany You on this journey.
You go to die for love of me,
I wish also, my beloved Redeemer,
to die for love of Thee.
My Jesus, I will live
and die always united to You.
Amenact-of-contrition-st-alphonsus-13-april-2019 and 27 march 2020


One Minute Reflection – 27 March – The Two Worlds by St John Henry Newman

One Minute Reflection – 27 March – Friday of the Fourth Week of Lent, Readings: Wisdom 2:1, 12-22, Psalm 34:17-21, 23, John 7:1-2, 10, 25-30

“You know me and you know where I come from?
But I have not come of my own accord, he who sent me is true and him you do not know.
I know him, for I come from him and he sent me.” … John 7:28-29

REFLECTIONThe Two Worlds by St John Henry Newman (1801-1890) – The Oratory, 1862.
“UNVEIL, O Lord and on us shine
In glory and in grace.
This gaudy world grows pale before
The beauty of Thy face.

Till Thou art seen, it seems to be
A sort of fairy ground,
Where suns unsetting light the sky,
And flowers and fruits abound.

But when Thy keener, purer beam
Is pour’d upon our sight,
It loses all its power to charm,
And what was day is night.

Its noblest toils are then the scourge
Which made Thy blood to flow.
Its joys are but the treacherous thorns
Which circled round Thy brow.

And thus, when we renounce for Thee
Its restless aims and fears,
The tender memories of the past,
The hopes of coming years,

Poor is our sacrifice, whose eyes
Are lighted from above.
We offer what we cannot keep,
What we have ceased to love.”the two worlds - unveil o lord and shine on us - st john henry newman 27 march 2020

PRAYER – Loving God and Father, open our eyes and ears and our hearts. Help us to recognise the Light of Christ in the world around us. Too often we are hard of heart and closed up in our ‘rites’ – He is there but He is not only there and we are blind. May the prayers of the saints and angels help us to be open to Him. Mary, the Mother He gave us, pray for us. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, with the Holy Spirit, God for all eternity, amen.mother-mary-pray-for-us-5-oct-2018 and 27 march 2020


Our Morning Offering – 27 March – O Lord the House of My Soul is Narrow

Our Morning Offering – 27 March – Friday of the Fourth Week in Ordinary Time

O Lord, the House of My Soul is Narrow
By St Augustine ((354-430)
Father & Doctor of the Church

O God, the Light of the heart that sees You,
The Life of the soul that loves You,
The Strength of the mind that seeks You,
May I ever continue to be steadfast in Your love.
Be the joy of my heart;
Take all of me to Yourself and abide therein.
The house of my soul is, I confess, too narrow for You.
Enlarge it that You may enter.
It is ruinous but do repair it.
It has within it what must offend Your eyes,
I confess and know it,
But whose help shall I seek in cleansing it but Yours alone?
To You, O God, I cry urgently.
Cleanse me from secret faults.
Keep me from false pride and sensuality
That they not get dominion over me.

o-lord-the-house-of-my-soul-is-narrow-full-prayer-new-25-oct-2018-st-augustine and 27 march 2020

Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Saint of the Day – 27 March – Blessed Giuseppe Ambrosoli MCCI (1923-1987) (to be Beatified on 22 November 2020)

Saint of the Day – 27 March – Blessed Giuseppe Ambrosoli MCCI (1923-1987) Priest of the Comboni Missionaries of the Heart of Jesus, Missionary to Uganda, Doctor and Surgeon, he is known in Uganda as the “the Doctor of Charity” and the “Saint Doctor,” Apostle of Charity, medical professor, Founder of a Hospital and a School of Midwifery.   Born on 25 July 1923 in Ronago, Como, Italy and died at 1:50pm on 27 March 1987 at the Comboni Mission in Lira, Uganda of renal failure, aged 64.   Patronage – the ‘Doctor Ambrosoli Memorial Hospital’ and the Dr Ambrosoli Midwifery School in Uganda.   Fr Giuseppe will be (to be Beatified on 22 November 2020).   During his studies before World War II, Blessed Giuseppe risked his life to smuggle Jewish people into Switzerland, before returning home to finish his studies in medicine, prior to commencing his ecclesial studies.   He joined the Comboni missionaries and was sent to Uganda where he became known as the “Saint Doctor” and the “Doctor of Charity,” for his loving and compassionate treatment of all ill people, to whom he dedicated his giuseppe ambrosoli header

Giuseppe Ambrosoli was born in Ronago in 1923 as the seventh son to Giovanni Battista Ambrosoli and Palmira Valli.   His paternal great-grandfather worked as a librarian.   He studied first in Como and later under the Piarists in Genoa before returning to Como for his high school studies, which he completed in 1942.   He joined the “Cenacle” which was a branch of the Azione Cattolica that the Franciscan Silvio Riva ran and Ambrosoli got the chance to get to know Riva who served as a spiritual guide for him and his religious formation.

He studied medicine at the Milanese college but had to stop his studies due to World War II.   In September 1943 he risked his own life pledging to save a large number of Jewish people in order to get them safe passage across the border to Switzerland to prevent them from ending up in concentration camps.   He returned home to learn from his parents that he was required to join the armed forces on 27 March 1944.   He resumed his studies in November 1946 after the war’s end and graduated from the college in Milan as a Doctor of Medicine on 28 July 1949.

It was the summer of 1949 when a young doctor asked to enter the Congregation of the Comboni Missionaries.   In his letter of application he wrote: “I would like to place myself at the service of the missions as a qualified doctor.”   Before joining, the young doctor decided to go to London for a course in tropical medicine.   When he returned to Italy, he entered the Comboni Institute.   On 9 September 1953 he made his first profession and on 13 December 1955 he was Ordained Priest by the Cardinal Archbishop of Milan, Giovanni Battista Montini, the future St Pope Paul VI.   A few months later, on 1 February 1956, he left for Africa.   His destination – Kalongo, in the North of Uganda.   The town of Kalongo is located on a plateau 1,100 metres above sea-level.   When Father Giuseppe arrived there, it had a population of over 4000.   There he found a small Medical giuseppe ambrosoli in the hospital young

He was not at all discouraged and his plan for a large hospital meant there was a lot of work to do.   Working with his own hands, he dug for stones and transported them on a lorry to the building site where he also saw to the making of bricks.   Little by little that dispensary grew, one block after another until it had room for 350 patients.   There were departments for maternity, paediatrics, medicine, surgery, gynaecology, radiology and infectious diseases;  to these were added others for the care of the malnourished, the lepers and tuberculosis patients.ambrosoli hospital ugandaambrosoli hospital uganda 2

Father Giuseppe immediately understood that, to win the hearts of the Africans, one must sow infinite benevolence.   In only a few years, the people began to call him Ajwaka Madit (the great doctor) or Doctor Ladit (the great giver of medicine).   Together with his unmistakable smile, his peacefulness became proverbial.   But this did not prevent him, as the occasion required, from being strict, with courage and determination and even capable of risking his life for others.   He defended the wives of the soldiers and, in general, of the people of the south, upon whom the guerrillas, who were his people of the north, tended to unleash all their aggression.

The faith of the people in the healing powers of Father Giuseppe knew no limits  . They saw him as a kind of miraculous healer.   In the collective imagination of the people, Father Giuseppe became ‘The man of God with the power to heal.’   To heal not only the body but the spirit and the heart.   In his work as a surgeon, Father Giuseppe afforded special care to the women as mothers and bearers of life.   He understood that those mothers were capable of heroic acts to make sure their children were born and lived.

Father Giuseppe looked for collaboration and made people responsible – the Doctors working alongside him were duty bound to look upon Kalongo Hospital as ‘their own’. He wanted all the nursing staff to feel directly involved in running the complicated machine that was Kalongo Hospital.   For this he valued the local element.   His esteem for the Sisters working with him was deep and sincere and he regarded their work as giuseppe young teaching

Towards the end of 1973, Father Giuseppe’s health began to show signs of deteriorating but he gave himself no rest.   Even the periods he spent in Italy were a race against time, as he went from one operating theatre to another, to learn the latest surgical techniques. He met with support groups who provided medical equipment.   He was well aware of his precarious state of health but he felt it would be a betrayal to hold back with things in Uganda in such a state of emergency.   For him, to love others more than himself was the giuseppe ambrosolimostrafotograficaverona-reseized

The year 1986 was certainly the most difficult year for Kalongo, overrun alternatively by rebels and the regular army.   On 21 October, the army occupied Kalongo amid indescribable scenes of panic – not only the people but even the patients as well took flight.   Relations with the government troops collapsed irremediably, the very fact of having spent a few months with the rebels was interpreted as connivance.   This is the destiny of any hospital in a war zone.   The situation of the hospital came to a head on 30 January 1987.   The military authorities accused the missionaries and hospital personnel of collaborating with the Acholi guerrillas and ordered the evacuation of Kalongo. Having to transfer everything and everyone suddenly to Lira was a real Calvary for Father Giuseppe.   His concern was for the doctors, the young women students of the school of midwifery and the Sisters in charge of them.   He feared the students would miss a school year, while he wanted them to end their courses with their exams and diploma.   Even though he had only one partly-functioning kidney, Father Giuseppe asked his superiors’ permission to delay his return to Italy for treatment.   Unfortunately, his health was rapidly giuseppe Ambrosoli lg

After working unceasingly for 31 years, he died in Lira on 27 March 1987, of a renal infection.   He was 64 years old.   It was not until seven years later that his remains were exhumed and reburied in Kalongo, close to the hospital that bears his name.
On 28 November 2019, Pope Francis authorised the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints ‘to promulgate, among others, the miracle attributed to the intercession of the Venerable Servant of God Giuseppe Ambrosoli’.   The miracle, granted through the intercession of father Giuseppe and which will allow him to be Beatified on 22 November 2020 took place to the benefit of a young Ugandan woman.   This was the decision reached in Spring of last year by the medical commission set up by the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints, concluding their examination of ‘an extraordinary and inexplicable cure’ from the clinical and scientific point of view.   The beneficiary’s name is Lucia Lomokol.   On the evening of 25 October 2008 (she was 20 years old), she lost the child she was carrying in her womb and was dying of septicaemia in Matany hospital, in Northern Uganda where she had been brought in an extremely poor condition.   The hospital had no means of helping her.   Then Doctor Eric Dominic placed an image of father Giuseppe on her pillow and asked the relatives there to pray to ‘The Saint Doctor.’   The following morning, Lucia was better, something no one Giuseppe-Ambrosoli

Today the work of Father Giuseppe goes on through his foundation called ‘Doctor Ambrosoli Memorial Hospital.’   The foundation was built in 1998 by the Ambrosoli family and by the Comboni Missionaries to guarantee the continuity and future of the hospital and the school of Midwifery founded by him.   Its aim is to ensure access for the population to a qualified health service for their better health and standard of living.   The Foundation proceeds together with the local communities and fosters medical training so that Uganda may one day have its own independent health service.   Father Ambrosoli will be the first Comboni Missionary to be fiuseppe ambrosoli footer-collage20di20foto20-20Orlando20Durantib

Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Memorials of the Saints – 27 March

Bl Aimone of Halberstadt
St Amphilochius of Illyria
St Alexander of Drizipara
St Alexander of Pannonia
St Alkeld the Martyr
St Amator the Hermit
St Augusta of Treviso
St Claudio Gallo
St Cronidas of Illyria
St Ensfrid of Cologne
Bl Francesco Faà di Bruno
Bl Frowin of Engelberg
St Gelasius of Armagh
Blessed Giuseppe Ambrosoli MCCI (1923-1987)
St John of Lycopolis

Bl Louis-Édouard Cestac (1801-1868)
Blessed Louis’s Story:

St Matthew of Beauvais
St Macedo of Illyria
St Panacea de’Muzzi of Quarona
Bl Pellegrino of Falerone
Bl Peter Jo Yong-sam
St Philetus
St Romulus the Abbot
St Rupert of Salzburg (c 660–710)
Biography of St Rupert:
St Suairlech of Fore
St Theoprepius

Martyrs of Bardiaboch: A group of Christians who were arrested, tortured and executed together for their faith during the persecutions of Persian king Shapur II. Martyrs. – Abibus, Helias, Lazarus, Mares, Maruthas, Narses, Sabas, Sembeeth and Zanitas. 27 March 326 at Bardiaboch, Persia.