Thought for the Day – 22 May – Mary, Queen of Heaven and Earth

Thought for the Day – 22 May – Meditations with Antonio Cardinal Bacci (1881-1971)

Mary, Queen of Heaven and Earth

Mary is a supremely powerful Queen because she is the Mother of God.
She is a more merciful Queen because she is our Mother and Mother of sinners.
She is a most loving Queen because hers is a kingdom of love and of goodness.
Even as she is the most lovable of creatures, so she is the most loving.

To the immense love of God for His creatures,” writes Cardinal Massimi, “and to His command to rational beings, that they should love Him with all their hearts, there has been only one worthy response.
That response, was yours, O Mary. You loved God with an intensity which surpassed the combined love of all other creatures.
God created your heart, which was destined to be the heart of His Mother, after the fashion of His own.
Adorned with every perfection, it had an immeasurable capacity for love, even as you are supreme in your love for God, O Mary, so you are supreme in your love for us.
What a cause for gladness this is!
God loves us and you love us, O Mary.
Our poor hearts, which have a natural longing to be loved and suffer so much when they are disappointed, rejoice in being the object of your love.
We thank you, O Mary, for favouring us, in spite your greatness and our unworthiness.
” (Cardinal Massimo Massimi, Le Feste di Maria, p 82-83).

The realisation of Mary’s regal power and of her maternal love for us, should lead us to have complete confidence in her.
This confidence should inspire us to pray fervently to her, to love her in return and to form a practical resolution of imitating her.”

Antonio Cardinal Bacci



Passionate Catholic. Being a Catholic is a way of life - a love affair "Religion must be like the air we breathe..."- St John Bosco Prayer is what the world needs combined with the example of our lives which testify to the Light of Christ. This site, which is now using the Traditional Calendar, will mainly concentrate on Daily Prayers, Novenas and the Memorials and Feast Days of our friends in Heaven, the Saints who went before us and the great blessings the Church provides in our Catholic Monthly Devotions. This Site is placed under the Patronage of my many favourite Saints and especially, St Paul. "For the Saints are sent to us by God as so many sermons. We do not use them, it is they who move us and lead us, to where we had not expected to go.” Charles Cardinal Journet (1891-1975) This site adheres to the Catholic Church and all her teachings. PLEASE ADVISE ME OF ANY GLARING TYPOS etc - In June 2021 I lost 95% sight in my left eye and sometimes miss errors. Thank you and I pray all those who visit here will be abundantly blessed. Pax et bonum! 🙏

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