Thought for the Day – 10 January – The Death of the Just as Opposed to the Death of the Sinner

Thought for the Day – 10 January – Meditations with Antonio Cardinal Bacci (1881-1971)

The Death of the Sinner as Opposed
to the Death of the Just

“Now that we have witnessed these contrasting scenes, let us examine ourselves in the presence of God.
Let each of us ask: What will be my fate?
If we can rank ourselves amongst the just, let us thank God.
We are not there on our own merits.

By the grace of God, I am what I am” (1 Cor 15:10).

Perhaps we need only reproach ourselves with some deficiency or weakness but, have at the same times, a strong desire to serve God and a great love for Him.
In this case, we can take heart.
We can cast ourselves into the merciful arms of God.
But, if on the other hand, we are hardened and habitual sinners, then woe betide us!
Perhaps this meditation is the last grace which God will bestow on us!

Antonio Cardinal Bacci



Quote/s of the Day – 10 January – ‘The Armour of Light.’

Quote/s of the Day – 10 January – Within the Octave of Epiphany – Isaias 60:1-6, Matthew 2:1-12 – Scripture search here:

Behold, the star
which they had seen in the east,
went before them
until it came and stood
over where the Child was…

Matthew 2:9

The night is passed and the day is at hand.
Let us, therefore, cast off the works of darkness
and put on the armour of Light.

Romans 12:12

I implore you to live with me and,
by believing, to run with me;
let us long for our Heavenly Country,
let us sigh for our Heavenly Home,
let us truly feel that here, we are strangers.
What shall we then see?
Let the gospel tell us:
In the beginning was the Word
and the Word was with God
and the Word was God.
You will come to the fountain,
with whose dew you have already been sprinkled.
Instead of the ray of Light
which was sent through slanting
and winding ways, into the heart of your darkness,
you will see the Light Itself,
in all its purity and brightness.
It is to see and experience this Light
that you are now being cleansed. …
It has been good for us to share
the common Light,
good to have enjoyed ourselves,
good to have been glad together.
When we part from one another,
let us not depart from Him!

St Augustine (354-430)
Father and Doctor of Grace

Prayer of Blessed Severinus Boethius
(c 475-524) Martyr

O Father, enable our minds,
to rise to Thy ineffable dwelling place.
Let us find the light
and direct the eyes of our soul to Thee.
Dispel the mists and the opaqueness
of the earthly mass
and shine out with Thy splendour.
Thou art the serene and tranquil abode
of those who persevere
in their goal of seeing Thee.
Thou art, at the same time,
the Beginning, the Vehicle,
the Guide, the Way and the Goal.

Run with eager desire
to this Source of Life and Light,
all you who are vowed to God’s service.
Come, whoever you may be
and cry out to Him,
with all the strength of your heart.
O indescribable Beauty of the most high God
and purest Radiance of Eternal Light!
Life that gives all life,
Light that is the Source of every other light,
preserving, in everlasting splendour,
the myriad flames that have shone
before the throne of Thy Divinity
from the dawn of time!

St Bonaventure (1221-1274)
Doctor of the Church

Posted in "Follow Me", BAPTISM, CHRIST the SUN of JUSTICE, CHRIST the WORD and WISDOM, DIVINE Mercy, Goodness, Patience, FATHERS of the Church, ONE Minute REFLECTION, QUOTES on GRACE, THE EPIPHANY of the LORD, The WORD

One Minute Reflection – 10 January – … Behold, the Star which they had seen in the east, went before them … Matthew 2:9

One Minute Reflection – 10 January – “The Month of the Most Holy Name of Jesus” –Within the Octave of Epiphany – Isaias 60:1-6, Matthew 2:1-12 – Scripture search here:

… Behold, the Star which they had seen in the east, went before them, until it came and stood over where the Child was. ” – Matthew 2:9

REFLECTION – “Christ appeared in the world and, bringing beauty out of disarray, gave it lustre and joy. He bore the world’s sin and crushed the world’s enemy. He sanctified the fountains of waters and enlightened the minds of men. Into the fabric of miracles, He interwove ever greater miracles.

For on this day, land and sea share between them, the grace of the Saviour and the whole world is filled with joy. Today’s Feast of the Epiphany manifests even more wonders than the Feast of Christmas.

On the Feast of the Saviour’s birth, the earth rejoiced because it bore the Lord in a manger but on today’s Feast of the Epiphany, it is the sea that is glad and leaps for joy; the sea is glad because it receives the blessing of holiness in the river Jordan.

At Christmas we saw a weak Baby, giving proof of our weakness. In today’s Feast, we see a perfect Man, hinting at the perfect Son Who proceeds from the All-perfect Father. At Christmas the King puts on the Royal Robe of His Body; at Epiphany the very source enfolds and, as it were, clothes the river.

Come then and see new and astounding miracles – the Sun of Righteousness washing in the Jordan, fire immersed in water, God sanctified by the ministry of man.

Today every creature shouts in resounding song – Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord. Blessed is He who comes in every age, for this is not His first coming. And Who is He? Tell us more clearly, I beg you, blessed David – the Lord is God and has shone upon us. David is not alone in prophesying this; the Apostle Paul adds his own witness, saying: the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all men and instructing us. Not for some men but for all. To Jews and Greeks alike God bestows salvation through Baptism, offering Baptism as a common grace for all.

Come, consider this new and wonderful deluge, greater and more important than the flood of Noah’s day. Then, the water of the flood destroyed the human race but now, the water of Baptism has recalled the dead to life, by the power of the One Who was Baptised. In the days of the flood, the dove with an olive branch in its beak foreshadowed the fragrance of the good odour of Christ the Lord; now the Holy Spirit, coming in the likeness of a Dove, reveals the Lord of mercy.” – St Proclus of Constantinople (Died c 446) Confessor, Archbishop of Constantinople, Father (An excerpt from On the Holy God-showing, Sermon 7)

PRAYER – O God, Thou Who by the guidance of a star this day revealed Thy Only-begotten Son to the Gentiles, mercifully grant that we, who know Thee now by faith, may come to behold Thee in glory. Through the same Jesus Christ, Thy Son our Lord, Who lives and reigns with Thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. Amen (Collect).

Posted in "Follow Me", CHRIST the LIGHT, CHRIST the WORD and WISDOM, CHRIST, the WAY,TRUTH,LIFE, Our MORNING Offering, PRAYERS of the SAINTS

Our Morning Offering – 10 January – Beloved and Most Holy Word of God

Our Morning Offering – 10 January – Within the Octave of Epiphany – “The Month of the Most Holy Name of Jesus”

Beloved and Most Holy Word of God
By St James of the Marches (1391-1476)

Beloved and most holy Word of God!
You enlighten the hearts of the faithful,
You satisfy the hungry,
console the afflicted.
You make the souls of all,
productive of good
and cause all virtues to blossom.
You snatch souls
from the devil’s jaw.
You make the wretched holy
and men of earth,
citizens of Heaven!

Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Saint of the Day – 10 January – St John the Good (Died c 669) Confessor, Archbishop

Saint of the Day – 10 January – St John Camillus the Good (Died c 669) Confessor, Archbishop of Milan from c. 641 until his death. Known as “the Good” for his great charity and generosity, his holiness, devotion and his many miracles. Additional Memorials – 2 January on some calendars, 15 January in Milan and 25 September together with all the Saint Bishops of Milan. Also known as – John Bonus, John Camillus, John the Good of Milan, Giovanni Bonus.

The Bishop of Milan, Honoratus, escaped to Genoa and Honoratus’ successors remained in Genoa. Genoa was then a suffragan Diocese of Milan. There, John the Good, is particularly remembered for being the first Bishop to return the Seat to Milan after more than 70 years absence.

John the Good was born in the Diocese of Genoa in the village of Recco (also the nearby town of Camogli claims the birth of John). It is not exactly known when he became Bishop of Milan but it is believed that his election was in consequence of the 641 conquest of Genoa by the Lombard’s King Rothari. John was the Bishop who returned the Seat and See of the Diocese to Milan.

There are two main sources for John’s life – the Catalogue of the Bishops of Milan (dated about the 10th Century) and a poem in his honour which can be dated from the 11th to the 13th Century. According to this Poem/Vita, John was distinguished for his generosity and charity, from which he was given the sobriquet “the Good.”

The Alter erected by St Charles Borromeo in Milan Cathedral. The immense windows beside it depict the life of St John the Good

In 649, John was invited to participate to the Lateran Council but he arrived in Rome when the Council had already ended. He, however, subscribed to all the Decrees issued by the Council.

According to the Vita, he accomplished many miracles and moved some of the Relics of Saint Syrus of Genoa to Desio. He died in c 669 leaving all his properties, including estates in Genoa, to the Church of Milan.

John’s body was initially buried in the little Church of Saint Michael in Milan and the first survey on his Relics was made by Archbishop Aribert (1018–1045). On 24 May 1582, shortly before the demolition of the Church of St Michael, Cardinal Saint Charles Borromeo translated John’s body to the south transept of the Cathedral of Milan, where it is still venerated. Our Saint John the Good, was a tall man, his body measures 1.90 metres (6 ft 3 in) in height.

John died on 2 January according to the catalogue, or on 10 January according to the Poem Vita. The latter date became his Feast day. Today, his Feast is celebrated on 2 January, or on 10 January where he is still listed for this date in the Roman Martyrology (or 15 January in the Cathedral of Milan and together with all the Saint Bishops of Milan on 25 September).

Milan Cathedral, Vast and awe-inspiring
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The Fifth Day within the Octave of Epiphany, Madonna del Pianto / The Weeping Madonna, Rome, Italy (1546) and Memorials of the Saints – 10 January

The Fifth Day within the Octave of Epiphany

Madonna del Pianto / Madonna of the Lament or the Weeping Madonna, Rome, Italy (1546) – 10 January:

St Aldo of Carbonari
St Pope Agatho
St Arcontius of Viviers
Bl Benincasa of Cava
St Dermot of Inis Clothrann
St Domitian of Melitene

Blessed Pope Gregory X TOSF (1210-1276) Bishop of Rome 1272-1276. Beatified on 8 July 1713 by Pope Clement XI.

Blessed Giles of Lorenzana OFM (1443-1518) Lay Brother of the Friars Minor.

St John Camillus the Good (Died c 669) Confessor, Bishop of Milan
St Maurilius of Cahors
St Nicanor of Cyprus

St Paul the Hermit (c 230-342) The First Desert Hermit
“In Thebais, the birthday of St Paul, the first Hermit, who lived alone in the desert from the sixteenth to the one hundred and thirteenth year of his age. His soul was seen by St Anthony Abbot, carried by Angels among the choirs of Apostles and Prophets. His Feast is celebrated on the 15th day of this Month.” (Roman Martyrology).

St Peter Orseolo OSB Cam. (928–987) Doge of Venice, Monk, Administrator, Governor. Apostle of Charity. Canonised recognised in 1027 by the Bishop of Elne, France and his Cultus was confirmed by Pope Clement XII in 1731.
About St Peter:

St Petronius of Die
Bl Raymond de Fosso
St Saethryth of Faremoutier
St Thecla of Lentini
St Thomian of Armagh
St Valerius of Limoges

St William of Bourges O.Cist (c 1140-1209) Archbishop of Bourges from 1200 until his death, Confessor, Monk, renowned for miracles and virtue.
About St William: