Posted in MARTYRS, SAINT of the DAY

Saints of the Day – 2 July – Saints Processus and Martinian of Rome * (Died c67) Martyrs

Saints of the Day – 2 July – Saints Processus and Martinian of Rome * (Died c67) Martyrs, Laymen, Prison guards at the Mamertine prison in Rome. They were among the Guards of St Peter and St Paul, the Apostles. They converted to Christ and were Baptised by Peter and Paul. Patronage – Bagnolo Mella, Italy.

The Roman Martyrology reqads today: “At Rome, on the Aurelian Way, the birthday of the holy Martyrs, Processus and Martinian, who were Baptised by the blessed Apostle Peter, in the Mamertine Prison. After being struck on the mouth, racked, scourged with thongs and whips tipped with metal, after being beaten with rods and exposed to the flames, they were beheaded in the days of Nero and thus obtained the Crown of Martyrdom.

For many Centuries before the Feast of the Visitation was instituted, the 2nd of July was kept as the Feast of the Martyrs Saints Processus and Martinian, who remain as a commemoration on that day in the Extraordinary Form. According to a legend current since the Sixth Century, they were the jailers in charge of keeping Sts Peter and Paul, in the Mamertine prison in Rome, during the reign of the Emperor Nero and having been converted by the Apostles, allowed them to escape. For this, they were put to death after a long series of torments, through which they simply said over and over again, “Blessed be the Name of our Lord, Jesus Christ, Whom His blessed Apostles have preached!” Originally buried in a cemetery off the via Aurelia, their remains were transferred to the ancient Basilica of St Peter by Pope Paschal I in the early Ninth Century. The north transept of the new Basilica is named for them, where their Relics are kept under the middle of the three Altars.

The north transept of St Peter’s Basilica

The central Altar is where this painting of their Martyrdom, by the French painter Valentin de Boulogne (1629) was originally displayed – it is now replaced by a mosaic copy.

Interesting Note: Since the windows of St Peter’s Basilica are so high up, the marble walls are never exposed to direct sunlight for any great length of time and, generally remain cooler than the air. In the summertime, when Italy is often very hot and humid, a great deal of moisture comes into the building and condenses on the cooler marble. In the middle of the 18th Century, it was realised that the paintings over the Altars were being destroyed because they had a slick of condensation over them for several months of the year.
They were, therefore, all removed and replaced by mosaics.
The original of our painting of the Martyrdom, is now in the Painting Gallery of the Vatican Museums. (GREGORY DIPIPPO).


The Solemnity of Sts Peter and Paul, The Visitation of Our Lady and Memorials of the Saints – 2 July

The Solemnity of Sts Peter and Paul, Apostles and Martyrs

The Feast of the Visitation of Our Lady, instituted in 1385 by Pope Urban IV

The Fifth Sunday after Pentecost

Notre Dame de la Visitation / Our Lady of the Visitation, Lescure, Valuéjols, Cantal, Auvergne, France (1717) – Commemorated on the Fourth Sunday of June and/or 2 July :

Bl Benedict Metzler

St Bernadino Realino SJ (1530-1616) Priest of the Society of Jesus, Lawyer, Teacher, Apostle of Charity.

Servant of God Bernard of Quintavalle OFM ( Died 1q241) “The First fruits of the Minor Orders” – The First Follower of St Francis of Assisi. Bernard was his faithful and devout companion who received. from St Francis on his deathbed, custody of the Friars Minor. \he died nearly 20 years after St Francis.
About dear Bernard:

Bl Giovanni da Fabriano Becchetti
St Jacques Fermin
Bl Jarich of Mariengaarde
St Jéroche
St Lidanus of Sezze
St Martinian of Rome * (Died c67) Martyr, Layman

St Monegundis
St Oudoceus

Blessed Peter of Luxembourg (1369-1387) Bishop and Cardinal. Because of his prudence and sanctity, at the early age of fifteen, he was appointed Bishop of Metz. He made his public entry into his See barefoot and riding on a donkey.
About Blessed Peter:

Bl Pietro Becchetti da Fabriano
St Processus of Rome * (Died c67) Martyr, Layman

St Swithun (c 800-863) Bishop of Winchester, Miracle-worker.
About St Swithun:

Martyred Soldiers of Rome – 3 Saints: Three soldiers who were converted at the Martyrdom of Saint Paul the Apostle. Then they were martyred, as well. We known nothing else about them but their names – Acestes, Longinus and Megistus. Martyred c68 in Rome, Italy

Martyrs in Carthage by Hunneric – 7 Saints: A group of seven Christians tortured and murdered in the persecutions of the Arian Vandal king Hunneric for remaining loyal to the teachings of orthodox Christianity. They were some of the many who died for the faith during a period of active Arian heresy. – Boniface, Liberatus, Maximus, Rogatus, Rusticus, Septimus and Servus.

Martyrs of Campania – 10 Saints: A group of ten Christians Marytred together in the persecutions of Diocletian. The only details about them to have survived are their names – Ariston, Crescention, Eutychian, Felicissimus, Felix, Justus, Marcia, Symphorosa, Urban and Vitalis. Martyred in 284 in Campania, Italy.