Posted in MORNING Prayers, SAINT of the DAY, The WORD

Thought for the Day – 15 June – St Bernard of Menthon C.R.S.A (c 1020-1081)

Thought for the Day – 15 June – St Bernard of Menthon C.R.S.A (c 1020-1081)

Saint Bernard’s life was one of simple service in a difficult environment.   His hospitality was legendary and his works survive today in the form of the hospices he established. His community—the Houses and Congregations of Saints Nicholas and Bernard—remains active today, maintaining the Alpine hospices as well as one in the Himalayas. Upon his death, he was interred at the cloisters of Saint Lawrence.   Numerous miracles were reported at the site of his burial, as well as in Saint Bernard’s pass.   We are inspired by the love of Saint Bernard to extend ourselves to those in need, never missing an opportunity to show God’s love.   Saint Bernard reminds us of the epistle of Saint Peter:

The end of all things is near.   Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray.   Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling.   Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God.   If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ.   To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever.  Amen

1 Peter 4: 7-11

St Bernard of Menthon, Pray for us!st bernard de menthon pray fo us - 15 june 2018


Quote/s of the Day – 15 June – June, the Month of the Sacred Heart

Quote/s of the Day – 15 June – June, the Month of the Sacred Heart

“O most Sacred,
most loving Heart of Jesus,
You are concealed
in the Holy Eucharist
and You beat for us still.”

Blessed John Henry Newman (1801-1890)o most sacred, most loving heart of jesus - bl john henry newman - 15 june 2018

“I beg and entreat you,
by the love of God
and by the respect which we owe Him,
to apply yourselves to serve Our Lord Jesus Christ
with all the fidelity of which you are capable
and to venerate His Divine Majesty
with the deepest respect,
above all in the Sacrament of the Eucharist,
in which He is hidden in all the greatness
of His divine and human natures,
wherein He is present as entirely,
as powerfully and as infinitely,
as He is in heaven.”

St Ignatius Loyola (1491-1556)i beg and entreat you - st ignatius loyola - 15 june 2018


One Minute Reflection – 15 June – Friday of the Tenth Week of Ordinary Time, Year B – Today’s Gospel Matthew 5:27-32

One Minute Reflection – 15 June – Friday of the Tenth Week of Ordinary Time, Year B – Today’s Gospel Matthew 5:27-32

“It was also said, ‘Whoever divorces his wife, let him give her a certificate of divorce.’   But I say to you that every one who divorces his wife, except on the ground of unchastity, makes her an adulteress and whoever marries a divorced woman, commits adultery.”…Matthew 5:31-32matthew 5 31-32-but i say to you that everyone who divorces

REFLECTION – “Married love particularly reveals its true nature and nobility when we realise that it takes its origin from God, who is love… Marriage, then, is far from being the effect of chance or the result of the blind evolution of natural forces.   It is in reality the wise and provident institution of God the Creator, whose purpose was to effect in man His loving design.   As a consequence, husband and wife, through that mutual gift of themselves alone… develop that union of two persons in which they perfect one another, cooperating with God in the generation and rearing of new lives.   The marriage of those who have been baptised is, in addition, invested with the dignity of a sacramental sign of grace, for it represents the union of Christ and His Church (Eph 5:32).

In the light of these facts the characteristic features and exigencies of married love are clearly indicated.   This love is above all fully human, a compound of sense and spirit.   It is not, then, merely a question of natural instinct or emotional drive.   It is also, and above all, an act of the free will, whose trust is such that it is meant not only to survive the joys and sorrows of daily life but also to grow, so that husband and wife become, in a way, one heart and one soul and together attain their human fulfilment.

It is a love which is total—that very special form of personal friendship in which husband and wife generously share everything, allowing no unreasonable exceptions and not thinking solely of their own convenience.   Whoever really loves his partner, loves not only for what he receives but loves that partner, for the partner’s own sake, content to be able to enrich the other with the gift of himself.

Married love is also faithful and exclusive of all other and this until death.   This is how husband and wife understood it on the day on which, fully aware of what they were doing, they freely vowed themselves to one another in marriage… Finally, this love is fecund.   It is not confined wholly to the loving interchange of husband and wife;  it also contrives to go beyond this to bring new life into being.”…Blessed Paul VI – Humanae vitae, 8-9whoever really loves - bl pope paul VI - humanae vitae 9 - 15 june 2018

PRAYER – Yours is the day and Yours, the night, Lord God and we are Your children. Grant we pray, that the weakness of our humanity, the drive of our emotions and flesh may not overpower us.   Lead us Lord, through the dangers of our day, give us strength and true love, wishing only our final home for those who share our lives, especially our spouse.   Mary, pray for us, that we may imitate your faithfulness in all things, St Joseph be a guide and a support to us all.   We make our prayer through Christ our Lord, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God forever, amen.holy mary holy joseph - pray for us - 15 june 2018


Our Morning Offering – 15 June – June, the Month of the Sacred Heart

Our Morning Offering – 15 June – June, the Month of the Sacred Heart

Daily Offering to the Sacred Heart
By St Therese of Lisieux (1873-1897)
Doctor of the Church

O my God!
I offer You all my actions of this day
for the intentions and for the glory
of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
I desire to sanctify
every beat of my heart,
my every thought,
my simplest works,
by uniting them
to His infinite merits
and I wish to make reparation for my sins
by casting them into the furnace
of His Merciful Love.
O my God! I ask of You for myself
and for those whom I hold dear,
the grace to fulfill perfectly
Your Holy Will,
to accept for love of You
the joys and sorrows of this passing life,
so that we may one day be united together
in heaven for all Eternity.
Amendaily offering to the sacred heart - by st therese of lisieux - 15 june 2018

Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Saint of the Day – 15 June – St Bernard of Menthon C.R.S.A (c 1020-1081) “Apostle of the Alps”

Saint of the Day – 15 June – St Bernard of Menthon C.R.S.A (c 1020-1081) – Priest, Arch-Deacon, Vicar General, Preacher, Evangeliser, Founder of a patrol that cleared robbers from the mountains and he established hospices for travellers and pilgrims to Rome and the Holy Land, Italy;  he established a community of Augustinian Hospitallers to staff them and they continue their good work today.   The large dogs, trained to search for lost victims in the mountains, are named for him, also known as the Apostle of the Alps,  Bernard of Aosta,  Bernard of Aotha,  Bernard of Mentone,  Bernard of Montjoux.   Born Bernard de Menthon around 1020 and died in 1081 at Novara, Italy.   Patronages – Alpinists, Alps (proclaimed by Pope Pius XI on 20 August 1923), Campiglia Cervo, Italy, mountain climbers (proclaimed by Pope Pius XI on 20 August 1923), mountaineers, skiers, travellers in the mountains (proclaimed by Pope Pius XI on 20 August 1923).681px-St_Bernard,_1607ST BERNARD

Born in c 1020, probably in the Chateaux de Menthon near Annecy, in Savoy.   He was descended from a rich, noble family and received a thorough education.   He refused to enter an honourable marriage proposed by his father and decided to devote himself to the service of the Church.

Chateaux de Menthon

Placing himself under the direction of Peter, Archdeacon of Aosta, under whose guidance he rapidly progressed, Bernard was ordained priest and on account of his learning and virtue was made Archdeacon of Aosta, having charge of the government of the diocese under the bishop.   Seeing the ignorance and idolatry still prevailing among the people of the Alps, he resolved to devote himself to their conversion.   For forty two years he continued to preach the Gospel to these people and carried the light of faith even into many cantons of Lombardy, effecting numerous conversions and working many miracles.768px-St_Bernard_de_Menthon_et_un_chienbernard_de_menthon_45_01Peinture_de_Saint_Bernard_à_Meillerie

For another reason, however, Bernard’s name will forever be famous in history.   Since the most ancient times there was a path across the Pennine Alps leading from the valley of Aosta to the Swiss canton of Valais, over what is now the pass of the Great St Bernard. This pass is covered with perpetual snow from seven to eight feet deep and drifts sometimes accumulate to the height of forty feet.   Though the pass was extremely dangerous, especially in the springtime on account of avalanches, yet it was often used by French and German pilgrims on their way to Rome.   For the convenience and protection of travellers, St Bernard founded a monastery and hospice at the highest point of the pass, 8,000 feet above sea-level.   A few years later he established another hospice on the Little St Bernard, a mountain of the Graian Alps, 7,076 feet above sea-level.   Both were placed in charge of Augustinian monks after pontifical approval had been obtained by him during a visit to Rome.

These hospices are renowned for the generous hospitality extended to all travellers over the Great and Little St Bernard, so called in honour of the founder of these charitable institutions.   At all seasons of the year but especially during heavy snow-storms, the heroic monks accompanied by their well-trained dogs, go out in search of victims who may have succumbed to the severity of the weather.   They offer food, clothing, and shelter to the unfortunate travellers and take care of the dead.   They depend on gifts and collections for sustenance.   At present, the order consists of about forty members, the majority of whom live at the hospice while some have charge of neighbouring parishes.

St Bernard spent 42 years as a priest serving the people of this region.   In addition to serving travellers, he founded schools and reformed parishes throughout the area.   He lived to be 85 years old and died on this date in 1081.

The last act of St Bernard’s life was the reconciliation of two noblemen whose strife threatened a fatal issue.   He was interred in the cloister of St Lawrence.   Venerated as a saint from the twelfth century in many places of Piedmont (Aosta, Novara, Brescia), he was not canonised until 1681, by Innocent XI.   His feast is celebrated on the 15th of June.

It seems that the dogs originally used by the religious belonged to a race that is now extinct.   A stuffed specimen of the original breed is visible at the hospice.   The St Bernard breed was first reported to the hospice of St Bernard in 1709 by the prior Ballalu.1024px-SanBernardo_Newton

St Bernard of Menthon, you saved pilgrims in the Alps from avalanches and robbers–pray for us!


Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Memorials of the Saints – 15 June

St Abraham of Saint-Cyriacus
St Achaicus of Corinth
Bl Albertina Berkenbrock
St Barbara Cui Lianshi
St Benildis of Córdoba
St Bernard of Montjoux/Menthon C.R.S.A (c 1020-1081)

St Constantine of Beauvais
St Domitian of Lobbes
St Edburgh of Winchester
St Eigil
St Eutropia of Palmyra
St Fortunatus of Corinth
St Germaine Cousin
St Hadelinus of Lobbes
St Hesychius of Durostorum
St Hilarion of Espalion
Bl Juan Rodriguez
St Julius of Durostorum
St Landelin of Crespin
St Leonides of Palmyra
St Libya of Palmyra
St Lotharius of Séez
St Melan of Viviers
St Orsisius
Bl Pedro da Teruel
Bl Peter Snow
St Pierre de Cervis
Bl Ralph Grimston
St Tatian of Cilicia
Bl Thomas Scryven
St Trillo of Wales
St Vaughe of Ireland
St Vitus
St Vouga of Lesneven

Martyr of Lucania – 11 saints: Eleven Christians martyred together. We known nothing else about them but the names – Anteon, Candidus, Cantianilla, Cantianus, Chrysogonus, Jocundus, Nivitus, Protus, Quintianus, Silvius, Theodolus in Lucania (modern Basilicata), Italy, date unknown.