Tuesday of the First Week in Lent and Memorials of the Saints – 28 February

Tuesday of the First Week in Lent – FAST

St Abercius
Bl Antonia of Florence (1400-1472)
St Caerealis
St Caerealis of Alexandria
St Cyra of Beroea
St Ermine
St Gaius of Alexandria

St Pope Hilary/Hilarius (Died 468) Pope from 461-468, Papal aide to St Pope Leo the Great, Papal Legate, Reformer of Episcopal discipline, builder of Churches, libraries, Chapels and public works.
His Life

St Justus the Potter
St Llibio
St Macarius the Potter
St Maidoc
St Marana of Beroea
St Oswald of Worcester (Died 992) Bishop
St Proterius of Alexandria
St Pupulus of Alexandria

St Romanus of Condat (c 390–c 463) Abbot, Hermit.
His Life:

St Ruellinus of Treguier
St Rufinus the Potter
St Serapion of Alexandria
St Sillan of Bangor
St Theophilus the Potter
Bl Villana de’Botti OP (1332-1361) Married, Mother, Penitent, Mystic.

Martyrs of Alexandria – A number of clerics and layman who died as Martyrs of charity for ministering to the sick during a plague that ravaged Alexandria, Egypt in 261.

Martyrs of Antwerp – 14 Christians who were Martyred together. We know nothing about them but the names Alexander, Anicetus, Cyriacus, Eulalia, Faustus, Genesius, Hirena, Macarius, Mauritius, Modestus, Placidus, Rochus, Symforian and Victorinus. Died in Rome, Italy, date unknown. Their Relics were transferred and enshrined in Antwerp, Belgium.

Martyrs of Corinth – A group of Christians Martyred together in Corinth, Greece. The only information we have about them are the names Basilia, Betha, Caius, Claudius, Diodorus, Donatus, Enuclus, Felix, Hermes, Januaria, Januarius, Maccaris, Maninlia, Mansuetus, Nicophorus, Papias, Quinquianus, Rufunia, Serapion, Servilia, Silvana, Stercola, Tella, Veneria, Victor and Victorinus.


Passionate Catholic. Being a Catholic is a way of life - a love affair "Religion must be like the air we breathe..."- St John Bosco Prayer is what the world needs combined with the example of our lives which testify to the Light of Christ. This site, which is now using the Traditional Calendar, will mainly concentrate on Daily Prayers, Novenas and the Memorials and Feast Days of our friends in Heaven, the Saints who went before us and the great blessings the Church provides in our Catholic Monthly Devotions. This Site is placed under the Patronage of my many favourite Saints and especially, St Paul. "For the Saints are sent to us by God as so many sermons. We do not use them, it is they who move us and lead us, to where we had not expected to go.” Charles Cardinal Journet (1891-1975) This site adheres to the Catholic Church and all her teachings. PLEASE ADVISE ME OF ANY GLARING TYPOS etc - In June 2021 I lost 95% sight in my left eye and sometimes miss errors. Thank you and I pray all those who visit here will be abundantly blessed. Pax et bonum! 🙏

10 thoughts on “Tuesday of the First Week in Lent and Memorials of the Saints – 28 February

  1. Good Evening. Popping in to see how your weekend went and your Monday..Sorry did not drop by earlier. It was almost 80 here and I decided since I had the house clean that I would work out in the yard… Did some touch up on the back patio and actually had to mow the front LOL…Worked mostly in back yard.. Tomorrow I still need to mow back as I only could get to front with everything…
    Tomorrow suppose to be close to 85. Hard to believe it is still winter…
    I started the 54 Day Rosary Novena last Wednesday, first time doing it… Loving it, also added some Lent readings from 2 different books, also loving it, usually I read only one, but added St.Therese of Lisioux Lent book this year..
    Just sitting around waiting until son leaves for work to get in bed. 5 a.m comes early , I like to be able to get EWTN Mass and my prayers done in the morning then of course Divine mercy at 3 p.m
    Luckly waiting until he leaves I did manage to get a large load washed and put away…
    Any ways enough yacking on my part. 😉
    So I will close this and will keep you in my prayers my friend..

    Pax Chrisit….Sonya

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Gosh Sonya that is way too many devotions!!!
      I find it overwhelming and how do you focus on all that?
      It’s spiritual avarice – sorry but I have just been reading of the dangers of this 😪😒
      Anyway I am glad to hear from you and all your work and devotions.
      Be blessed on your Lenten journey.
      I pray for you too 🙏


  2. Being at home is a HUGE LOT OF WORK, a full-time 24 hour job without pay!!! Cleaning, cooking, ironing, mending, polishing, arranging and re-arranging, making beds and re-making beds, gardening – I NEVER finish – or do you have a cleaning service as most South African’s do?
    All the great spiritual masters speak against so many devotions! I must say that the more I try to do, the less I do – in other words – my focus decreases, my heart and mind become burdened by time and anxiety.🙌💘


    1. I’m in Tx.. nope onky child is grown he works nights hubby days’ so house stays pretty clean deep clean on Mondays, rest of week light cleaning…I get it all done, Son keeps his room and bathroom clean. I tend to yard… I get up at 5 am.. vacuum so not yo disturb his sleep when he gets in from work i clean till he gets in then after breakfast i do prayers , bible, EWTN Mass.Then after all that on nice days I will then go mow, tend to outdoor stuff. 3 pm stop if I’m still cleaning and say Divine Mercy.. hubby leaves at 4 am.. I’m usually done with it all by the time son gets up and hubby cones in around 5. I start supper at 5:30…Clean kitchen up and relax… 😁

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