Posted in ABOUT - Meditations with Fr RICHARD F CLARKE SJ, JESUIT SJ

Thought for the Day – 22 May – Meditations with Fr Richard Frederick Clarke SJ

Thought for the Day – 22 May – Meditations with Fr Richard Frederick Clarke SJ (1839-1900)


Fr Richard Clarke was born on 25 January 1839, London, England as a protestant. After studying at Oxford and entering Anglican ministry, he converted to Catholicism and entered the Jesuit Order on 15 July 1871, at Roehampton London. He was Ordained in 1878 and made his Professed on 02 February 1887.

Fr Clarke was a prolific writer with much of his output being small, meditative booklets which assist the faithful to stop and realise that the impossible could become possible.

He has written on all the essential virtues and devotions of our Catholic Faith as we climb this steep and narrow road to sanctity, guiding, inspiring and supporting us on our pilgrimage through the Liturgical year.. Most of his works cover 30 days and the Meditations are generally brief and deeply relevant to life in the world. We will be combining 3 of them here at present. Patience, Humility and for June, the Adorable Heart of Jesus which was re-issued with a Preface and Introduction by our Fr Clarke, using a publication by Fr Joseph de Galliffet (1663-1749).

We begin tomorrow.


Quote of the Day – 22 May – A Prayer to St Rita When in Special Need

Quote of the Day – 22 May – St Rita of Cascia (1386-1457) Mother, Widow, Stigmatist, Consecrated Religious, Mystic, – Patron of Impossible Causes, Abused Wives and Widows et al

A Prayer to St Rita
When in Special Need

O powerful St Rita,
rightly called Saint of the Impossible,
I come to you with confidence in my great need.
You know well my trials,
for you yourself were many times burdened in this life.
Come to my aid, speak for me,
pray with me, intercede on my behalf
before the Father.
I know that God has a most generous heart
and that He is a most loving Father.
Join your prayers to mine
and obtain for me the grace I desire
……………… (here mention your request).
You who were so very pleasing to God on earth
and are so much now in Heaven,
I promise to use this favour, when granted,
to better my life, to proclaim God’s Mercy
and to make you more widely known and loved.

Posted in CHRIST the WORD and WISDOM, DOCTORS of the Church, FATHERS of the Church, The HOLY GHOST, The WORD

One Minute Reflection – 22 May – The Kiss of God is the Gift oif the Spirit!

One Minute Reflection – 22 May – Pentecost Wednesday – Ember Wednesday within the Octave of Pentecost – Acts 2:1-11, John 14:23-31.–St Rita of Cascia (1386-1457) Mother, Widow, Stigmatist, Consecrated Religious, Mystic – Scripture search here:

But the Paraclete, the Holy Ghost, Whom the Father will send in My Name, He will teach you all things and bring all things to your mind, whatsoever I shall have said to you.” – John 14:26

REFLECTION – “The Apostles were sitting there in the Cenacle, the Upper Room, waiting for the Holy Ghost’s coming. Like torches, they were present there, ready and waiting to be set alight by the Holy Ghost so as to illumine the whole creation with their teaching… They were there like farm hands carrying seed in their coat pocket, waiting for the order to go out and sow. They were there like sailors whose boat is tied up in the harbour of the Son’s commandment and who are waiting for the gentle wind of the Spirit. They were there like shepherds who have just received their staff from the Chief Shepherd of the fold and who are waiting for the flock to be divided among them.

And they began to speak in different tongues as the Spirit enabled them to proclaim.” O Cenacle, kneading trough into which has been thrown the leaven, leavening the whole world! O Cenacle, mother of all the Churches, who have witnessed the miracle of the burning bush (Ex 3). O Cenacle, amazing Jerusalem with a wonder far greater than that of the burning furnace which astonished the inhabitants of Babylon (Dn 3). The fire of the furnace burned all those around it but protected those in its midst – the flames of the Cenacle gather together those outside who wish to see them, while bringing comfort to those who receive them. O fire, whose coming is word, whose silence is light! O fire, establishing hearts in thankfulness!…

Some people, who were opposed to the Holy Ghost, said: “These people have had too much new wine; they are drunk.” Indeed, you speak truly! However, it is not as you think it is. It is not wine from the vineyard they have drunk. It is a new wine that flows from Heaven – a wine newly pressed on Golgotha. The Apostles caused it to be drunk and thus they inebriated all creation. This is wine that was pressed on the Cross!” – St Ephrem (306-373) Deacon in Syria, Father and Doctor of the Church [Added by Pope Benedict XV in 1920] – (On the outpouring of the Holy Ghost).

PRAYER – O God, Thou Who on this day have taught the hearts of the faithful by the Light of the Holy Spirit, grant us by that Holy Spirit Himself, to know what is right and ever to rejoice in His consolation. Through Jesus Christ, Thy Son our Lord, Who lives and reigns with Thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. Amen (Collect).


Our Morning Offering – 22 May – St Bonaventure’s Prayer for the Gifts of the Holy Ghost

Our Morning Offering – 22 May – Pentecost Wednesday

Prayer for the Gifts
of the Holy Ghost
By St Bonaventure (1221-1274)
Seraphic Doctor of the Church

We beg the All-Merciful Father through Thee,
His Only-Begotten Son, made Man for our sake,
Crucified and Glorified for us,
to send upon us, from His treasure-house,
the Spirit of Sevenfold Grace,
Who rested upon Thee in all His fullness.

The Spirit of Wisdom,
enabling us to relish the fruit of the tree of life,
which is indeed Thyself.
The Gift of Understanding,
to enlighten our perceptions.
The Gift of Prudence,
enabling us to follow in Thine Footsteps.
The Gift of Strength,
to withstand our adversary’s onslaught.
The Gift of Knowledge,
to distinguish good from evil,
by the light of Thine holy teaching.
The Gift of Piety,
to clothe ourselves with charity and mercy.
The Gift of Fear,
to withdraw from all ill-doing
and live quietly in awe
of Thy Eternal Majesty.

These are the things for which we petition.
Grant them for the honour of Thy Holy Name,
to which, with the Father and the Holy Ghost,
be all honour and glory, thanksgiving, renown
and Lordship, forever and ever.

Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Saint of the Day – 22 May – Saint Romanus of Subiaco (Died c560) Abbot

Saint of the Day – 22 May – Saint Romanus of Subiaco (Died c560) Abbot, Hermit and Monk. Protector and benefactor of St Benedict during the latter’s early years as a Hermit. Also known as Romano.

Life of St Benedict, Scene 4: The Monk Romanus Dresses Benedict by Il Sodoma,

The spirituality of the great Saint Benedict, Patron Saint of Europe, originated with a three-year Retreat at the so-called “Sacro Speco” of Subiaco. In this deep, almost inaccessible cave, the young Benedict dedicated himself, body and soul, to a very harsh ascetic practice.
However, not everyone knows that it was our Saint Romanus, a Monk near the Lazio village of Subiaco, who dressed the famous Saint of Norcia in the Hermit’s Habit, helped him enter the Sacro Speco and provided him with everything he needed to survive for three long years. All this, however, was done with secrecy, to prevent anyone from suspecting Benedict’s presence in the cave and possibly disturbing his asceticism.

Everyday, Romanus provided the penitent boy with some bread recovered from the canteen of his Monastery, climbing the cliff above the entrance to the cavity, he warned Benedetto of his arrival with a bell and letthe supplies, just as much as was needed, down to him down with a rope.

Legend has it that one day the bell was broken by the devil, enraged by the strong ascetic and charitable virtues which he found in Benedict and Romanus respectively. The latter, however, did not limit himself exclusively to providing the Saint of Norcia with material aid but thanks to his experience and his wisdom, he was able to reveal to him, the secrets of monastic asceticism which proved to be of fundamental importance in the drafting of the Benedictine Rule.

Unfortunately, it is not known with historical certainty whether the two Sints remained in contact even at the end of the three years of collaboration at the Holy Sepulchre of Subiaco. When Saint Benedict finally became famous as Abbot of Monte Cassino, tradition rather leans towards a transfer of Romanus to France, where he did his utmost to found a new Monastery and trained many young Monks. Here, upon his death, he was venerated for his immense spiritual merits which materialised mainly in the inspiration of Saint Benedict in the foundation of the new religious family, which formed the Christian soul of the old continent.


Ember Wed, sday – Fast & Partial Abstinence, Pentecost Wednesday, Beata Vergine di San Luca, Bologna, Italy / The Blessed Virgin of Saint Luke, Bologna, St Rita of Cascia and the Saints for 22 May

Ember Wednesday Fast & Partial Abstinence:

Pentecost Wednesday

St Aigulf of Bourges
St Atto of Pistoia
St Aureliano of Pavia
St Ausonius of Angoulême
St Baoithin of Ennisboyne

St Boethian of Pierrepont
St Castus the Martyr
St Conall of Inniscoel
Bl Diego de Baja
Bl Dionisio Senmartin
St Emilius the Martyr
St Faustinus the Martyr

Bl Fulk of Castrofurli
Bl Giacomo Soler
Bl Giusto Samper
St Helen of Auxerre

St Lupo of Limoges
St Marcian of Ravenna Bishop and Confessor
St Margaret of Hulme
Bl Pedro of the Assumption
St Quiteria
St Romanus of Subiaco (Died c560) Abbot, Protector and benefactor of St Benedict during the latter’s early years as a Hermit.
St Timothy the Martyr
St Venustus the Martyr