NOVENA TO CHRIST KING in preparation for the Liturgical Feast of Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Written by Prince Cardinal Adam Stefan Sapieha, Archbishop of Krakow

in preparation for the Liturgical Feast
of Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
Written by Prince Cardinal Adam Stefan Sapieha, Archbishop of Krakow

Day Seven
Following the Saints

Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Thy faithful and enkindle in them the fire of Thy love.

1 Peter 1:15-16
. . . but, as he who called you is holy, be holy yourselves in every aspect of your conduct, for it is written, “Be holy because I (am) holy.

By their eloquent and attractive example of a life completely transfigured by the splendour of moral truth, the martyrs and, in general, all the Church’s Saints, light up every period of history by reawakening its moral sense.   By witnessing fully to the good, they are a living reproof to those who transgress the law (cf. Wis 2:12) and they make the words of the Prophet echo ever afresh: “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!” (Is 5:20)… St Pope John Paul II, The Encyclical Veritatis Splendor, 93

Prayer:  God, Father of all grace! In Your Saints You ceaselessly show us Your immeasurable kindness and Your care over the whole Church.   Through Jesus Christ, Our Lord and King, You teach the saints the path to perfection and lettest them taste in this life the sweet fruit of Redemption.   May You give us strength so that we have courage to follow the way to sainthood, fortified by the example of all Your saints.
Jesus Christ, who takes joy in every soul that yearns to love You more than the world and one’s own life.   Lord and King, You wish to reign in the hearts of the
righteous and the honest, the poor and the humble, the suffering and the scorned, through the intercession of Your Servants, the Saints, be mindful of their souls and make them the kingdom of Your love, peace and truth.   May all the hearts cold and indifferent to the reverence and adoration of the Celestial Father be enkindled with love for Him. You who lives and reigns world without end.  Amen.

Prayer to Jesus Christ King of the Universe
by Adam Stefan Cardinal Sapieha (1927)

O Jesus, Lord of our hearts and immortal King of centuries, we hereby solemnly swear to You to stand faithfully by Your throne and by You. We swear never to blemish Your standard with unbelief, sectarianism or any other apostasy. We vow to You to persevere in the holy Catholic faith until we die.
May our posterity engrave it on our tombstones that we were never embarrassed because of our faith in You, Jesus the King and Your Gospel.   May You reign in our hearts through grace.   May You reign in our families through family virtues.   May You reign in our schools through genuine Catholic upbringing.
May You reign in our society through justice and concord.   May You reign everywhere, always and forever.   May Your standard be a guide for us all, may Your Kingdom extend to every corner of the earth! Amen

Let us pray:   Almighty God, the powerful King of all creation, we humbly beseech You to send the hosts of angels for our protection so that we may serve You with devotion, with no hindrance and in peace.   We beseech You through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amenday seven - novena christ the king - 23 nov 2017

Posted in JESUIT SJ, MORNING Prayers, PRAYERS of the SAINTS, SAINT of the DAY

Our Morning Offering – 23 November – The Memorial of Blessed Miguel Pro S.J. (1891-1927)

Our Morning Offering – 23 November – The Memorial of Blessed Miguel Pro S.J. (1891-1927)

To The Heart Of Jesus
By Blessed Miguel Pro S.J. (1891-1927)

I believe, O Lord
but strengthen my faith,
Heart of Jesus, I love Thee
but increase my love.
Heart of Jesus, I trust in Thee,
but give greater vigour
to my confidence.
Heart of Jesus,
I give my heart to Thee,
but so enclose it in Thee
that it may never
be separated from Thee.
Heart of Jesus, I am all Thine,
but take care of my promise
so that I may be able
to put it in practice even unto
the complete sacrifice of my life.
Amento the heart of jesus - bl migule pro - 23 nov 2017

Posted in JESUIT SJ, SAINT of the DAY

Memorials of the Saints – 23 November

St Pope Clement I (Optional Memorial)
St Columbanus (Optional Memorial)
Bl Miguel Agustin Pro (Optional Memorial)

St Adalbert of Casauria
St Alexander Nevski
St Amphilochius of Iconium
St Augusta of Alexandria
St Cecilia Yu Sosa
St Clement of Metz
Bl Detlev of Ratzeburg
Bl Enrichetta Alfieri
St Falitrus of Chabris
St Faustina of Alexandria
Bl Felícitas Cendoya Araquistain
St Felicity of Rome
St Gregory of Girgenti
Bl Guy of Casauria
St Jaume Nàjera Gherna
St Loëvan of Brittany
St Lucretia of Mérida
Bl Margaret of Savoy
St Mustiola of Chiusi
St Paternian of Fano
St Paulinus of Whitland
St Rachildis of Saint-Gall
St Severin of Paris
St Sisinius of Cyzicus
St Trudo of Hesbaye
St Wilfetrudis of Nivelless