Thought for the Day – 8 November – The Advantages of Devotion to the Souls in Purgatory

Thought for the Day – 8 November – Meditations with Antonio Cardinal Bacci (1881-1971)

The Advantages of Devotion
to the Souls in Purgatory

The story is told of St John of God who, on one occasion, when he was finding it difficult to provide for the crowds of sick people, whom he had in his hospital, he went about the streets of Granada, crying: “My dear brothers, give alms to yourselves!”
Many were astonished at these words but, the Saint explained that Jesus regards as done to Himself anything which we do for the poor and unfortunate and that, therefore, He repays the generous giver handsomely.
Since the Souls in Purgatory, are poor and needy, it is certain that whatever we do for them, will redound to our own advantage.

St Margaret of Cortona had a keen devotion to the Faithful Departed.
It is related of her that when she was dying, she saw a band of blessed spirits descending from above, in order to escort her into Heaven.
These were the countless souls whom her prayers had rescued from the pains of Purgatory.

If only everyone realised,” the Cure d’Ars once said to a fellow Priest, “what great influence with God, the Holy Souls in Purgatory possess and, the vast number of favours which we obtain through their intercession, they certainly would not be forgotten. Let us pray earnestly for them and they will intercede strongly for us!

Whenever I wish to obtain some favour from our Heavenly Father,” said St Catherine of Bologna, “I have recourse to the Souls in Purgatory. I beseech them to present my petition to the Divine Majesty, in their name and through their inetercession, my request is granted.”

Antonio Cardinal Bacci


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Trials and Tribulations

We have been subjected to Blackouts for months (actually years) now usually staggered in 2 1/2 cuts and according to a schedule for each town, thus allowing for a stressful re-organisation of each day.

BUT sometimes … things go horribly wrong, whether intentionally or accidentally. Like yesterday, when they switched off at the expected time but failed to switch on again. One sits and waits and waits and waits and then goes to bed hungry.

I pray all will go well today and there will be posts tomorrow. I only managed to schedule the List of Feasts and Saints and dear Cardinal Bacci, ahead of the powercut yesterday.

I know this is not confined to South Africa alone, I have heard of a 7 day powerless period recently in Nigeria and know too of similar cuts in the USA, Middle East, England, France and various European countries (yep). So for whoever suffers in the same way – or worse – “hou vas!” 🙏 Ana 💖


Octave Day of All Saints, Notre-Dame de Bellefontaine / Our Lady of the Blessed Fountain, Bellefontaine, France (12th Century) and Memorials of the Saints – 8 November

Octave Day of All Saints

Notre-Dame de Bellefontaine / Our Lady of the Blessed Fountain, Bellefontaine, France (12th Century) – 8 November:

Four Crowned Martyrs: Saint Castorus, Saint Claudius, Saint Nicostratus and Saint Simpronian. Skilled stone carvers in the 3rd century quarries. Martyred when they refused to carve an idol of Aesculapius for Diocletian. They were drowned in the River Sava in 305. Patronages – against fever, cattle, sculptors, stone masons, stonecutters.

St Adeodatus I, Pope (Died 618) Bishop of Rome from 19 October 615 to 8 November 618
St Clair of Tours
St Cybi of Caenarvon
St Drouet

Blessed John Duns Scotus OFM (c 1265-1308) Doctor Subtilis (Subtle Doctor) Franciscan Priest and Friar, Theologian, Philosopher, Lecturer – known as “The minstrel of the Word Incarnate” and “Defender of Mary’s Immaculate Conception”.
Blessed John Duns Life:

St Gervadius

St Godfrey of Amiens OSB (1066–1115) Bishop of Amiens, Reformer, Apostle of Prayer and Charity, Penitent.
About St Godfrey:

St Gregory of Einsiedeln
St Maurus of Verdun
St Moroc of Scotland
St Tysilio of Wales

St Willehad of Bremen (Died 789) First Bishop of Bremen, Germany, Confessor, Benedictine Monk and Priest, a friend of Blessed Alcuin of York, disciple of St Boniface, English Missionary.
His Life:

St Wiomad of Trèves

All Deceased Dominicans

All Saints of the Diocese of Evry: A regional memorial of all the Saints and Beati of the calendar who have a connection to the Diocese of Evry-Corbeil-Essonnes, France.
• Blessed Isabella of France, founded the Longchamp monastery
• Blessed Nicolas Gaudreau, pastor of Vert-le-Petit
• Blessed Pierre Bonse, pastor of Massy
• Our Lady of Good Guard, patron saint of the diocese, venerated in Longpont-sur-Orge, France
• Saint Corbinian, born in Saint-Germain-lès-Arpajon
• Saint Denis of Paris, evangelizer of part of Essonne and revered ni Longpont-sur-Orge
• Saint Eloi, who lived in Chilly-Mazarin
• Saint Germain of Paris
• Saint William of Bourges, son of Count Baldwin IV of Corbeil
• Saint William of Aebelholt, pastor of Brunoy
• Saint Wulfran of Sens, born in Milly-la-Forêt
• Blessed Nativelle, vicar of Longjumeau
• Blessed René Le Bris, pastor of Bris-sous-Forges
• Saint Spire of Bayeux, whose relics are in Corbeil in the cathedral that bears his name
All Saints of Wales

Augustinian Martyrs of Spain