Posted in DOGMA, IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Prayers and Novena

Reminder: The Novena in Honour of the Immaculate Conception begins on 29 November

Novena in honour of the Immaculate Conception
Begins 29 November
Feast 8 December

The Dogma was promulgated by Blessed Pius IX in 1854 in the Bull Ineffabilis Deus.
This Dogma is rejected by all Protestants including the Orthodox – another reason why we cannot interact with these the way some do and the Vatican II church endorses.

Let us Pray to our Mother, the Immaculate and Blessed Virgin Mary, conceived without sin.


Thought for the Day – 26 November – The Blessedness of the Merciful

Thought for the Day – 26 November – Meditations with Antonio Cardinal Bacci (1881-1971)

The Blessedness of the Merciful

“Since God is so merciful to us, however, He requires us to be good and merciful to our neighbour.
“Blessed are the merciful,” Jesus says in the Sermon on the Mount, “for they shall obtain mercy” (Mt 5:7).
St James adds a stern warning.
Judgement” he says, “is without mercy to him who has not shown mercy but mercy triumphs over judgement” (Js 2:12).

If we hope to receive God’s mercy, we must show compassion to those who are poor or unfortunate in any way, even to the greatest sinner.
In the presence of so much need and misfortune in the world – avarice, miserliness, selfishness or indifference – cry out to God for retribution.

If we are not prepared to give, nothing will be given to us.
If we refuse to forgive, neither shall we be forgiven.
If we do not love, neither shall we be loved!

Antonio Cardinal Bacci



Quote/s of the Day – 26 November – St Leonard of Port Maurice

Quote/s of the Day – 26 November – The Memorial of St Leonard of Port Maurice OFM (1676-1751) Confessor, Priest

“The Little Number of Those
Who Are Saved”
By St Leonard of Port Maurice

Alas! The greater number of Catholics,
the greater number of those who live here,
perhaps even those who are in this assembly,
will be damned!
What subject could be more deserving of your tears?!”

If you practice the holy exercise
of Spiritual Communion,
a good many times each day,
within a month,
you will see yourself completely changed.

St Leonard of Port Maurice (1676-1751)

A Short Act of Spiritual Communion
By St Alphonsus Liguori (1696-1787)
Doctor of the Church

My Jesus,
I believe that Thou art present
in the Blessed Sacrament.
I love Thee above all things
and I desire Thee in my soul.
Since I cannot now receive Thee sacramentally,
come at least, spiritually, into my heart.
As though Thou were already there,
I embrace Thee
and unite myself wholly to Thee,
permit not, that I should ever,
be separated from Thee.



One Minute Reflection – 26 November – ‘ … For love of Jesus …’

One Minute Reflection – 26 November – St Sylvester Gozzolini OSB Silv. (1177– 1267) Priest, Abbot – Ecclesiasticus 45:1-6, Matthew 19:27-29 – Scripture search here:

And everyone who has left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for My Name’s sake, shall receive a hundredfold and shall possess life everlasting.” – Matthew 19:29

REFLECTION – “Seek for nothing, desiring to enter for love of Jesus, with detachment, emptiness and poverty in everything in this world. You will never have to do with necessities greater than those to which you made your heart yield itself – for the poor in spirit are most happy and joyful in a state of privation and he who has set his heart on nothing, finds satisfaction everywhere.

The poor in spirit (Mt 5:3) give generously all they have and their pleasure consists in being thus deprived of everything for God’s sake and out of love for their neighbour … Not only do temporal goods – the delights and tastes of the senses – hinder and thwart the way of God but spiritual delights and consolations also, if sought for or clung to eagerly, disturb the way of virtue.” – St John of the Cross (1542-1591) Carmelite, Doctor of the Church (Spiritual maxims, nos. 352, 355,356, 364; 1693 edition).

PRAYER – Most merciful God, Who when the holy Abbot Sylvester was devoutly meditating upon the vanity of this world beside an open grave, graciously willed to call him into the desert and enrich him with unusual merits, we humbly pray that, following his example, despising the things of earth, we may thoroughly enjoy Thy everlasting presence.Through Jesus Christ, Thy Son our Lord, Who lives and reigns with Thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. Amen (Collect).

Posted in DOCTORS of the Church, FATHERS of the Church, MARIAN PRAYERS, MARIAN Saturdays, Our MORNING Offering, PRAYERS of the SAINTS

Our Morning Offering – 26 November – O Blessed Lady, Mediatrix and Advocate By St Bernard

Our Morning Offering – 26 November – Mary’s Day

O Blessed Lady,
Mediatrix and Advocate
By St Bernard (1090-1153)
Father and Doctor of Light

Our Mediatrix and Advocate
O blessed Lady,
you found grace, brought forth the Life,
and became the Mother of Salvation.
May you obtain the grace for us to go to the Son.
By your mediation, may we be received by the One
who through you, gave Himself to us.
May your integrity compensate with Him
for the fault of our corruption
and may your humility,
which is pleasing to God,
implore pardon for our vanity.
May your great charity
cover the multitude of our sins
and may your glorious fecundity
confer on us, a fecundity of merits.
Dear Lady, our Mediatrix and Advocate,
reconcile us to your Son,
recommend us to Him
and present us to your Son.
By the grace you found,
by the privilege you merited,
by the Mercy you brought forth,
obtain for us the favour we ask of you,
O blessed Lady.

Posted in MARTYRS, PATRONAGE - OF DOGS and against DOG BITES and/or RABIES, SAINT of the DAY

Saint of the Day – 26 November – Saint Bellinus of Padua (Died 1151) Bishop of Padua and Martyr

Saint of the Day – 26 November – Saint Bellinus of Padua (Died 1151) Bishop of Padua and Martyr, Reformer (he led a reform of the spiritual lives of the Clergy in his Diocese) he rebuilt the Cathedral and opened schools, Miracle-worker. Born in the late 11th Century in Padua, Italy and died by being stabbed by assassins in 1151 on a forest road while on a trip to Rome. Patronages – the City and Diocese of Adria, Italy, against dog bites, against rabies. Also known as – Bellino. He was Canonised by Pope Eugene IV.

Artwork by Taddeo Crivelli – St Bellinus dyring Mass

Bellinus, according to some sources from Germany, was born in the region on the Baltic Sea but, according to others, he was the son of the noble Bertaldo family in Padua and became the Bishop of Padua in 1128 .

Even as a Priest, he was loyal to the legitimate Popes Callistus II and Honorius II, while his predecessor in office, supported the anti-popes. In 1144 Bellinus made a pilgrimage to Rome to meet Pope Celestine II.

In Padua as the Bishop, he introduced reforms in the clergy, appointed canons, had the Cathedral rebuilt after it was destroyed in 1117 by an earthquake and saw to it that schools were built.

Mattia Bortoloni – The Saints Bellinus, Anthony of Padua and Thomas of Villanova

Bellinus worked zealously to rebuild the status and dignity of the Church and defended Church rights against the secular powers. He, therefore, entered into conflicts with the influential Capodivacca family, who organised hired assassins to attack him. They met him during a journey to Rome in a forest in Fratta Polesinelet and murdered him.

Bellinus’ corpse was taken to the Church of San Giacomo di Fratta, After a flood, his bones were taken to the new Church dedicated to him in San Bellino near Rovigo. In 1647, his Relics were moved to a Chapel in the same Church.

Marble statue, 1672, in the Cathedral of Chioggia. 
The Altarpiece behind shows Bishop 
St Liborius of le Mans
Posted in MARTYRS, SAINT of the DAY

Saint of the Day – 26 November – Saint Peter of Alexandria (Died 311) Bishop Martyr, the “Seal of the Martyrs”

Saint of the Day – 26 November – Saint Peter of Alexandria (Died 311) Bishop Martyr, known as the “Seal of the Martyrs” Born at Alexandria, Egypt and died by Martyrdom in 311 at Alexandria, Egypt. Tradition attests that the Egyptian Bishop was the last believer to suffer death at the hands of Roman imperial authorities for his faith in Christ. For this reason, St Peter of Alexandria is known as the “Seal of the Martyrs.

He is said to have undertaken severe penances for the sake of the suffering Church during his lifetime and written letters of encouragement to those in prison, before going to his own death at the close of the “era of the Martyrs.

Peter was born and raised in Alexandria but both the date of Peter’s birth and of his Ordination as a Priest, are unknown. It is clear, however, that he was chosen to lead Egypt’s main Catholic community in the year 300, after the death of Saint Theonas of Alexandria. He may have previously been in charge of Alexandria’s well-known Catechetical School, an important centre of religious instruction in the early Church. Peter’s own theological writings were cited in a later fifth-century dispute over Christ’s divinity and humanity.

In 302, the Emperor Diocletian and his subordinate Maximian, attempted to wipe out the Church in the territories of the Roman Empire. They used their authority to destroy Church properties, imprison and torture believers and eventually kill those who refused to take part in pagan ceremonies. As the Bishop of Alexandria, Peter offered spiritual support to those who faced these penalties, encouraging them to hold to their faith without compromise.

One acute problem for the Church during this period, was the situation of the “lapsed.” These were Catholics who had violated their faith by participating in pagan rites under coercion but who later, repented and sought to be reconciled to the Church. Peter issued canonical directions for addressing their various situations and these guidelines became an important part of the Eastern Christian tradition for centuries afterward.

Around the year 306, Peter led a Council which deposed Bishop Meletius of Lycopolis, a member of the Catholic hierarchy who had allegedly offered sacrifice to a pagan idol. Peter left his Diocese for reasons of safety during some portions of the persecution , travelling through many lands, encouraging his flock by letter, before returning to his City to guide the Alexandrian Church personally during this period. He secretly visited those imprisoned, assisted widows and orphans, and conducted clandestine services. His absence from Alexandria, however, gave Meletius an opening to set himself up as his rival and lead a schismatic church in the area.

The “Meletian schism” would continue to trouble the Church for years after the death of Alexandria’s legitimate Bishop. Saint Athanasius, who led the Alexandrian Church during a later period, in the fourth century, claimed that Meletius personally betrayed Peter of Alexandria to the state authorities during the Diocletian persecution.

Although Diocletian himself chose to resign his rule in 305, persecution continued under Maximinus Daia, who assumed leadership of the Roman Empire’s eastern half in 310. The early Church historian, Eusebius, attests that, in 311, Maximinus, during an imperial visit to Alexandria, unexpectedly ordered its Bishop to be seized and killed without imprisonment or trial. Three Priests – Faustus, Dio and Ammonius – were reportedly beheaded along with him.

St Peter of Alexandria’s entry in the “History of the Patriarchs of the Coptic Church of Alexandria” (a volume first compiled by a Coptic Bishop in the 10th century) concludes with a description of the aftermath of his death.

And the City was in confusion and was greatly disturbed, when the people beheld this Martyr of the Lord Christ. Then, the chief men of the City came, and wrapped his body in the leathern mat, on which he used to sleep and they took him to the Church … And, when the liturgy had been performed, they buried him with the fathers. May his prayers be with us and all those who are Baptised!

Posted in MARIAN TITLES, MARTYRS, SAINT of the DAY, Uncategorized

Onze-Lieve-Vrouw van Westrozebeke / Our Lady of Westrozebeke,Belgium (1482) and Memorials of the Saints – 26 November

Onze-Lieve-Vrouw van Westrozebeke / Our Lady of Westrozebeke, Staden, West Flanders, Belgium (1482) – 26 November, Third Sunday of June:

St Leonard of Port Maurice OFM (1676-1751) Confessor, Priest and Friar of the Friars Minor, reacher – in particular Parish Mission Preacher, Ascetic Writer, Spiritual Director. St Leonard founded many pious societies and confraternities and exerted himself to spread devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Perpetual Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament, the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Passion of Christ. He was among the few to insist that the concept of the Immaculate Conception of Mary be defined as a Dogma of the Faith. He was Beatified on 19 June 1796 by Pope Pius VI and Canonised on 29 June 1867 by Pope Pius IX.
About St Leonard:

St Sylvester Gozzolini OSB Silv. (1177– 1267) Priest, Abbot, Founder of the Silvestrini Congration, Mystic, gifted with the charism of prophecy and miracles, but also subject to violent attacks by the devil.
St Sylvester’s Life:

St Peter of Alexandria (Died 311) Martyr, “The Seal of the Martyrs” Bishop of Alexandria. Tradition attests that the Egyptian Bishop, St Peter, was the last believer to suffer death at the hands of Roman imperial authorities for his faith in Christ. Hence the title “The Seal of the Martyrs.”
His Life and Death:
AND (I posted St Peter on the 25th in error):

Bl Albert of Haigerloch
St Alypius Stylites
St Amator of Autun
St Basolus of Verzy
St Bellinus of Padua (Died 1151) Bishop and Martyr
St Bertger of Herzfeld
St Conrad of Constance
Bl Delphine of Glandèves
St Egelwine of Athelney
St Ida of Cologne
St James the Hermit
St Magnance of Ste-Magnance
St Marcellus of Nicomedia
St Martin of Arades
St Nicon of Sparta
Bl Pontius of Faucigny
St Sabaudus of Trier
St Siricius, Pope
St Stylianus
St Vacz

Martyrs of Alexandria – 650+- Saints: A group of approximately 650 Christian Priests, Bishops and Laity Martyred together in the persecution of Maximian Galerius. We have the names and a few details only seven of them – Ammonius, Didius, Faustus, Hesychius, Pachomius, Phileas and Theodore. The were born in Egypt and were martyred there in c 311 in Alexandria, Egypt.

Martyrs of Capua – 7 Saints: A group of seven Christians Martyred together. The only details about them to survive are the names – Ammonius, Cassianus, Felicissimus, Nicander, Romana, Saturnin and Serenus. They were martyred in Capua, Campania, Italy, date unknown.

Martyrs of Nicomedia – 6 Saints: A group of six Christians Martyred by Arians. Few details have survived except their names – Marcellus, Melisus, Numerius, Peter, Serenusa and Victorinus. Martyred in 349 in Nicomedia, Bithynia, Asia Minor (modern Izmit, Turkey).