Posted in NOVENAS

Novena to the Uganda Martyrs Day One – 25 May

Novena to the Uganda Martyrs Day One – 25 May

O God, who in Your love and mercy
was pleased to send missionaries to Uganda
to bring the light of Christ to all the peoples,
we thank You for the gift of the
Holy Martyrs of Uganda, our ancestors in faith,
whom You gave the strength to overcome sin and the
anguish of torture and to bear witness to the truth.
We ask You O Lord,
through the intercession of St Charles Lwanga
and his companions, that we may imitate their deep faith,
hope, ardent charity, spirit of prayer, heroic chastity
and constant fidelity to Christ and to Your Church.
Grant us Your grace, that we may too, courageously witness to Christ.
To the Holy Martyrs, we beg for intercession,
be pleased to hear our prayer and pray for us that this,
our special request may be granted
(make your intention)
Holy Martyrs of Uganda, we honour and praise you!
Please pray for us!
O heavenly Father, we make our prayer
through our Lord, Jesus Christ, in union with the Holy Spirit,
one God forever and ever, amen.

day one - uganda martyrs


Posted in CATHOLIC-PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH, DOCTORS of the Church, FATHERS of the Church, MORNING Prayers, QUOTES of the SAINTS, SAINT of the DAY

Thought for the Day – 25 May

Thought for the Day – 25 May

This St Bede, this is a life of total self-giving in love!
It sounds to our ears to be a boring, closed, narrow existence –
ever occupied with learning, writing and teaching.
Almost from the time of his entry to study in the monastery as a young child,
until he died, he managed to remain in his own monastery,
although eagerly sought by kings and other notables, even Pope Sergius
Only once did he leave for a few months in order to teach in the school
of the Archbishop of York.
And amazingly, here was a saint who worked no miracles,
saw no visions and found no new way to God BUT
he is one of the few saints honoured as such even during his lifetime.
His writings were filled with such faith and learning
that even while he was still alive, a Church council
ordered them to be read publicly in the churches.
And he said of his life,
“I have spent the whole of my life . . . devoting all of my pains to the study of the Scriptures and amid the observances of monastic discipline and the daily task of singing in church, it has ever been my delight to learn or teach or write.”
St Bede died in 735 praying his favourite prayer:
“Glory be to the Father and to the Son
and to the Holy Spirit. As in the beginning, so now, and forever.”
We remember and honour him as a Doctor of the Church,
so many centuries have gone by, the world in which we live is such a different place and still he teaches us from his eternal monastery in heaven!

St Bede the Venerable, please pray for us!

st bede pray for us 2

Posted in DOCTORS of the Church, FATHERS of the Church, MORNING Prayers, QUOTES of the SAINTS, SAINT of the DAY

Quote/s of the Day – 25 May

Quote/s of the Day – 25 May

“He alone loves the Creator perfectly
who manifests a pure love for his neighbour.”

he alone loves the creator-st bede

“Unfurl the sails and let God steer us where He will.”

unfurl the sails-st bede

“Christ is the Morning Star,
who, when the night of this world is past,
gives to his saints the promise of the light of life,
and opens everlasting day.”

christ is the morning star-st bede

St Bede the Venerable
(673-735) Doctor of the Church

“Come, Holy Spirit. Spirit of truth,
You are the reward of the saints,
the comforter of souls,
light in the darkness,
riches to the poor,
treasure to lovers,
food for the hungry,
comfort to those who are wandering.
To sum up:
You are the one in whom all treasures are contained.”

come holy spirit-st mary magdalene de pazzi

St Mary Magdalene de Pazzi – Memorial today 25 May

Posted in DOCTORS of the Church, FATHERS of the Church, MORNING Prayers, SAINT of the DAY, The WORD

One Minute Reflection – 25 May

One Minute Reflection – 25 May

Jesus said to them, “You are badly misled because you fail to understand the Scriptures…….”….Matthew 22:29

REFLECTION – “The whole series of the Divine Scriptures is interpreted in a fourfold way.
We should ascertain what everlasting truths are intimated therein,
what deeds are narrated, what future events are foretold and what commands or counsels are … therein.” …St Bede the Venerable (673-735) Doctor of the Church

matthew 22-29-st bede the venerable -the whole series of the

PRAYER – Heavenly Father, teach me how to read Your wonderful words in the Scriptures with true understanding.   Let me adhere always to the interpretations given by Your Holy Church. Come O Holy Spirit and guide my mind. Lord Jesus Christ,
stand beside me and bless my footsteps. Holy St Bede, intercede for us and pray for us all, amen.

st bede the venerable pray for us

Posted in CATHOLIC DEVOTIONS of the Month, DOCTORS of the Church, FATHERS of the Church, MORNING Prayers, PRAYERS of the SAINTS, SAINT of the DAY, The BLESSED VIRGIN MARY

Our Morning Offering – 25 May

Our Morning Offering – 25 May

O Christ, our Morning Star
By St Bede the Venerable (673-735) Doctor of the Church

O Christ, our Morning Star,
Splendour of Light Eternal,
shining with the glory of the rainbow,
come and waken us
from the greyness of our apathy,
and renew in us Your gift of hope.

o christ our morning star - st bede

And, as May is still with us, let us greet our Mother!

A Salutation to Mary (adaped)
By St John Eudes

Hail Mary, Daughter of God the Father;
Hail Mary, Mother of God the Son;
Hail Mary, Spouse of the Holy Spirit;
Hail Mary, Temple of the Most Holy Trinity.
Hail Mary, white Lilly of the resplendent and ever
unchanging Trinity.
Hail Mary, red Rose of Paradise.
Hail Mary, Virgin full of sweetness and humility,
from whom the King of Heaven willed to be
born and to suckle at the breast.
Hail Mary, Virgin of virgins.
Hail Mary, Queen of martyrs, who spent
Thy life for Heaven while on this earth.
Hail Mary, Queen of my heart, my sweetness,
my life and my entire hope.
Hail Mary, Mother most amiable.
Hail Mary, Mother most admirable.
Hail Mary, Mother of fair love.
Hail Mary, Mother of mercy.
Hail Mary, conceived without sin.
Thou art full of grace,
the Lord is with Thee;
blessed art Thou among all women,
and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb, Jesus.
Blessed be the Eternal Father who elected Thee.
Blessed be Thy Son, who has loved Thee.
Blessed be the Holy Spirit, who has espoused Thee.
And blessed forever be those who love Thee and bless Thee.
O Blessed Virgin, bless us all, in the Name of Thy dear Son.\

a salutation to mary by st john eudes


Saint of the Day – 25 May – St Bede the Venerable (673-735)

Saint of the Day – 25 May – St Bede the Venerable OSB (673-735) – Confessor, Priest, Monk, Father and Doctor of the Church, Linguist, Translator, Historian – also known as Venerable Bede,  Father of English History. Patronages – of Lectors, English writers and historians; Jarrow, Tyne and Wear, England.   In 1899, Pope Leo XIII declared him a Doctor of the Church;  he is the only native of Great Britain to achieve this designation;  Anselm of Canterbury, also a Doctor of the Church, was born in Italy.   St Bede was moreover a skilled linguist and translator and his work made the Latin and Greek writings of the early Church Fathers much more accessible to his fellow English, which contributed significantly to English Christianity.

St Bede was born in Wearmoth-Jarrow, England, and at age seven was sent to the nearby monastery of St Peter and St Paul to be educated by the monks.   From his writings, it appears that his family was wealthy and noble.   Given his name, Bede—a derivative of the English bedtime prayer, it is likely that his parents had planned a religious life for him from birth.   Under the holy tutelage of the monks, the natural intellect and spiritual zeal of St Bede magnified into one of the finest minds of his time.   He studied all the known sciences: natural philosophy, the philosophical principles of Aristotle, astronomy, arithmetic, grammar, ecclesiastical history, the lives of the saints and, especially, Holy Scripture.   St Bede spent his days in scholarly pursuits, prayer and contemplation.
St Bede was ordained a deacon at the young age of nineteen and ordained a priest at 30.

He spent his days subsequent to ordination teaching, writing and studying.   A prolific writer, he composed 45 texts on varied subjects, including science, literature, philosophy, and spirituality.   “Through all the observance of monastic discipline,” Bede wrote, “it has ever been my delight to learn and teach and write.”    His best known text, the Ecclesiastical History of the English People, is widely regarded as a decisive historical text which inspired the recording of written history.   This text described the history of the English Church, and is a primary source of English history.   Thirty of his manuscripts focused on Biblical commentary and theology.   Aside from those he wrote, St Bede copied many texts by hand, translating a significant number of them into Latin to aid in teaching those of other languages.


Saint Bede remained in the monastery his entire life, leaving few times, including a brief visit to teach in a school in York and a visit to the monastery at Lindisfarne, where he began correspondence with St Cuthbert.   Despite this, his counsel and teaching was sought by royalty and the Pope.   His writings and homilies were read throughout the Church.

In his own words, from the Ecclesiastical History of the English People:

“Thus much concerning the ecclesiastical history of Britain and especially of the race of the English, I, Baeda, a servant of Christ and a priest of the monastery of the blessed apostles Saint Peter and Saint Paul, which is at Wearmouth and at Jarrow (in Northumberland), have with the Lord’s help composed so far as I could gather it either from ancient documents or from the traditions of the elders, or from my own knowledge.   I was born in the territory of the said monastery and at the age of seven I was, by the care of my relations, given to the most reverend Abbot Benedict and afterwards to Ceolfrid, to be educated.   From that time I have spent the whole of my life within that monastery, devoting all my pains to the study of the Scriptures and amid the observance of monastic discipline and the daily charge of singing in the Church, it has been ever my delight to learn or teach or write.   In my nineteenth year I was admitted to the deaconate, in my thirtieth to the priesthood, both by the hands of the most reverend Bishop John and at the bidding of Abbot Ceolfrid.   From the time of my admission to the priesthood to my present fifty-ninth year, I have endeavoured for my own use and that of my brethren, to make brief notes upon the holy Scripture, either out of the works of the venerable Fathers or in conformity with their meaning and interpretation.”

“The Father of English History,” Saint Bede died peacefully at the monastery in Jarrow in 735.   He was buried at Jarrow, though his remains now rest in Durham Cathedral.


Saint Cuthbert recorded his final hours, indicating the words of Saint Bede:   “If it be the will of my Maker, the time has come when I shall be freed from the body and return to Him Who created me out of nothing when I had no being. I have had a long life, and the merciful Judge has ordered it graciously.  The time of my departure is at hand, and my soul longs to see Christ my King in His beauty.”   He further wrote of Bede’s life and death, citing a poem that Saint Bede had written in preparation for meeting his Maker:  “And he used to repeat that sentence from St Paul,  “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God,” and many other verses of Scripture, urging us thereby to awake from the slumber of the soul by thinking in good time of our last hour.   And in our own language,—for he was familiar with English poetry,—speaking of the soul’s dread departure from the body:

More prudent than he has good call to be,
If he consider, before his going hence,
What for his spirit of good or of evil
After his day of death shall be determined.”

The conclusion of his Ecclesiastical History records his piety, humility, and wisdom: “And I pray thee, loving Jesus, that as Thou hast graciously given me to drink in with delight the words of Thy knowledge, so Thou wouldst mercifully grant me to attain one day to Thee, the fountain of all wisdom and to appear forever before Thy face.”


The life of Saint Bede is highly regarded as instrumental in the recording of written history and the translation of Biblical texts from ancient languages into modern languages.   His commentary and theological writings—the goal to explain the teachings of the Church Fathers to all—are highly regarded, like those of Saint Augustine and Saint Ambrose.   More than that, the simple monastic life of Saint Bede demonstrates the call of the Lord and the gifts of the Holy Spirit to those who listen and obey.


Saints, Feasts and Solemities – 25 May

Ascension of the Lord (Solemnity; 2017)
St Bede the Venerable (Optional Memorial) (673-735) Priest, Monk, O.S.B. DOCTOR of the Church (Added by Pope Leo XIII in 1899)
St Gregory VII, Pope (Optional Memorial)
St Mary Magdalen of Pazzi (Optional Memorial)

St Agustin Caloca
St Aldhelm of Sherborne
Bl Antonio Caixal
Bl Bartolomeo Magi di Amghiari
St Canio
St Cristobal Magallanes Jara
St Denis Ssebuggwawo
St Dionysius of Milan
St Dunchadh of Iona
St Egilhard of Cornelimünster
Bl Gerardo Mecatti
St Gerbald
St Injuriosus of Auvergne
St Iosephus Chang Song-Jib
Bl James Bertoni
Bl Juan of Granada
St Leo of Troyes
St Madeline Sophie Barat
St Matthêô Nguyen Van Ðac Phuong
St Maximus of Evreux
Bl Nicholas Tsehelsky
St Pasicrates of Dorostorum
Bl Pedro Malasanch
St Pherô Ðoàn Van Vân
St Scholastica of Auvergne
St Senzio of Bieda
St Urban I, Pope
St Valentio of Dorostorum
St Victorinus of Acquiney
St Winebald of Saint Bertin
St Worad of Saint Bertin
St Zenobius of Florence