Thought for the Day – 13 February – Friendship with Christ

Thought for the Day – 13 February – the Memorial of Blessed Jordan of Saxony OP (1190-1237)

We know little of Jordan’s life before he came into contact with the famous Dominican Reginald of Orleans, a contemporary of St Dominic himself.   Jordan was a successful young student at the University of Paris, already known for the unembarrassed witness of his holy life, when he first heard Reginald preach and met the Dominicans in Paris. God used this contact with the friars to enable Jordan to discern his own call to the Order and once he entered, he gave all he had.   Jordan’s spiritual and practical gifts were recognised immediately and when he had worn the habit only two months he was chosen as a delegate to the Dominican general chapter in Bologna, Italy.   The following year Jordan was elected a provincial superior and when St Dominic died, Jordan succeeded him as the master general of the entire Order.   The Order was only six years old!   It developed rapidly under his leadership, however, growing both in membership and influence throughout Europe.   Jordan was able to carry out the dream which St Dominic had only begun before his death.

Even this brief sketch could make us suspicious, that perhaps Jordan was simply a brilliant young man with leadership skills, that enabled him to rise quickly in his chosen career, at the same time winning success for the Order.   Closer consideration, however, gives us deeper insight into Jordan’s success.   Youthful himself, he had a tremendous respect for the young and their desire to give themselves to something great.   In his own restlessness to give himself, he had obviously come face to face with the restless love of Christ Himself and he had surrendered to it.   Jesus was real to Jordan, a Friend whom he’d come to know and love deeply in his life of prayer.   Jordan understood the restless hunger of the world around him and he couldn’t rest, until that world would come to know this same Friend.   It was this selfless love for Jesus Christ (the kind which St Thomas calls the love of friendship) which gave Jordan the drive to preach, to spend his time with the young, to pour himself out in the building tasks required in a growing religious order.   We are told that he added four new provinces, gained teaching positions for the friars at the University of Paris and established the first general house of studies of the Order.   Jordan also served as spiritual director to many, among them a young Italian noblewoman named Blessed Diana d’Andalo (1201–1236) (who became a Dominican nun).   In the midst of all of this, he found time to write a number of books, including a life of St Dominic (whom he knew personally and loved deeply).

Men of his day responded by the hundreds, to Jordan’s zeal for Christ, some of them mere youths and others established professionals who felt the call of God through Jordan’s words and example.   They were drawn to a life of holiness by this Dominican with a gift of preaching, who lived what he preached with such obvious joy.   It was Jordan who initiated the custom of singing the Salve Regina in procession each night after Compline, to ask Our Lady’s protection of the brothers against temptations from the devil.   This is a custom still practised by Dominicans throughout the world and by our community each night.

Hail, holy Queen, Mother of Mercy,
Hail our life, our sweetness and our hope.
To thee do we cry,
Poor banished children of Eve;
To thee do we send up our sighs,
Mourning and weeping in this valley of tears.
Turn then, most gracious advocate,
Thine eyes of mercy toward us;
And after this our exile,
Show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
O clement, O loving,
O sweet Virgin Mary.

℣ Pray for us, O holy Mother of God,
℟ that we may be made worthy
of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray:
Almighty, everlasting God,
who by the co-operation of the Holy Spirit
didst prepare the body and soul
of the glorious Virgin-Mother Mary
to become a dwelling-place fit for Thy Son,
grant that as we rejoice in her commemoration,
so by her fervent intercession,
we may be delivered from present evils
and from everlasting death.
Through the same Christ our Lord.
Amensalve regina - hail holy queen 13 feb 2019.jpg

Jordan of Saxony met an untimely death at the age of 47, drowning in an accident which occurred on his return from a pilgrimage to the Holy Land in 1237.   In his vigorous life, Jordan extended what Father Dominic had begun so carefully and he opened avenues on which the Order would continue to struggle and to flourish.

The secret that makes his message so relevant today?   It is the secret of deep and personal friendship with Christ, a friendship which cannot be contained but sets the world on fire.

Blessed Jordan of Saxony, Pray for Us!bl jordan of saxony pray for us 13 feb 2019.jpg


Quote/s of the Day – 13 February – Blessed Jordan of Saxony OP (1190-1237)

Quote/s of the Day – 13 February – the Memorial of Blessed Jordan of Saxony OP (1190-1237)

“There are two ways of keeping God’s word,
namely, one, whereby we store in our memory
what we hear and the other,
whereby we put into practice, what we have heard
(and none will deny that the latter, is more commendable,
inasmuch, as it is better to sow grain,
than to store it in the barn).”there-are-two-ways-bl-jordan-of-saxony-13-feb-2018.jpg

Meeting a vagabond upon the road who feigned sickness and poverty, Blessed Jordan gave him one of his tunics, which the fellow at once carried straight to a tavern for drink. The brethren, seeing this done, taunted him with his simplicity:

‘There now, Master, see how wisely you have bestowed your tunic.’

‘I did so,’ said he,
‘because I believed him to be in want,
through sickness and poverty
and it seemed, at the moment,
to be a charity to help him. 
Still, I reckon it better, to have parted
with my tunic than with charity.’

Blessed Jordan of Saxony (1190-1237)

Posted in DOMINICAN OP, MORNING Prayers, SAINT of the DAY, The WORD

One Minute Reflection – 13 February – “All these evil things come from within and they defile a man.”

One Minute Reflection – 13 February – Wednesday of the Fifth week in Ordinary Time, Year C. Gospel: Mark 7:14-23 and the Memorial of Blessed Jordan of Saxony OP (1190-1237)

And he said, “What comes out of a man is what defiles a man.   For from within, out of the heart of man, come evil thoughts, fornication, theft, murder, adultery, coveting, wickedness, deceit, licentiousness, envy, slander, pride, foolishness.   All these evil things come from within and they defile a man.” Mark 7:20-23

REFLECTION – “The boundary between good and evil does not pass outside of us but rather within us.   We could ask ourselves: where is my heart?   Jesus said:  “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also”.   What is my treasure?   Is it Jesus, is it His teaching?   If so, then the heart is good.   Or is my treasure something else?   Thus it is a heart which needs purification and conversion.   Without a purified heart, one cannot have truly clean hands and lips which speak sincere words of love — it is all duplicitous, a double life — lips which speak words of mercy, of forgiveness but only a sincere and purified heart can do this.”…Pope Francis – Angelus, 30 August 2015mark 7 20 what comes out of a man - the boundary between good and evil - pope francis 13feb2019.jpg

PRAYER – God our Saviour, through the grace of Baptism, You made us children of light. Hear our prayer, that we may always walk in that light and work for truth, as Your witnesses before men.   May our hearts be purified by You grace and may our hands and lips speak with sincere words of love. Blessed Jordan, you worked and walked with zeal and passion in the light of the Lord, please pray for us.   We make our prayer, through Christ our Lord with the Holy Spirit, God forever,

Posted in DOCTORS of the Church, FATHERS of the Church, Our MORNING Offering, PRAYERS of the SAINTS

Our Morning Offering – 13 February – Wednesday of the Fifth week in Ordinary Time, Year C

Our Morning Offering – 13 February – Wednesday of the Fifth week in Ordinary Time, Year C

Only For You, In You, By You.
By St Augustine (354-430) Father & Doctor of the Church

Lord Jesus,
let me know myself and know You
and desire nothing save only You.
Let me hate myself and love You.
Let me do everything, for the sake of You.
Let me humble myself and exalt You.
Let me think of nothing, except You.
Let me die to myself and live in You.
Let me accept whatever happens, as from You.
Let me banish self and follow You
and ever desire to follow You.
Let me fly from myself and take refuge in You,
That I may deserve, to be defended by You.
Let me fear for myself.
Let me fear You
and let me be among those, who are chosen by You.
Let me distrust myself and put my trust in You.
Let me be willing to obey, for the sake of You.
Let me cling to nothing, save only to You,
And let me be poor, because of You.
Look upon me, that I may love You.
Call me, that I may see You
and for ever enjoy You.
Amenonly fo you in you by you - st augustine 13 feb 2019.jpg

Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Saint of the Day – 13 February – Blessed Christine of Spoleto OSA (1435-1458)

Saint of the Day – 13 February – Blessed Christine of Spoleto OSA (1435-1458) – Widow, mother, religious nun of the Order of Saint Augustine – born Agostina Camozzi in 1435 at Lake Lugano, Italy and died on 13 February 1458 in Spoleto, Italy of natural causes. Blessed Christine led a dissolute life as a widow and a soldier’s mistress before she became a nun and adopted a life of total repentance.

Agostina Camozzi was the daughter of a well-known doctor in Ostenso in the Italian province of Como.   A graceful and attractive young woman, she married at an early age but within a short time was left widowed.   In a second unmarried relationship she suffered the loss of her only child, a son.   A subsequent marriage left her widowed again, this time at the hands of a jealous rival.

In about 1450 Agostina underwent a serious conversion, became an Augustinian Tertiary and changed her name to that of Christine.   Her time in the order became noted for the severe austerities that she imposed upon herself as penance for her earlier life and she lived in a number of convents where she became known as a miracle-worker until settling in Spoleto.   She clothed herself in a habit that was made from sown-together rags and meditated with great remorse, on the passion of Jesus Christ

In 1457 she undertook a pilgrimage with the intention of visiting Assisi, Rome and Jerusalem.   Together with another tertiary she arrived in Spoleto in the province of Perugia where she devoted herself to the care of the sick and where she died on 13 February 1458, not yet 30 years of age.   Her body was interred in the Church of Saint Nicholas in Spoleto, which at the time belonged to the Augustinians.

Her reputation as a woman of holiness and a worker of numerous miracles caused devotion to Christine to spread quickly and widely.   Pope Gregory XVI confirmed her cult in 1834, proclaiming her christine of spoleto.jpg

Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Memorials of the Saints – 13 February

St Adolphus of Osnabruk
St Aimo of Meda
Bl Beatrix of Ornacieux
St Benignus of Todi
Bl Berengar of Assisi
St Castor of Karden
St Christine of Spoleto OSA (1435-1458) 
St Dyfnog
St Ermenilda of Ely
Bl Eustochium of Padua
St Fulcran of Lodève
St Fusca of Ravenna
St Gilbert of Meaux
St Gosbert of Osnabruck
St Guimérra of Carcassone
St Huno
Blessed Jordan of Saxony OP (1190-1237)

St Julian of Lyon
St Lucinus of Angers
St Marice
St Martinian the Hermit
St Maura of Ravenna
St Modomnoc
St Paulus Lio Hanzuo
St Peter I of Vercelli
St Phaolô Lê Van Loc
St Stephen of Lyons
St Stephen of Rieti