Posted in ArchAngels and Angels, MORNING Prayers, QUOTES of the SAINTS, QUOTES on CHARITY, QUOTES on LOVE, The WORD

Thought for the Day – 24 February – Love your Enemies

Thought for the Day – 24 February – Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C – Gospel: Luke 6:27–38

“If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them.”…Luke 6:32

The Lord Himself reminds us:  Whoever loves me will keep my commandments.   And this is my commandments – that you love one another.   So the man who does not love his neighbour does not obey God’s command.   But one who does not obey His command, cannot love God.   A man is blessed if he can love all men equally.   Moreover, if he truly loves God, he must love his neighbour absolutely.   Such a man cannot hoard his wealth. Rather, like God himself, he generously gives from his own resources to each man according to his needs.

Since he imitates God’s generosity, the only distinction he draws is the person’s need.   He does not distinguish between a good man and a bad one, a just man and one who is unjust.   Yet his own goodness of will makes him prefer the man who strives after virtue to the one who is depraved.

A charitable mind is not displayed simply in giving money, it is manifested still more by personal service as well as by the communication of God’s word to others.   In fact, if a man’s service toward his brothers is genuine and if he really renounces worldly concerns, he is freed from selfish desires.   For he now shares in God’s own knowledge and love.   Since he does possess God’s love, he does not experience weariness as he follows the Lord his God.   Rather, following the prophet Jeremiah, he withstands every type of reproach and hardship without even harbouring an evil thought toward any man.

For Jeremiah warns us:   Do not say:   “We are the Lord’s temple.”   Neither should you say: “Faith alone in our Lord Jesus Christ can save me.”   By itself, faith accomplishes nothing. For even the devils believe and shudder.   No, faith must be joined to an active love of God which is expressed in good works.   The charitable man is distinguished by sincere and long-suffering service to his fellow man, it also means using things aright.”

Saint Maximus the Confessor, Abbot (c 580–662)

May the Blessed Virgin, Mother of Perpetual Succour and the angels and saints, pray for us!mother of perpetual succour - pray for us - 27 june 2018

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Quote/s of the Day – 24 February- Humility

Quote/s of the Day – 24 February – Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C

Do not be attached, therefore,
to clothing and riches
because they divided My garments among themselves.
Nor to honours, for I experienced harsh words and scourgings.
Nor to greatness of rank,
for weaving a crown of thorns,
they placed it on My head.
Nor to anything delightful,
for in My thirst, they gave Me vinegar to drink.

St Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274)
Doctor of the Church

(The Cross Exemplifies every Virtue
An excerpt from a Conference)do not be attached therefore - st thomas aquinas - 24 feb - humility.jpg

Nothing is to be done out of jealousy or vanity; instead, out of humility of mind everyone should give preference to others, everyone pursuing not selfish interests but those of others…Philippians 2:3-4

“Once humility is acquired,
charity will come to life, like a burning flame
devouring the corruption of vice
and filling the heart so full,
that there is no place for vanity.”…

St Vincent Ferrer (1350-1419)once-humility-is-acquired-st-vincent-ferrer-5-april-2018.jpg


Sunday Reflection – 24 February -Your Intention at Holy Communion

Sunday Reflection – 24 February – Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C

“When you go to Holy Communion, you must always have an intention and say, when you are on the point of receiving our Lord’s Body:

“O my good Father, who art in heaven,
I offer You, at this moment,
Thy dear Son, as He was taken down from the Cross
and laid in the arms of the Blessed Virgin
and offered by her to You, as a sacrifice for us.
I offer Him to You, by the hands of Mary
to obtain ‘such-and-such a grace – faith, charity, humilty….’

My children, mark this well – whenever I obtained a grace, I asked it in this way and it has never failed!”

St John Vianney (1786-1859)when you go to holy communion st john vianney - sun reflection 24 feb 2019.jpg


One Minute Reflection – 24 February – Love your enemies

One Minute Reflection – 24 February – Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C – Gospel: Luke 6:27–38

“But I say to you that hear, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you.”…Luke 6:27-28

REFLECTION – “To pray for those who want to destroy me, my enemies, so that God may bless them – this is truly difficult to understand.
There is an infinite distance between us – we who frequently refuse to forgive even small things – and what the Lord asks of us, which He has exemplified for us – to forgive those who seek to destroy us.
It is often very difficult within families, for example, when spouses need to forgive one another after an argument, or when one needs to forgive their mother-in-law.   The child asking forgiveness from their fathers.   It’s not easy… Rather, we are invited to forgive those who are killing us, who want us out of the way… Not only forgive but even pray that God may watch over them! Even more, to love them.
Only Jesus’ word can explain this – I cannot go further.
It would do us well, today, to think of our enemy – I think all of us have one – someone who has hurt us or wants to hurt us.   The Mafia’s prayer is:  ‘I’ll pay you back.’
The Christian prayer is: ‘Lord, give them Your blessing and teach me to love them.’
Let us think of one enemy and pray for them.
May the Lord to give us the grace to love them.”…Pope Francis – Santa Marta, 19 June 2018)luke 6 27-27 love your enemies - it would do us well today - pope francis 24 feb 2019.jpg

PRAYER – O Lord my God, give me the strength to endure with patience the sufferings I encounter in my life.   Teach me to do my daily work for You alone and to do more than that in every way I can, for your greater glory.   Teach me, Holy Father, to obey the words of Your Son, to pray for those who persecute me and to suffer for the glory of the Kingdom.   May our Blessed and loving Mother, who had to bear the pain and forgive those who killed her Son, be at our side to help us to forgive, to pray for our enemies and offer our pain in reparation for our sins and those of the world.   Amenblessed virgin mary loving mother pray for us 24 feb 2019.jpg


Our Morning Offering – 24 February – Grant me, O my God

Our Morning Offering – 24 February – Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C

Grant me, O my God
By St Vincent Ferrer OP (1350-1419)

Good Jesus,
let me be penetrated with love
to the very marrow of my bones,
with fear and respect toward You;
let me burn with zeal for Your honour,
so that I may resent terribly all the outrages
committed against You, especially those
of which I myself have been guilty.
Grant further, O my God,
that I may adore
and acknowledge You humbly, as my Creator
and that, penetrated with gratitude
for all Your benefits,
I may never cease to render You thanks.
Grant that I may bless You in all things,
praise and glorify You
with a heart full of joy and gladness
and that, obeying You with docility
in every respect, I may one day,
despite my ingratitude and unworthiness,
be seated at Your table
together with Your Holy Angels and Apostles
to enjoy ineffable delights.
Amengood-jesus-let-me-be-penetrated-with-love-st-vincent-ferrer no 2 -24 feb-2019.jpg

Posted in DOMINICAN OP, SAINT of the DAY

Saint of the Day – 24 February – Blessed Constantius of Fabriano OP (1401-1481)

Saint of the Day – 24 February – Blessed Constantius of Fabriano OP (1401-1481) Dominican Priest, Prior, Reformer, Preacher of renown, Writer, known as a Miracle-Worker and had the gift of prophecy, peacemaker – born Constantius Bernocchi in 1401 at Fabriano, Marches of Ancona, Italy and died in 1481 at Ascoli Piceno, Italy of natural causes.

Constantius had an remarkable childhood, not only for the usual signs of precocious piety but also for a miracle that he worked when he was a little boy. Constantius had a sister who had been bedridden most of her nine years of life.   One day, the little boy brought his parents in to her bedside and made them pray with him.   The little girl rose up, cured and she remained well for a long and happy life.   Naturally, the parents were amazed and they were quite sure it had not been their prayers that effected the cure but those of their little son.Beato_Costanzo_Servoli_da_Fabriano

Constantius entered the Dominicans at age 15 and had as his masters Blessed Conradin and Saint Antoninus.   He did well in his studies and wrote a commentary on Aristotle. His special forte was Scripture and he studied it avidly.   After his ordination, he was sent to teach in various schools in Italy, arriving eventually at the convent of San Marco in Florence, which had been erected as a house of strict observance.   Constantius was eventually appointed prior of this friary that was a leading light in the reform movement.   This was a work dear to his heart and he himself became closely identified with the movement.

Several miracles and prophecies are related about Constantius during his stay in Florence.  He one day told a student not to go swimming, because he would surely drown if he did.   The student, of course, dismissed the warning and drowned.   One day, Constantius came upon a man lying in the middle of the road.   The man had been thrown by his horse and was badly injured, he had a broken leg and a broken arm.   All he asked was to be taken to some place where care could be given him but Constantius did better than that–he cured the man and left him, healed and astonished.

Constantius was made prior of Perugia, where he lived a strictly penitential life.  Perhaps the things that he saw in visions were responsible for his perpetual sadness, for he foresaw many of the terrible things that would befall Italy in the next few years.   He predicted the sack of Fabriano, which occurred in 1517.   At the death of Saint Antoninus, he saw the saint going up to heaven, a vision which was recounted in the canonisation constanzo snip

He was also credited with the power of working miracles and besides the care of his office, he acted as peacemaker outside the convent and quelled popular tumults.

Blessed Constantius is said to have recited the Office of the Dead every day, and often the whole 150 Psalms, which he knew by heart and used for examples on every occasion.  He also said that he had never been refused any favour for which he had recited the whole psalter.   He wrote a number of books, these, for the most part, were sermon material and some were the lives of the blesseds of the order.

He was esteemed so holy that it was reckoned a great favour to speak to him or even to touch his habit.

On the day of Constantius’s death, little children of the town ran through the streets crying out, “The holy prior is dead!   The holy prior is dead!”   Upon the news of his death, the senate and council assembled, “considering his death a public calamity” and resolved to defray the cost of a public funeral.   The cultus of Blessed Constantius was confirmed in 1821 by Pope Pius VII.

The relics of Blessed Constantius have suffered from war and invasion.   After the Dominicans were driven from the convent where he was buried, his tomb was all but forgotten for a long time.   Then one of the fathers put the relics in the keeping of Camaldolese monks in a nearby monastery, where they still remain.

bl constanzo right - virgin and child with saints.jpg
Virgin & Child with Dominican Saints, Bl Constantius on the right
Posted in SAINT of the DAY

7th Sun in Ord Time, Year C & Memorials of the Saints 24 February

Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C (2019)

St Adela of Blois
Bl Antonio Taglia
Bl Arnold of Carcassonne
St Betto of Auxerre
Bl Berta of Busano
Bl Constantius of Fabriano OP (1401-1481)
St Cummian Albus of Iona
St Ethelbert of Kent
Evetius of Nicomedia
Bl Florentina Nicol Goni
Bl Ida of Hohenfels
Bl Josefa Naval Girbes
St Liudhard
Bl Lotario Arnari
Bl Marco De’ Marconi
St Modestus of Trier
St Peter the Librarian
St Praetextatus of Rouen
St Primitiva
St Sergius of Caesarea
Bl Simon of Saint Bertin
Blessed Tommaso Maria Fusco (1831-1891)

Blessed Tommaso;s life: