Thought for the Day – 9 February – The Use of Creatures

Thought for the Day – 9 February – Meditations with Antonio Cardinal Bacci (1881-1971)

The Use of Creatures 

“God has created all things for Himself, as He is the most perfect being and the final end of all things.
He has made man supreme in the world, however and has made all other creatures subject to him (Cf Gen 1:28)
This God-given supremacy over the universe continues, even after the fall of Adam.
It can no longer be exercised without trouble and suffering, as it was in the state of innocence, however.
Now, it must be acquired, by hard manual labour and by keen intellectual research and study.
After man’s disobedience to God, even the relationship which existed between him and created things was disturbed.
But these things are still a ladder which leads to God, if they are properly used.
They are a distant reflection of His beauty and omnipotence.
“The heavens,” says the Psalmist, “declare the glory of God and the firmament proclaims his handiwork” (Ps 18:2).

Let us listen to the voice of creation, for it speaks to us of God.
St Therese of the Child Jesus wept when she beheld the fragile beauty of a flower and said, “How great is God’s love for us!”
St Francis of Assisi saw the image of the common Creator everywhere around him and called all these things, including fire and water, his brothers and sisters. He even conversed with them in a simple way. He looked upon death itself, as the good sister who was to free him from the slavery of the body and unite him to God.”

Antonio Cardinal Bacci


Quote/s of the Day – 9 February – ‘What more could I want?’

Quote/s of the Day – 9 February – Fifth Sunday of the Year in Ordinary Time, Year A

“I am of the same family as Christ – what more could I want?”

St John XXIII (1881-1963)

Papacy began‎: ‎28 October 1958
Papacy ended‎: ‎3 June 1963

i am of the same family as christ what more could i want st john XXIII 9 feb 2020

I believe in the surprises of the Holy Spirit.
The story of the Church is a long story,
filled with the wonders of the Holy Spirit.
Why should we think that God’s imagination and love might be exhausted?

Leo Jozef Cardinal Suenens of Belgium (1904–1996)

i believe in the suprises of the holy spirit leo jozef cardinal suenens - 9 feb 2020


Sunday Reflection – 9 February – You receive me as a partaker of Your divinity.

Sunday Reflection – 9 February – Fifth Sunday of the Year in Ordinary Time, Year A

Prayer of St. John Damascene (675-749)
Father and Doctor of the Church

God, my God, inextinguishable and invisible fire, You make Your angels flaming fire.

Out of Your inexpressible love You have given me Your divine Flesh as food and through this communion of Your immaculate Body and precious Blood, You receive me as a partaker of Your divinity.

Permeate all my body and soul, all my bones and sinews.

Consume my sins in fire.

Enlighten my soul and illumine my mind.

Sanctify my body and make Your abode in me, together with Your blessed Father and all-holy Spirit, that I may always abide in You, through the intercession of Your immaculate Mother and all Your saints.


consume my sins in fire ... and make your abode in me - st john damascene 9 feb 2020


One Minute Reflection – 9 February – ‘For the heart is then illumined by Jesus.’

One Minute Reflection – 9 February – Fifth Sunday of the Year in Ordinary Time, Year A, Readings: Isaiah 58:7-10, Psalm 112:4-9, 1 Corinthians 2:1-5, Matthew 5:13-16

“You are the salt of the earth …you are the light of the world…” …Matthew 5:13,16

REFLECTION – “Just as salt seasons our bread and other food and keeps certain meats from spoiling for quite a time, so the spiritual sweetness and marvellous working which result from the guarding of the intellect effect something similar.   For in a divine manner they season and sweeten both the inner and the outer self, driving away the stench of evil thoughts and keeping us continually in communion with good thoughts. Many of our thoughts come from demonic provocation and from these derive our evil outward actions.   If, with the help of Jesus, we instantly quell the thought, we will avoid its corresponding outward action.   We will enrich ourselves with the sweetness of divine knowledge and so will find God, who is everywhere.

Holding the mirror of the intellect firmly towards God, we will be illumined constantly as pure glass is by the sun.   Then the intellect, having reached the term of its desires, will, in Him, cease from all other contemplation. (…) Just as he who looks at the sun cannot but fill his eyes with light, so he who always gazes intently into his heart, cannot fail to be illumined. (…)   When clouds are scattered, the air is clear and when the fantasies of passion are scattered by Jesus Christ, the Sun of righteousness, bright and star-like thoughts are born in the heart.   For the heart is then illumined by Jesus.” … St Hesychios the Sinaite (c 5th century), Monk of the monastery at Vatos on Mount Sinai -sometimes identified with Hesychios of Jerusalem, Priest – Chapters “On watchfulness and holiness”, nos. 87, 88, 108 – St Hesychios the Sinaite’s Liturgical Memorial is on 3 October).matthew5 13 16 you are salt ofthe earth you are the light of the world st hesychios 9 feb 2020

PRAYER – All-powerful, eternal God, splendour of true light and never-ending day, let our striving for Your kingdom not fall short through selfishness or fear, may the universe be alive with the Spirit and our homes be the pledge of the world redeemed.   May our eyes see and our hearts have compassion, to all those who need us.   May the intercession of our Holy Mother and all the saints, be a strength and a comfort.   Through Jesus, our compassionate and loving Redeemer, with the Holy Spirit, one God with You forever, amen.mother mary pray for us - 5 oct 2018

Posted in DOCTORS of the Church, FATHERS of the Church, Our MORNING Offering, PRAYERS for VARIOUS NEEDS, PRAYERS of the SAINTS, The WORD

Our Morning Offering – 9 February – Jesus, Open the Eyes of My Heart

Our Morning Offering – 9 February – Fifth Sunday of the Year in Ordinary Time, Year A

Jesus, Open the Eyes of My Heart
By St John Chrysostom (347-407)
Father & Doctor of the Church

Jesus, open the eyes of my heart,
that I may hear Your word
and understand and do Your will.
Open the eyes of my mind
to the understanding
of Your Gospel teachings.
Speak to me the hidden
and secret things of Your wisdom.
Enlighten my mind and understanding
with the light of Your knowledge,
not only to cherish those things
that are written
but to do them.
Amenjesus open the eyes of my heart st john chrysostom 9 feb 2020

Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Saint of the Day – 9 February – Blessed Giacomo Abbondo (1720-1788)

Saint of the Day – 9 February – Blessed Giacomo Abbondo (1720-1788) Priest, Apostle of the poor, Spiritual guide, renowned Preacher – born on 27 August 1720 in Salomino, Duchy of Milan (in modern Italy) and died on 9 Febuary 1788 in Tronzano, Ducky of Milan, Italy of natural causes.   Patronage – Tronzano, Italy.

Don Giacomo Abbondo was a true Parish Priest, father figure, shepherd and preacher of the Gospel, who cared for his faithful to the point of heroically practising charity.   Pope Francis proclaimed him to be Venerable in 2014 and approved a miracle needed for his Beatification in 2015.   This priest from Tronzano Vercellese was Beatified by Cardinal Angelo Amato, the Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, who was representing Pope Francis, on Saturday, 11 June 2016, in giacomo

Giacomo Abbondo was born in Vercelli on 27 August 1720 as the second of six children to Carlo Benedetto Abbondo and Francesca Maria Naya.

The decisive factor in his Christian upbringing was the presence and example of his paternal uncle, Father Giovanni Carlo Abbondo.   Giacomo attended school in Tronzano and received Confirmation from Cardinal Carlo Vincenzo Maria Ferreri on 15 December 1740.   It was at this time his religious calling blossomed and his father had, on 11 August 1738, announced his son’s desire to become a priest.   The same day as his Confirmation, the Cardinal gave him the first clerical tonsure and on 12 August admitted him to minor orders.   On 27 May 1741, the cardinal also gave him the minor orders of exorcism and acolyte.

Msgr Giovanni Pietro Solaro elevated him to the Subdiaconate on 21 December 1743 and elevated him to the Diaconate on 29 February 1744.   He commenced his theological studies in Vercelli where he was Ordained on 21 March 1744.   He received a papal dispensation from Pope Clement XII for his Ordination, since he had not reached the canonical age for becoming a priest.

He obtained a degree in literature on 31 October 1748 in Turin and was assigned to teach in Vercelli.   In 1757 he left teaching to remain as a simple Parish Priest.

He tried to help his parishioners to discover the goodness of God and to know and praise God.   He believed that this was of greater importance since the previous Priest was a known Jansenist.   He was devoted to the sacraments and was a renowned preacher.   He loved the children and insisted that he be the one who admitted the Eucharist to them when the children were ten.   He viewed his mission as a Priest as a service that had to be available to all

Abbondo would visit his parishioners in their homes in his role as the head of thirteen churches but also, did this, in order to maintain fruitful relationships and connections with the people.   He scheduled lectures each Lent season and on 3 April 1759 obtained from Pope Clement XIII the privilege of indulgences, for those that partook of the spiritual exercises offered in Tronzano.   He also referred to the spiritual exercises of St Ignatius of Loyola as a guide.   He preached to the Sisters of Saint Agatha in 1775 and to the Sisters of the Holy Spirit in 1782.

He died in 1788 with a deep reputation for holiness and was well known across the area for the pious life that he led.   Pilgrimages to his tomb became common and there were immediate calls for his Beatification to commence.

On Sunday 12 June at 10.30 in the parish church of Tronzano, the place where his mortal remains are kept, the Cardinal Angelo Amato will preside over the Eucharist of thanksgiving to God for the gift of the new Blessed, who, in the hamlet of Salomino, was born in 1720 and from where he exercised the priestly ministry as Parish Priest from 1757 to 1788.

The parish community of Tronzano prepared for this “moment of grace” throughout a year which coincided with the 250th anniversary of the consecration of the parish church, consecration that took place in 1766, while Don Giacomo was parish priest.
On Friday 10 June, on the eve of the Beatification, there will be the possibility of Confessions throughout the course of the day.

Saturday 2 July 2016 at 17.00 in the parish church of Salomino, Cardinal Angelo Amato will preside over the Eucharist which will begin in the courtyard of the birthplace of Don Giacomo, with the blessing of the Statue that will be placed in the Church of the hamlet.beatificiation in vercelli cathedral 11 june 2016 bl giacomo abbondo

Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Fifth Sunday of the Year in Ordinary Time, Year A +2020 and Memorials of the Saints – 9 February

The Fifth Sunday of the Year in Ordinary Time, Year A +2020

St Alexander of Rome
St Alexander of Soli
St Alto of Altomünster
St Ammon of Membressa
St Ammonius of Soli
Bl Anne Catherine Emmerich (1774-1824)

St Ansbert of Rouen
St Apollonia of Alexandria (Died c 249) Virgin Martyr
St Apollonia’s life and death:

St Attracta of Killaraght
St Brachio of Auvergne
St Cuaran the Wise
St Didymus of Membressa
St Donatus the Deacon
St Eingan of Llanengan
St Emilian of Membressa
Bl Erizzo
Bl Francisco Sanchez Marquez
Blessed Giacomo Abbondo (1720-1788)
Bl Godeschalk of Želiv
St Lassa of Membressa
Bl Marianus Scotus
St Maro
St Miguel Febres Cordero Muñoz FSC (1854-1910)
About St Miguel:

St Nebridius of Egara
St Nicephorus of Antioch
St Poëmus of Membressa
St Primus the Deacon
St Raynald of Nocera
St Romanus the Wonder Worker
St Ronan of Lismore
St Sabino of Abellinum
St Sabinus of Canosa
St Teilo of Llandaff

Martyrs of Alexandria: An unknown number of Christians who were massacred in church in 4th century Alexandria, Egypt by Arian heretics for adhering to the orthodox faith.

Martyrs of Membressa: A group of 44 Christians martyred together. We know little else about them some names –
• Ammon
• Didymus
• Emilian
• Lassa
• Poemus
They were martyred in Membressa in Africa.