Posted in DOCTORS of the Church, FATHERS of the Church, QUOTES of the SAINTS, QUOTES on PRAYER, SAINT of the DAY

Thought for the Day – 12 February – The Prayer of St Ethelwald (Died c 740)

Thought for the Day – 12 February – the Memorial of St Ethelwald (Died c 740)

How Ethelwald, successor to Cuthbert, leading a hermit’s life, calmed a tempest by his prayers when the brethren were in danger at sea. [687-699]
The venerable Ethewald succeeded the man of God, Cuthbert, in the exercise of a solitary life, which he spent in the isle of Fame before he became a bishop.   After he had received the priesthood, he consecrated his office by deeds worthy of that degree for many years in the monastery which is called Inhrypum.

To the end that his merit and manner of life may be the more certainly made known, I will relate one miracle of his, which was told me by one of the brothers for and on whom the same was wrought; to wit, Guthfrid, the venerable servant and priest of Christ, who also, afterwards, as abbot, presided over the brethren of the same church of Lindisfarne, in which he was educated.

“I came,” says he, “to the island of Fame, with two others of the brethren, desiring to speak with the most reverend father, Ethelwald.   Having been refreshed with his discourse and asked for his blessing, as we were returning home, behold on a sudden, when we were in the midst of the sea, the fair weather in which we were sailing, was broken and there arose so great and terrible a tempest, that neither sails nor oars were of any use to us, nor had we anything to expect but death.   After long struggling with the wind and waves to no effect, at last we looked back to see whether it was possible by any means at least to return to the island whence we came but we found that we were on all sides alike cut off by the storm, and that there was no hope of escape by our own efforts. But looking further, we perceived, on the island of Fame, our father Ethelwald, beloved of God, come out of his retreat to watch our course, for, hearing the noise of the tempest and raging sea, he had come forth to see what would become of us.   When he beheld us in distress and despair, he bowed his knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, in prayer for our life and safety and, as he finished his prayer, he calmed the swelling water, in such sort that the fierceness of the storm ceased on all sides and fair winds attended us over a smooth sea to the very shore.   When we had landed and had pulled up our small vessel from the waves, the storm, which had ceased a short time for our sake, presently returned and raged furiously during the whole day, so that it plainly appeared, that the brief interval of calm had been granted by Heaven, in answer to the prayers of the man of God, to the end that we might escape.”

The man of God remained in the isle of Fame twelve years,and died there but was buried in the church of the blessed Apostle Peter, in the isle of Lindisfarne, beside the bodies of the aforesaid bishops.’

These things happened in the days of King Aldfrid, who, after his brother Egfrid, ruled the nation of the Northumbrians for nineteen years.

From Bede’s Ecclesiastical History of England
By The Venerable Bede (673-735)
Father & Doctor of the Church

We beseech Thee, Lord,
open Thy heavens, open our eyes,
may Thy gifts descend to us,
may our hearts look back to Thee.
May Thy throne be laid open to us,
while we receive the benefits which we implore,
may our mind be laid open to Thee,
while we render the service which is enjoined to us.
Look down from Heaven, O Lord,
behold and visit this vine
which Thy right hand hath planted.
Strengthen the weak,
relieve the contrite,
confirm the strong.
Build them up in love,
cleanse them with purity,
enlighten them with wisdom,
keep them with mercy.
Lord Jesus, Good Shepherd,
who laid down Thy life for the sheep,
defend the purchase of Thy blood.
Feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty,
seek for the lost, convert the wandering,
bind up that which is broken.
Put forth Thine own hand from Heaven
and touch the head of each one here.
May they feel the touch of Thy hand
and receive the joy of the Holy Spirit,
that they may remain blessed for evermore.

Saint Ethelwald (Died c 740)the prayer of st ethelwald 12 feb 2019

When we pray,
let it be our whole being
that turns towards God –
our thoughts,
our heart…
The Lord will be moved
to incline towards us
and come to our help…

St Pio of Pietralcina “Padre Pio” (1887-1968)when we pray - st padre pio 12 feb 2019

Posted in QUOTES of the SAINTS, QUOTES on CONVERSION, QUOTES on SANCTITY, The WORD, thomas a kempis

Quote/s of the Day – 12 February – Gospel: Mark 7:1–13

Quote/s of the Day – 12 February – Tuesday of the Fifth week in Ordinary Time, Year C – Gospel: Mark 7:1–13

And he said to them,

“You have a fine way of rejecting the commandment of God,

in order to keep your tradition!”…Mark 7:9mark 7 0 - you have a fine way of rejecting the commandment of god in order to keep your tradition 12 feb 2109

“If you wish to enter into life,
keep My commandments.
If you will know the truth,
believe in Me.
If you will be perfect,
sell all.
If you will be My disciple,
deny yourself.
If you will possess the blessed life,
despise this present life.
If you will be exalted in heaven,
humble yourself on earth.
If you wish to reign with Me,
carry the Cross with Me.
For only the servants of the Cross
find the life of blessedness
and of true light.”if-you-wish-to-enter-into-life-imitation-chapeter-56-12-feb-2018.jpg

the more you depart from yourself,
the more you will be able to enter into Me.
As the giving up of exterior things,
brings interior peace,
so the forsaking of self,
unites you to God.
I will have you learn perfect surrender to My will,
without contradiction or complaint.”

The Imitation of Christ Chapter 56
Thomas à Kempis (1380-1471)my child the more you depart = imitation - thomas a kempis chap 56 12 feb 2019

Posted in DIVINE Mercy, Goodness, Patience, MORNING Prayers, QUOTES of the SAINTS, QUOTES on HOPE, QUOTES on PRAYER, The BLESSED VIRGIN MARY, The WORD

One Minute Reflection – 12 February – Gospel: Mark 7:1–13

One Minute Reflection – 12 February – Tuesday of the Fifth week in Ordinary Time, Year C – Gospel:  Mark 7:1–13

And he said to them, “Well did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written,
‘This people honours me with their lips but their heart is far from me..”...Mark 7:6

REFLECTION – “Prayer is a heart to heart with God… Prayer that has been carried out well, touches God’s heart and prompts Him to answer us.   When we pray, let it be our whole being that turns towards God – our thoughts, our heart… The Lord will be moved to incline towards us and come to our help…mark 7 6 well did isaiah prophesy of you people - prayer is a heart to heart with god - st padre pio 12 feb 2019.jpg
Pray and hope.   Do not get upset, worrying doesn’t help.   God is merciful and will hear your prayer.   Prayer is our best weapon, it is the key that opens God’s heart.   You need to speak to Jesus less with your lips than with your heart.”…St Pio of Pietralcina “Padre Pio” (1887-1968)pray and hope - st padre pio 12 feb 2019.jpg

PRAYER – Look with favour on our morning prayer, Lord and in Your saving love let Your light penetrate the hidden places of our hearts.   May no sordid desires darken our minds, renewed and enlightened as we are, by Your heavenly grace.   May we live by the Light of Your divine Son and follow His precepts.   May the Mother of perpetual succour, pray for us.   We make our prayer through Christ our Lord with the Holy Spirit, God forever, amen.mother of perpetual succour pray for us 12 feb 2019.jpg

Posted in Our MORNING Offering, PRAYERS of the SAINTS, thomas a kempis

Our Morning Offering – 12 February – Remember Your Mercies, Lord

Our Morning Offering – 12 February – Tuesday of the Fifth week in Ordinary Time, Year C

Remember Your Mercies, Lord
By Thomas à Kempis (1380-1471)

O Lord, my God,
You are my all and every good.
And what am I,
that I should presume to address You?
I am the poorest of Your servants
and a wretched worm,
far more poor and worthless
than I can ever realise or express.
Yet, Lord, remember that I am nothing,
I have nothing and can do nothing.
You alone are good, just and holy,
You can do all things,
fill all things,
bestow all things,
leaving only the wicked empty-handed.
Remember Your mercies, Lord
and fill my heart with Your grace,
since it is Your will
that none of Your works should be worthless.
How can I endure this life of sorrows,
unless You strengthen me
with Your mercy and grace?
Do not turn Your face from me,
do not delay Your coming,
nor withdraw Your consolation from me,
lest my soul become like a waterless desert.
Teach me, O Lord, to do Your will,
teach me to live worthily and humbly in Your sight,
for You are my wisdom,
who know me truly
and who knew me before the world was made
and before I had my being.
Amenremember your mercies lord - by thomas a kmepis 12 feb 2019.jpg


Feast of Our Lady of Argenteuil and the Seamless Tunic (c 500) – 12 February

Feast of Notre-Dame-de-Argenteuil / Our Lady of Argenteuil and the Seamless Tunic (c 500) – 12 February

Our Lady of Argenteuil, Paris, built by King Clovis I containing a portion of the Seamless Garment.xOurLadyofArgenteuil.jpg

The Abbot Orsini wrote: “This priory preserves a portion of the seamless garment of Our Lord.

In about the year 500, Clovis was the King of the Franks but he was not yet a Catholic.   Years passed as his wife Clotilda prayed for her husband to convert, yet always King Clovis demurred.   Then one fateful day Clovis was engaged in a desperate battle, finding himself sorely bested.   At the point of ruin he cried aloud to the Christian God to assist him, promising to forsake his pagan gods if he were granted a miraculous victory.

Looking up to heaven, Clovis cried:

“Jesus Christ, whom Clotilda declares to be the Son of the Living God, who it is said gives aid to the oppressed and victory to those who put their hope in Thee, I beseech the glory of Thy aid!   If Thou shalt grant me victory over these enemies and I test that power which people consecrated to Thy name say they have proved concerning Thee, I will believe in Thee and be baptised in Thy name.   For I have called upon my gods but, as I have proved, they are far removed from my aid.   So I believe that they have no power, for they do not succour those who serve them.   Now I call upon Thee and I long to believe in Thee – all the more that I may escape my enemies!”

God was pleased to answer Clovis’ petition immediately, for no sooner had he prayed than his enemies fled the field.   Clovis won the battle and he was a man of his word. Hating his former error, Clovis converted to the True Faith.

It is related in the Gospels that Christ’s executioners played dice over this tunic. According to legend, that tunic was found in the fourth century by Saint Helena, the mother of Emperor Constantine.   It was then kept at Constantinople until the eighth century.

In the year 800, the Empress Irene of Byzantium offered Charlemagne the Holy Tunic at his coronation as Emperor of the West.   The emperor then gave the relic to the priory of Argenteuil when his daughter, Theodrade, became abbess.holy-tunic-close-up-marc-antoine_mouterde_argenteuil_2016-03-25-3-e1459629490824.jpg

In the year 850 the Normans plundered the village of Argenteuil, including the Basilica of Saint Dennis but the tunic was hidden in a wall before their arrival.   When the abbey was rebuilt in 1003, the relic was restored.   It is venerated until the 16th century when it was partially burned by Huguenots in 1567.

During the French Revolution the Benedictine priory was destroyed and the relic then given to a parish church for safekeeping.   In 1793, a priest found it necessary to cut it into pieces and bury them in his garden to protect them from profanation.   In 1795, after the priests imprisonment had ended, the Holy Tunic appeared again and the different fragments were sewn back together.

The Holy Tunic was displayed again in the nineteenth century and pilgrimages resumed. On the 13 of December in 1983, the parish priest of Saint Dennis discovered the tunic had been stolen.   On 2 February 1984, Father Guyard received a phone call from a stranger promising to return the treasure to the condition that their names would be kept secret. That same evening the tunic, with its case, was found in the Basilica of Saint Dennis.

The last solemn exposition of the tunic took place during the Easter holiday in 2016.   In six days, approximately 80,000 people came to see the tunic.knight-guards-marc-antoine_mouterde_argenteuil_2016-03-25-7-e1459628517884

The Holy Tunic measures nearly 5’ by 3’ in size.   The fibres are wool and of a very regular size.   It is a soft, lightweight fabric and the weaving is uniform and regular with a twisted “Z,” made on a primitive loom.   The tunic is remarkable for a tunic woven manually, as it is made without any seam, including the sleeves.   The dark brown fabric is typical of the clothing in the early centuries of the Christian era.   The fabric was dyed brown, using a method widely in practice at the time by people of modest means.   The construction and dyeing show the tunic to date from the time of Christ.   It is the garment worn by Christ after the Flagellation and along the road to Calvary as He carried His cross.   Christ’s blood and sweat thus impregnate the fabric.    In 1985 a test was done showing the blood was type AB.   Pollen common to Palestine have also been found in the fabric.marc-antoine_mouterde_argenteuil_2016-03-25-2


Feasts of Our Lady and Memorials of the Saints – 12 February

Madonna del Pilerio: is the patron of the city of Cosenza and of the archdiocese of Cosenza-Bisignano.   The Madonna del Pilerio is depicted in an icon dating back to the twelfth century that is found since 1607 in the chapel built specifically within the cathedral of Cosenza , commissioned by Mgr. Giovani Battista Costanzo ( 1591 – 1617 ).   On 10 May 1981, the cathedral of Cosenza was raised to the shrine of Our Lady of Pilerio by the Archbishop Mons. Dino Trabalzini.   The patronal feast of Cosenza is not celebrated on 8 September the feast of Our Lady of Pilerio and date to which the Nativity of the Virgin is recognised but 12 February to remember the devastating earthquake that hit Calabria on that date in 1854.

Official Prayer to the Madonna del Pilerio

Virgin of Pilerio, Mother of the Church,
You are for us Support, Help and Hope.
We thank you and bless you
but above all we love you.
You are our tender Mother,
given to us by Christ on the Cross.
Listen to your children’s prayer.
Do not let us ever turn away from you.
Strengthen our faith in us,
sustain hope, revive charity.
May you praise the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever.
O Madonna del Pilerio, our glorious Patron, pray for usIconamadonnadelpilerio.jpg

Our Lady of Argenteuil, Paris, France:   Cathedral of Our Lady of Argenteuil, Paris, built by King Clovis I (101) containing a portion of the Seamless Garment of Christ.
See today’s main post.

St Alexius of Kiev
St Ammonius of Alexandria
Bl Anthony of Saxony
St Anthony Kauleas
St Benedict of Aniane OSB (747-821)
About St Benedict –

Bl Benedict Revelli
St Damian of Africa
St Damian of Rome
St Ethelwald of Lindisfarne
St Eulalia of Barcelona
St Gaudentius of Verona
St Goscelinus of Turin
Bl Gregory of Tragurio
Bl Humbeline of Jully
St Jak Bushati
St Julian of Alexandria
St Julian the Hospitaller
About St Julian:
Bl Ladislaus of Hungary
Bl Ludan
St Meletius of Antioch
St Modestus of Alexandria
St Modestus of Carthage
St Modestus the Deacon
Bl Nicholas of Hungary
St Sedulius
Bl Thomas of Foligno

Martyrs of Albitina – 46 saints:
During the persecutions of Diocletian, troops were sent to the churches of Abitina, North Africa on a Sunday morning; they rounded up everyone who had arrived for Mass and took them all to Carthage for interrogation by pro-consul Anulinus. The 46 who proclaimed their Christianity were executed. We know some of their names and stories. They were tortured to death in 304 in prison at Albitina, North Africa.

Martyred in England:
Bl George Haydock
Bl James Fenn
Bl John Nutter
Bl John Munden
Bl Thomas Hemeford

Martyred in the Spanish Civil War:
Josep Gassol Montseny