Posted in CATHOLIC Quotes, JESUIT SJ

Pedro Arrupe SJ

Pedro Arrupe SJ, superior general of the Jesuits from 1965-1983, died on this day in 1991.


He guided the Society through the tumultuous post-Vatican II years.   He called for a renewed commitment to the Society’s roots in the Spiritual Exercises and he oriented the Jesuits toward service to the poor and to refugees.

He had a charismatic personality and was beloved by many in the Society and outside it.

He articulated the goal of Jesuit education as training “men and women for others”:

“………men and women who will live not for themselves but for God and His Christ—for the God-human who lived and died for all the world;  men and women who cannot even conceive of love of God which does not include love for the least of their neighbours;  men and women completely convinced that love of God which does not issue in justice for others is a farce.” (Pedro Arrupe: Essential Writings, Kevin Burke, Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books 2004, p. 173)

Let love be genuine;  hate what is evil, hold fast to what is good;  love one another with mutual affection;  outdo one another in showing honour………Romans 12:9-10

Are you complacent, too accepting of things as they are?   Talk to God about this.



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