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Catholic Heroes. . . Cardinal Aloysius Stepinac

Catholic Heroes – so many we need to learn about who changed the world and continue to do so!
Please pray for us all Blessed Aloysius Stepinac!

Catholicism Pure & Simple

From The Remnant:

The Trial of Blessed Cardinal Aloysius Stepinac:

– Hailed by Pope Pius XII as the “most important priest in the Catholic Church.”
– Beatified by Pope John Paul II
– So hated by the Nazis that they demanded Pope Pius XII remove him (Pius refused)
– Imprisoned by the Communists
– Laid down his life for those most persecuted during and after World War II
– Died of complications from his imprisonment for defending the rights of Christ the King
– Denounced Martin Luther as a “False Prophet”
– Blamed Protestantism for the “hell in which human society suffers today”
– Would not have made a very good ecumenist.
– Would have been excommunicated from the ‘Church of Accompaniment’

History always balances its accounts. For years the Communists endeavored to separate Croatian Catholics from the Pope. They used all means to sever Church unity: vain pledges and threats; bribery and murder; trickery and torture.

The focal point in that artificial conglomeration…

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Posted in NOVENAS

Novena to St Claude de la Colombiere – Day Five – 13 February

St Claude de la Colombiere S.J. (1641-1682 Memorial 15 February) was the spiritual director of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque and helped immensely to bring the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus to the world.   He is known as the faithful servant and perfect friend to the Sacred Heart.   Please join us in saying this Novena, not only for our own needs but that through the power of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the whole world and it’s many ills, may benefit.


Novena to St Claude de la Colombiere

O divine Lord, You said,
‘Ask and you shall receive; seek and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened to you’.
You promised to bestow abundant blessings
on all the undertakings of those who honour your Sacred Heart.
Hear our humble, confident and incessant prayers
and grant us the grace we ask of Your infinite mercy in this novena.
We ask it through the intercession of St Claude La Colombiere,
whom You have honoured with the title ‘faithful servant and perfect friend’
and who had such filial, unbounded and unwearied confidence in You.
O St Claude, most ardent apostle of the Divine Heart of Jesus,
deign to intercede for me with this divine heart,
that I may obtain the grace I ask for in this novena.
(make your request)
Our Father…Hail Mary…Glory be…
Pray for us, St Claude, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.


Posted in MORNING Prayers, SAINT of the DAY

Thought for the Day – 13 February

Thought for the Day – 13 February

The Dominican preacher Jordan of Saxony was a man to contend with in the Europe of the thirteenth century.   We are told (with some exaggeration perhaps) that mothers would hide their sons when they heard he was coming to town;  and (probably with genuine accuracy) that universities feared losing their best professors to the pull of his eloquence.

Jordan had personal gifts and an energy that shook those whose lives he touched, leaving those with whom he came into contact somehow different.   His words were a force that prompted men to think about the deeper things of their existence—and to desire what St. Paul called “the greater gifts” (cf. 1 Corinthians 12:31).

What could a man of the thirteenth century, even a very good man, have to offer us today? Ours is a fast-moving world, a far-advanced one in many ways.   Would this European whose worldview was so far removed from our questioning and our efforts, discern what God is saying in our day?

Jordan of Saxony met an untimely death at the age of 47, drowning in an accident which occurred on his return from a pilgrimage to the Holy Land in 1237.   In his vigorous life, Jordan extended what Father Dominic had begun so carefully and he opened avenues on which the Order would continue to struggle and to flourish.   The secret that makes his message so relevant today?   It is the secret of deep and personal friendship with Christ, a friendship which cannot be contained, but sets the world on fire!   (Nashville Domicans)

And THIS is as relevant today as it was in the thirteenth century – even more so perhaps!


Posted in MORNING Prayers, QUOTES of the SAINTS, SAINT of the DAY

Quote of the Day – 13 February

Quote of the Day – 13 February

“There are two ways of keeping God’s word, namely, one whereby we store in our memory what we hear and the other whereby we put into practice what we have heard (and none will deny that the latter is more commendable, inasmuch as it is better to sow grain than to store it in the barn).”

~~~Blessed Jordan of Saxony



Posted in DOCTORS of the Church, MORNING Prayers, QUOTES of the SAINTS, SAINT of the DAY, The WORD

One Minute Reflection – 13 February

One Minute Reflection – 13 February

Find your delight in the LORD
who will give you your heart’s desire………….Psalm 37:4

REFLECTION – “Happiness is secured through virtue;
it is a good attained by man’s own will.” ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, St Thomas Aquinas

PRAYER – All-provident Lord, my God, You are my Father and in You is all my hope and trust.   Teach me to live according to Your precepts, knowing that through them I will attain virtue and thus be filled with true joy.   Blessed Jordan of Saxony, you were filled with love for your fellowman and through your virtue you assisted many to achieve holiness and happiness.  Pray for us that we may too be filled with virtue, love and the true happiness of God which is joy, amen.


Posted in DOCTORS of the Church, MORNING Prayers, PRAYERS of the SAINTS

Our Morning Offering – 13 February

Our Morning Offering – 13 February

Father, keep us from vain strife of words.
Grant to us constant profession of the Truth!
Preserve us in a true and undefiled faith
so that we may hold fast to that
which we professed when we were baptised
in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
that we may have Thee for our Father,
that we may abide in Thy Son
and in the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.
Through Jesus Christ, Our Lord, amen.

By St Hilary of Poitiers



Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Saint of the Day – 13 February – Blessed Jordan of Saxony

Saint of the Day – 13 February – Blessed Jordan of Saxony/referred to in Latin as Jordanis, also known as de Alamania – (1190-1237) Second Master General of the Order of Preachers Patron of Vocations to the Dominican Order, against drowning, of University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines

Jordan belonged to the noble German family of the Counts of Eberstein.  He was born in the Castle of Borrenstrick, in the diocese of Paderborn.   He began his studies in his native land and was sent to complete them at the University of Paris.  While a student he met Dominic de Guzman, the founder of the Order of Preachers and was inspired by the preaching of Reginald of Orleans O.P. (also known as Reginald of Saint-Gilles) to join the Dominican Order.   He received the habit on Ash Wednesday, 1220. Jordan was a Master of Arts and a grammarian, and taught in the schools of Paris.

In 1221, a General Chapter of the Order held in Bologna appointed Jordan Prior Provincial of Lombardy in Italy.   On 6 August 1221, Dominic died and in 1222 Jordan was elected as his successor as Master General of the Order of Preachers.   Like Saint Dominic, Jordan was famed as a strict disciplinarian whose commitment to the Rule was tempered with kindness.

During Jordan’s administration, the young Order increased to over 300 priories.   Jordan is particularly remembered for his eloquence in attracting candidates to join the Order. Through his lectures in university towns, he won many—allegedly well over 1,000—professors and students for the Order from the universities of Europe, among whom was Albertus Magnus who is thought to have been recruited in Padua.   He added four new provinces to the eight already existing.  Twice he obtained for the Order a chair at the University of Paris and helped to found the University of Toulouse. He established the first general house of studies of the Order.


Additionally, Jordan was a spiritual guide to many, including one of the first Dominican nuns, the Blessed Diana degli Andalò, O.P.   He also found time to write a number of books: a life of St. Dominic and several other works.   Among them was the Libellus de principiis Ordinis Praedicatorum (“Booklet on the beginnings of the Order of Preachers”), a Latin text which is both the earliest biography of Saint Dominic and the first narrative history of the foundation of the Order.


A section of a work by Friar Gerald de Frachet describing the lives of the first Dominicans, the Lives of the Brothers (Vitae fratrum), is dedicated to describing his character, virtue and miracles. All of the first chroniclers of the Order describe Jordan’s kindness and personal charm.   He had the ability to console the troubled and to inspire the despondent with new hope.

Jordan died, at the age of forty-seven, in a shipwreck on his return from Palestine, where he was visiting the local monasteries of the Order.   The shipwreck occurred off the coast of Syria on 13 February 1237.   Jordan was buried in the Dominican Church of St. John in Akko, in present-day Israel.   He was beatified by Pope Leo XII in 1825.

Bl Jordan of Saxony is credited with introducing the practice of singing the Salve Regina in procession at the end of Compline, done, it is recorded, to calm the spirits of the Brothers, who were being tried by the Devil.


Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Saints 13 February, Memorials –

Madonna del Carmine

St Adolphus of Osnabruk
St Agabus the Prophet
St Aimo of Meda
Bl Beatrix of Ornacieux
St Benignus of Todi
Bl Berengar of Assisi
St Castor of Karden
St Christina of Spoleto
St Dyfnog
St Ermenilda of Ely
Bl Eustochium of Padua
St Fulcran of Lodève
St Fusca of Ravenna
St Gilbert of Meaux
St Gosbert of Osnabruck
St Guimérra of Carcassone
St Huno
Bl Jordan of Saxony
St Julian of Lyon
St Lucinus of Angers
St Marice
St Martinian the Hermit
St Maura of Ravenna
St Modomnoc
St Paulus Lio Hanzuo
St Peter I of Vercelli
St Phaolô Lê Van Loc
St Stephen of Lyons
St Stephen of Rieti