Posted in ArchAngels and Angels, CATHOLIC Quotes, MORNING Prayers, QUOTES on ANGELS, SAINT of the DAY, The WORD

Thought for the Day – 2 October – The Memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels

Thought for the Day – 2 October – The Memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels

Perhaps no aspect of Catholic piety is as comforting to parents as the belief that an angel protects their little ones from dangers real and imagined.   Yet guardian angels are not only for children.   Their role is to represent individuals before God, to watch over them always, to aid their prayer and to present their souls to God at death.

The concept of an angel assigned to guide and nurture each human being is a development of Catholic doctrine and piety based on Scripture but not directly drawn from it.   Jesus’ words in Matthew 18:10 best support the belief:  “See that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that their angels in heaven always look upon the face of my heavenly Father.”

Devotion to the angels is, at base, an expression of faith in God’s enduring love and providential care extended to each person day in and day out.

The Catholic Church believes there is a link among believers, angels and the God who made us all:   “From its beginning until death, human life is surrounded by their watchful care and intercession. ‘Beside each believer stands an angel as protector and shepherd leading him to life.’   Already here on earth the Christian life shares by faith in the blessed company of angels and men united in God” (CCC 336).

Holy Guardian Angels, Pray for us!guardian angels pray for us 2 oct 2018

Posted in ArchAngels and Angels, DOCTORS of the Church, MORNING Prayers, QUOTES of the SAINTS, QUOTES on ANGELS

Quote/s of the Day- 2 October – The Memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels

Quote/s of the Day- 2 October – The Memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels

“We should show our affection for the angels,
for one day they will be our co-heirs
just as here below they are our guardians
and trustees appointed and set over us by the Father.”

St Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153) Doctor of the Churchwe-should-show-our-affection-st-bernard-of-clairvaux-1090-1153-doctor-of-the-church-2-oct-2018

“Let us be like the holy angels now. …
If one day we are to be in the angelic court,
we must learn now, while we are still here, the manners of the angels.”

St Vincent Ferrer (1350-1419)let us be like the holy angels now - st vincent ferrer - 1 oct 2018

“Since God often sends us His inspirations by means of his angels,
we ought frequently to offer Him our aspirations through the same channel….
Call on them and honour them frequently
and ask their help in all your affairs, temporal as well as spiritual.”

St Francis de Sales (1567-1622) Doctor of the Churchsince god often sends us - st francis de sales - 2 oct 2018

“Our prayers are so dear to God,
that He has appointed the angels to present them to Him,
as soon as they come forth from our mouths.
‘The angels,’ says St Hilary, ‘preside over the prayers of the faithful
and offer them daily to God.’
This is that smoke of the incense,
which are the prayers of saints,
which St John saw ascending to God from the hands of the angels (Apoc. 8,3)
and which he saw in another place,
represented by golden phials full of sweet odours, very acceptable to God.”

St Alphonsus Liguori (1696-1787) Doctor of the Churchour prayers are so dear - st alphonsus - 2 oct 2018

“How happy is that guardian angel
who accompanies a soul to Holy Mass!”

St John Vianney (1786-1859)how happy is that guardian angel - st john vianney

Posted in ArchAngels and Angels, MORNING Prayers, QUOTES on ANGELS, SAINT of the DAY, The WORD

One Minute Reflection – 2 October – Today’s First Reading: Exodus 23:20–23 – The Memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels 

One Minute Reflection – 2 October – Today’s First Reading: Exodus 23:20–23 – Tuesday of the 26th Week in Ordinary Time, Year B and The Memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels

“See, I am sending an angel before you, to guard you on the way and bring you to the place I have prepared.”…Exodus 23:20exodus-23-20

REFLECTION – “Be ever more convinced that your guardian angel is really present, that he is ever at your side. St Frances of Rome always saw him standing before her, his arms clasped at his breast, his eyes uplifted to Heaven but at the slightest failing, he would cover his face as if in shame and at times, turn his back to her.”… St John Bosco (1815-1888)be ever more convinced - st john bosco - 2 oct 2018

PRAYER – Lord God of hosts, in Your all-wise providence, You send angels to guard and protect us. Surround us with their watchful care on earth and give us the joy of their company, forever in heaven. Amenholy-guardian-angels-pray-for-us.2 OCT 2017

Posted in ArchAngels and Angels, Our MORNING Offering, POETRY, PRAYERS for VARIOUS NEEDS, PRAYERS of the SAINTS, SAINT of the DAY

Our Morning Offering – 2 October – The Memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels

Our Morning Offering – 2 October – The Memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels

My Oldest Friend
By Blessed John Henry Newman (1801-1890)

My oldest friend, mine from the hour
When first I drew my breath,
My faithful friend, that shall be mine,
Unfailing, till my death….

Mine when I stand before the Judge,
And mine, if spared to stay
Within the golden furnace, till
My sin is burn’d away.

And mine, O Brother of my soul,
When my release shall come,
Thy gentle arms shall lift me then,
Thy wings shall waft me oldest friend - prayer to our guardian angel by bl john henry newman - 2 october 2018


Saint of the Day – 2 October – Blessed Antoine Chevrier T.O.S.F. (1825-1879)

Saint of the Day – 2 October – Blessed Antoine Chevrier T.O.S.F. (1825-1879) – Priest, Founder of the Sisters of Prado and the Institute of the Priests of Prado, professed member of the Franciscan Third Order, Apostle of Charity, Writer  – born on Easter Sunday, 16 April 1825 in Lyon, Rhône, France and died on  2 October 1879 in Lyon, Rhône, France of natural causes.  Patronage – the Sisters of Prado and the Institute of the Priests of Prado.   His entire life and pastoral mission was devoted to the service of the poor and the education of poor children and those on the peripheries.antoine-chevrier-05a4dd75-c902-4342-936d-e403101ed1a-resize-750

Antoine Chevrier was born on Easter on 16 April 1825. He was the sole child born to his parents and received baptism on the following 18 April. From his father he inherited a humble spirit and gentleness while he received from his mother a passionate and energetic disposition. He had his First Communion in 1837.   In 1840 – at the age of fourteen – a parish priest asked him if he wanted to become a priest himself.   Chevrier never thought about it but said he would like to.   He felt immediate happiness in this realisation and decided to become a priest.   Chevrier commenced his studies for the priesthood at the age of seventeen in 1842.   He received the cassock in October 1846 and received the tonsure in 1847.


Prior to being ordained he wanted to join the foreign missions but his mother opposed and said to him:  “You are an ingrate, mister, a bad son.   Do you think I raised you for you to be eaten by savages?   Savages you can fin in Lyon! If you go in spite of me, I will disown you as my child”.   He was ordained to the priesthood on 25 May 1850 by Cardinal Louis Jacques Maurice de Bonald and was sent to Saint-André de la Guillotière as an assistant priest where he became greatly saddened with the miserable conditions of the poor that he encountered.

In the middle of the night on 31 May 1856 a great storm caused flooding.   He rescued several victims despite the danger to his own life.   On Christmas Eve in 1856 he meditated before the crib and it was there and then that he realised his true mission as a priest was to evangelise to the poor but also to tend to the poor on the streets while forming a religious congregation for all those who were poor.   This experience was almost like a sudden “conversion”.   In Ars-sur-Formans – in January 1857 – he consulted with Saint John-Baptiste-Marie Vianney (1786-1859) on his mission and who encouraged his work.  He asked to leave his parish to pursue this aim and a meeting with layman Camille Rambaud in June 1857 hastened this.   Sometimes parents sent him their delinquent children and others asked him to get their children out of prison and take them to live with him for a better life.   In 1859 he became a professed member of the Third Order of Saint Francis.antoine-chevrier-6f27e38e-448d-4ae9-b85c-6b35cbe8020-resize-750

On 10 December 1860 he purchased a disused ballroom in order to establish a chapel and a shelter for poor children and those on the peripheries in order to provide them with a Christian education.   In his lifetime he received around 2400 male adolescents  . In 1866 he opened a clerical school – that grew into his male institute – for clerical aspirants.   The first lot were ordained in Rome in 1876.   The female branch of his order – the Sisters of Prado – opened not long after his first was established.

Social unrest threatened Lyon and Paris in 1871 but the conflict in Lyon stalled as Chevrier celebrated the Feast of Corpus Christi and paraded the Eucharist through the streets – the quarrellers dared not interrupt the celebration.antoine-chevrier-f35f2fb0-999d-4f73-9ea9-668b60cd860-resize-750

Chevrier was also a writer and he wrote both the “Disciple of Jesus Christ” and “God sends Revolutions”.   The latter was a critique of priests who pursued greed and their excessive attachment to material goods.antoine-chevrier-ea7534f9-df8c-42f2-8509-56ea291813e-resize-750

He fell ill in the spring of 1874 which began his long period of illness until his death.   He recovered and made a four-month visit to Rome to be with his future priests.

He knew his death was approaching in September 1879 due to his ailment.   Chevrier died on 2 October 1879 after suffering a long illness.   Around 10 000 people attended his funeral many of them the people the Work of Prado had helped.   He was buried in the chapel he had built and the street in front of it is now named for him.   His order was approved of diocesan right in 1924 and was aggregated to the Conventual Franciscans in 1930.   The order received the papal decree of praise of Pope John XXIII on 28 October 1959.

Blessed Antoine was Beatified on 4 October 1986 by St Pope John Paul II.768px-ANTOINE Chevrier2


Posted in ArchAngels and Angels, SAINT of the DAY

Memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels and of the Saints – 2 October

The Holy Guardian Angels (Memorial)
Blessed Angels here:

St Alfonso del Rio
St Andrea Ximenez
Bl Antoine Chevrier T.O.S.F. (1825-1879)
St Beregisius
St Eleutherius of Nicomedia
St Emilie de Villeneuve
Bl Georges-Edme René
St Gerinus
Bl Jan Beyzym
St Leodegarius of Autun
St Leudomer
St Maria Antonina Kratochwil
St Modesto of Sardinia
St Saturius of Soria
St Theophilus of Bulgaria
St Ursicinus II

Martyred in Antioch, Syria: Martyred in one of the early persecutions, date unknown.
St Cyril of Antioch
St Primus of Antioch
St Secundarius of Antioch

Martyred in Nagasaki, Japan: A husband, wife and two sons, who were all martyred together in the persecutions in Japan. They were beheaded on 2 October 1622 in Nagasaki, Japan and Beatified by Pope Pius IX on 7 May 1867.
• Blessed Andreas Yakichi
• Blessed Franciscus Yakichi
• Blessed Lucia Yakichi
• Blessed Ludovicus Yakichi

Martyred in the Spanish Civil War:
• Blessed Elías Carbonell Molla
• Blessed Enrique Sáiz-Aparicio
• Blesssed Felipe González de Heredia Barahona
• Blessed Francisco Carceller Galindo
• Blessed Isidoro Bover Oliver
• Blessed Juan Carbonell Molla
• Blessed Juan Iñiguez de Ciriano Abechuco
• Blessed Manuel Borrajo Míguez
• Blessed María Francisca Ricart Olmos
• Blessed Mateu Garrolera Masferrer
• Blessed Pedro Artolozaga Mellique
• Blessed Pedro Salcedo Puchades