Posted in MARIAN DEVOTIONS, St Louis-Marie Grignion de MONTFORT, The BLESSED VIRGIN MARY, THOMAS a KEMPIS, TOTAL Consecration to JESUS through MARY

Saint Louis-Marie de Montfort’s Total Consecration to Jesus Through Mary – Day Eleven – 27 October

Saint Louis-Marie de Montfort’s Total Consecration to Jesus Through Mary – Day Eleven – 27 October

Readings and Prayers

12 Day Preparation

Day 11 of 33

Imitation of Christ, by Thomas á Kempis:   Book 1, Chapter 25

On the Fervent Amendment of our Whole Life

When a certain anxious person, who often times wavered between hope and fear, once overcome with sadness, threw himself upon the ground in prayer, before one of the altars in the Church and thinking these things in his mind, said “Oh, if I only knew how to persevere,” that very instant he heard within him, this heavenly answer: “And if thou did know this, what would thou do?  Do now what you would do and thou shall be perfectly secure.”   And immediately being consoled and comforted, he committed himself to the Divine Will and his anxious thoughts ceased.   He no longer wished for curious things, searching to find out what would happen to him but studied rather to learn what was the acceptable and perfect will of God for the beginning and the perfection of every good work.

“Hope in the Lord,” said the Prophet, “And do all good and inhabit the land and thou shall be fed of the riches thereof.”

There is one thing that keeps many back from spiritual progress and from fervour in amendment, namely – the labour that is necessary for the struggle.   And assuredly they especially advance beyond others in virtues, who strive the most manfully to overcome the very things which are the hardest and most contrary to them.   For there a man does profit more and merit more abundant grace, when he does most to overcome himself and mortify his spirit.   All have not, indeed, equal difficulties to overcome and mortify but a diligent and zealous person will make a greater progress though he have more passions than another, who is well regulated but less fervent in the pursuit of virtues.

Recite: Veni Creator, Ave Maris Stella, Magnificat and Glory Be (See HERE: )DAY ELEVEN - TOTAL CONSECRATION - ST LOUIS DE MONTFORT 27 oct 2018

Posted in DOCTORS of the Church, FATHERS of the Church, MORNING Prayers, QUOTES of the SAINTS, QUOTES on CONVERSION, The WORD

Thought for the Day – 27 October – Today’s Gospel: Luke 13:1-9

Thought for the Day – 27 October – Today’s Gospel: Luke 13:1-9 – Saturday of the Twenty Ninth week in Ordinary Time, Year B

“And he said to the vinedresser,
‘Lo, these three years I have come seeking fruit
on this fig tree and I find none.
Cut it down, why should it use up the ground?”…Luke 13:7

Answering God’s call to repent at last

St Augustine (354-430) Father & Doctor of the Church – Confessions Bk. 8

Those trifles of all trifles and vanities of vanities, my one-time mistresses, held me back, plucking at my garment of flesh and murmuring softly:  “Are you sending us away?”   And ” From this moment shall we not be with you, now or forever?”   And: ” From this moment shall this or that not be allowed you, now or forever?”   What were they suggesting to me, O my God?… I hesitated to shake them off and leap upwards on the way I was called, for the strong force of habit said to me:  “Do you think you can live without them?”   But by this time its voice was growing fainter.   In the direction towards which I had already turned my face and was quivering in fear of going, I could see the austere beauty of Continence honourably soliciting me to come to her and not linger, her hands full of multitudes of good examples…   “The Lord their God gave me to them.   Why do you rely on yourself and so fail to stand at all?   Cast yourself upon Him and do not be afraid, He will not draw back and let you fall.   Cast yourself on Him without fea,; He will receive you and heal you”…

This disputation within my heart was nothing other than a struggle between myself against myself… When my most searching scrutiny had drawn up all my vileness from the secret depths of my soul and heaped it in my heart’s sight, a mighty storm rose up in me bringing a mighty rain of tears.   In order to give release to my tears and lamentations, I got up and went out… I flung myself down somehow under a certain fig tree and no longer tried to check my tears, which poured from my eyes in a flood, an acceptable sacrifice to Thee.   And I spoke to You freely:   “And Thou, O Lord, how long? How long, Lord, will You be angry forever?   Remember not our former iniquities.” (Ps 6:4; 78:5)…  And I continued my miserable complaining:   “How long, how long shall I go on saying tomorrow and again tomorrow?   Why not now, why not this very hour?”

And suddenly I heard a voice from some nearby house, a boy’s voice or a girl’s voice, a sort of sing-song repeated again and again:  “Take and read, take and read.”   I stopped weeping and immediately began to search my mind most carefully as to whether children were accustomed to chant these words in any kind of game and I could not remember that I had ever heard any such thing.   Damming back my flood of tears I rose up again, interpreting the incident as quite certainly a divine command to open the book of the apostle Paul and read the first passage on which my eyes should fall…  I returned hastily and took up the book and read what I had seen before:  “Not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and impurities, not in contention and envy but put on the Lord Jesus Christ and make not provision for the flesh in its concupiscence,” (Rom 13:13).   I had no wish to read any further and no need.   For in that instant, with the very ending of the sentence, it was as though a light of utter confidence shone in my heart, and all the darkness of uncertainty vanished away.

St Augustine, Pray for Us!st augustine pray for us - 27 oct 2018


Quote/s of the Day – 27 Oct – Saturday of the Twenty Ninth week in Ordinary Time, Year B

Quote/s of the Day – 27 Oct – Saturday of the Twenty Ninth week in Ordinary Time, Year B

Speaking of:  Marian Gems

“She (Mary) is like a fiery chariot,
because she conceived within her the Word,
the only-begotten Son of God.
She carries and spreads,
the fire of love,
because her Son IS love.”

St Catherine of Siena (1347-1380) Doctor of the Churchshe mary is like a fiery chariot - st catherine of asiena - 27 oct 2018

“If every woman were an image
of the Mother of God, a spouse of Christ
and an apostle of the divine Heart,
she would fulfil her feminine vocation
no matter in what circumstances she lived
and what her external activities might be.”

St Teresa Benedicta of the Cross/Edith Stein (1891-1942)

if every woman - st teresa benedicta no 2 - 27 oct 2018

“O Blessed Rosary of Mary,
sweet chain which binds us to God,
bond of love which unites us to the angels,
tower of salvation against the assaults of hell,
safe port in our universal shipwreck,
we shall never abandon you.”

Bl Bartholomew Longo (1841-1926)o blessed rosary - bl bartholomew longo - 27 oct 2018

“Mary is the image and model of all mothers,
of their great mission to be guardians of life,
of their mission to be teachers
of the art of living
and of the art of loving.”

Pope Benedict XVImary is the image and model of all mothers - pope benedict - 27 oct 2018


One Minute Reflection – 27 October – Today’s Gospel: Luke 13:1-9

One Minute Reflection – 27 October – Today’s Gospel: Luke 13:1-9 – Saturday of the Twenty Ninth week in Ordinary Time, Year B

And he said to the vinedresser, ‘Lo, these three years I have come seeking fruit on this fig tree and I find none. Cut it down, why should it use up the ground?’…Luke 13:7

REFLECTION – “Unfortunately, each of us strongly resembles the tree that, over many years, has repeatedly shown that it’s infertile.   But, fortunately for us, Jesus is like a farmer who, with limitless patience, still obtains a concession for the fruitless vine.   “Let it alone this year” the invincible patience of Jesus!   Have you thought about the patience of God?   Have you ever thought as well of His limitless concern for sinners?   How it should lead us to impatience with ourselves!   It’s never too late to convert, never.   God’s patience awaits us until the last moment.”…Pope Francis – Angelus, 28 February 2016luke 13 7 - and he said to the vinedresser - unfortunately each of us strongly resembles the tree - pope francis 27 oct 2018

PRAYER – Come to help us in our weakness, God of mercy, forgive the sins of Your people and as nothing we can do is worthy in Your sight, save us through the intercession of the Mother of our Lord, Jesus Christ.   We make our prayer through Jesus with the Holy Spirit, God forever, mother of our lord pray for us - 27 oct 2018


Our Morning Offering – 27 October – Saturday of the Twenty Ninth week in Ordinary Time, Year B

Our Morning Offering – 27 October – Saturday of the Twenty Ninth week in Ordinary Time, Year B

A Morning Salutation to Mary
A Coptic Catholic Prayer

We greet you,
glorious Mother of the Light
O Blessed Mary,
from the rising of the sun
to its setting
praise is due to you,
O Mother of God.
You are the second heaven,
the bright unfading flower,
the ever-virgin mother.
For the Father chose you
and the Holy Spirit overshadowed you
and the Son humbled Himself
and took flesh from you.
Therefore, ask Him to give peace
to the world He has created
and to deliver it from every tribulation.
And we shall sing to Him a new song
and bless Him,
now and forever,
Amena morning salutation to mary - coptic prayer - 27 ocat 2018 sat prayer to mary

Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Saint of the Day – 27 October – St Frumentius (Died c 383) Apostle to Ethiopia

Saint of the Day – 27 October – St Frumentius (Died c 383) Bishop, Confessor and Apostle to Ethiopia – born in Tyre, Eastern Roman Empire, in the early fourth century, died circa 383, Kingdom of Aksum was the first bishop of Aksum and is credited with bringing Christianity to the Kingdom of Aksum.   He is sometimes known by other names, such as Abuna (“Our Father”) and Aba Salama.   Patronage : Kingdom of Aksum.www-St-Takla-org--Coptic-Saints-Saint-Frumentius-Abba-Salama-01

Saint Frumentius was still a child when his uncle, a Christian philosopher of Tyre in Phoenicia, took him and his brother Edesius on a voyage to Ethiopia.   In the course of their voyage the vessel anchored at a certain port and the barbarians of that country slew with the sword all the crew and passengers, except the two children.

Because of their youth and beauty they were taken to the king at Axuma, who, charmed with the wit and sprightliness of the two boys, took special care of their education and later made Edesius his cup-bearer and Frumentius, who was a little older, his treasurer and secretary of state.   The king, on his deathbed, thanked them for their services and in reward gave them their liberty.

After his death the queen begged them to remain at court and assist her in the government of the state until the young prince came of age;  this they did, using their influence to spread Christianity.   When the young king reached his majority, Edesius desired to return to Tyre and Frumentius accompanied him as far as Alexandria.   There he begged Saint Athanasius (297-373), its Patriarch, to send a bishop to the country where they had spent many years and the Patriarch, considering him the best possible candidate for this office, in the year 328 consecrated him bishop for the Ethiopians.Frumentios01

Vested with this sacred character he gained great numbers to the Faith by his discourses and miracles and the entire nation embraced Christianity with its young king, thus fulfilling a famous prophecy of Isaiah, uttered 800 years before Christ.   (Isaiah 45:14) Saint Frumentius continued to feed and defend his flock until it pleased the Supreme Pastor to call him home and reward his fidelity and labours, in about the year 383.

We may note that the date of 27 October is also the feast day of a king of Ethiopia, Saint Elesbaan, who after overcoming the enemies of Christ, sent his royal diadem to Jerusalem in the time of the Emperor Justinus and embraced monastic life.   He died 250 years after Saint Frumentius, in 523.St-Frumentius

Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Memorials of the Saints – 27 October

St Abban of Magh-Armuidhe
St Abraham the Poor
Bl Bartholomew of Vicenza
St Capitolina
St Colman of Senboth-Fola
St Colman of Templeshambo
St Desiderius of Auxerre
St Elesbaan of Ethiopia
St Emilina of Boulancourt
St Erotheides
St Florentius of Trois-Châteaux
St Frumentius (Died c 383) Apostle to Ethiopia
St Gaudiosus of Naples
Bl Goswin of Clairvaux
St Namatius of Clermont
St Odrian of Waterford
Bl Salvador Mollar Ventura
St Thraseas of Eumenia
St Uni