Thought for the Day – 8 August – The Memorial of St Dominic de Guzman

Thought for the Day – 8 August – The Memorial of St Dominic de Guzman

Words of Pope Benedict XVI on St Dominic

In the second volume of his work “Jesus of Nazareth”, in speaking of the first and last coming of Christ, he introduces a “middle coming”, through his word, the sacraments, events.   And he continues: ” But there are also modalities of this coming season.   The impact of two great figures -Francisco and Domingo- between the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, has been a way in which Christ has re-entered history, re-enforcing His word and his love;  a way with which He has renewed the Church and has driven history to itself. ”   In St Dominic’s words:  “You are my companion and must walk with me. If we hold together, no earthly power can withstand us.” 

francis and dominic holding church

Likewise, Benedict XVI, recognising the Marian devotion of Saint Dominic, manifested in his catechesis on February 3, 2010:  ” First and foremost, Marian devotion, which he cultivated with tenderness and left his spiritual children as an inheritance, Which in the history of the Church have had the great merit of spreading the prayer of the holy rosary, so rooted in the Christian people and so rich in evangelical values, a true school of faith and piety.

Once, at a difficult point in the preaching ministry, St Dominic had a dream in which he saw heaven.   Christ was there, arrayed like a king, with His Mother beside Him cloaked in a magnificent mantle.   Around the Blessed Mother were countless souls from all walks of life: clergy, laypersons, and members of every religious order ever founded. Among the religious there were Benedictines, Augustinians, Carmelites, Franciscans, everyone, except the Order of Preachers.   Struck to the heart, Dominic said,  “Is there not a single one of mine?” The Lord gestured to his Mother, who opened her mantle. There, under it, were hundreds and hundreds of Dominican souls in their black and white habits.   The Lord said, “Behold, I have left your Order in the care of My Mother.”


And, in the catechesis of August 8, 2012, he referred to another characteristic of St Dominic, the prayer :  “St Dominic was a man of prayer.   In love with God, he had no other aspiration than the salvation of souls, especially those who had fallen into the webs of the heresies of his time;   Imitator of Christ, incarnated radically the three evangelical counsels joining to the proclamation of the Word the testimony of a poor life; under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, progressed in the path of Christian perfection.   At all times prayer was the force that renewed and made more and more fruitful his apostolic works.

fra angelico st dominic adoring the crucifix

St Dominic reminds us that at the origin of the witness of faith, which every Christian should give in family, work, social commitment and also in times of relaxation, is prayer, personal contact with God.   Only this real relationship with God gives us the strength to live intensely every event, especially moments of greater suffering. “

St Dominic pray for us!

st dominic pray for us 2


Quote/s of the Day – 8 August – The Memorial of St Dominic de Guzman, Founder of the Dominicans

Quote/s of the Day – 8 August – The Memorial of St Dominic de Guzman, Founder of the Dominicans

“Heretics are to be converted by an example of humility
and other virtues far more readily than by any external
display or verbal battles. So let us arm ourselves with
devout prayers and set off showing signs of genuine humility
and go barefooted to combat Goliath.”

heretics - st dominic

“A man who governs his passions is master of his world.
We must either command them or be enslaved by them.
It is better to be a hammer than an anvil.”

St Dominic

a man who governs his passions - st dominic

Posted in MORNING Prayers, QUOTES of the SAINTS, SAINT of the DAY, The WORD

One Minute Reflection – 8 August

One Minute Reflection – 8 August

Consider this:  whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully…2 Cor 9:6

2 Cor 9 6

REFLECTION – “We must sow the seed, not hoard it.”…St Dominic de Guzman

we must sow the seed not hoard it - st dominic

PRAYER – O God, Who has enlightened Your Church by the eminent virtues and preaching of St. Dominic, Your confessor, holy Father mercifully grant that by his prayers we may be provided against all temporal necessities and daily improve in all spiritual good. Through Christ Our Lord. St Dominic pray for us, Amen.

st dominic pray for us


Our Morning Offering – 8 August

Our Morning Offering – 8 August

Prayer of St Dominic

May God the Father who made us bless us.
May God the Son send His healing among us.
May God the Holy Spirit move within us and
give us eyes to see with, ears to hear with,
and hands that Your work might be done.
May we walk and preach
the word ofGod to all.
May the angel of peace watch over us
and lead us at last, by God’s grace,
to the Kingdom. Amen

prayer of st dominic - may god the father



Saint of the Day – 8 August – St Dominic de Guzman (1170-1221) – Confessor, Founder of the Dominican Order of Preachers

Saint of the Day – 8 August – St Dominic de Guzman (1170-1221) – Confessor, Founder of the Dominican Order of Preachers – Priest, Founder, Teacher, Preacher, Mystic, Miracle-Worker, Apostle of the Holy Rosary (1170 at Calaruega, Burgos, Old Castile – noon 6 August 1221 at Bologna, Italy).  He was Canonised on 13 July 1234 by Pope Gregory IX at Rieti, Italy who declared, after signing the Bull of Canonisation on 13 July, 1234, Pope Gregory IX declared that he no more doubted the saintliness of Saint Dominic than he did that of Saint Peter and Saint Paul. Patronages: astronomers, astronomy, the falsely accused,  of scientists, The Dominican Republic, Batanes-Babuyanes, in the Philippines, prelature of, Bayombong, Philippines, Diocese of, Santo Domingo, Santo Domingo Indian Pueblo, Valletta, Malta.   Attributes – chaplet, Dominican carrying a rosary and a tall cross, Dominican holding a lily, Dominican with dog and globe, Dominican with fire, Dominican with star shining above his head, dog with a torch in its mouth, rosary, star.

Dominic de Guzman was born in Calaruega, Spain, son to noble parents Felix Guzman and Blessed Joan of Aza.   While only a boy, he demonstrated great piety, spending his days in contemplation and prayer, under the influence of his mother’s great love of the Lord.   At Dominic’s baptism, Blessed Joan saw a star shining from his chest, which became another of his symbols in art, and led to his patronage of astronomy.

Educated by his uncle, a Priest, Dominic soon travelled to Palencia, where he attended University and was eventually Ordained to the Priesthood.   While at University, he demonstrated strict penances and rigorous study but his teachers and classmates soon also noted the tenderest of hearts and the gentlest of spirits.   Dominic demonstrated great care for those in need, practising love and charity without judgement.

Following his Ordination, Dominic was appointed the Prior Superior of his Augustinian Order and strictly observed the Benedictine rule prescribed.   Selected as Canon to the Bishop of Osma, he accompanied Bishop Diego de Avezedo to Languedoc to join with the Cistercian Order in their fight against heresy.   It was here that the idea of founding an Order of Preachers, committed to eradicating heresy, first occurred to Dominic.

In 1215, Dominic established himself, with six followers, in a house given by Peter Seila, a rich resident of Toulouse.   Dominic saw the need for a new type of organisation to address the spiritual needs of the growing cities of the era, one that would combine dedication and systematic education, with more organisational flexibility than either monastic orders or the secular clergy.   He subjected himself and his companions to the monastic rules of prayer and penance;  and meanwhile bishop Foulques gave them written authority to preach throughout the territory of Toulouse.   In the same year, the year of the Fourth Lateran Council, Dominic and Foulques went to Rome to secure the approval of the Pope, Innocent III.   Dominic returned to Rome a year later and was finally granted written authority in December 1216 and January 1217 by the new pope, Honorius III for an order to be named “The Order of Preachers” (“Ordo Praedicatorum”, or “O.P.,” popularly known as the Dominican Order).

Saint Dominic's House in Toulouse
St Dominic’s House in Toulouse

It was not long thereafter that Dominic founded an institute for women at and attached several preaching friars to it.   During a subsequent crusade against the Albigensian heresy, Dominic followed the papal armies and preached to all who would listen.   He had little success, however and returned home to a castle bequeathed to him, where he founded an order dedicated to the conversion of the Albigensians.   The order was canonically approved by the bishop of Toulouse the following year and two years later received Pope Honorius III’s approval.   The Order of Preachers, the Dominicans, was founded.

Saint Dominic spent the remaining years of his life organising his new order, traveling throughout Europe preaching and attracting new members and establishing new houses. The new order, under his direction, was astoundingly successful in conversion, based upon contemplative and intellectual approaches, coupled with the contemporary and popular needs of the people.   His ideal, and that of his Order, was to link organically a life with God, study and prayer in all forms, with a ministry of salvation to people by the word of God.   His ideal: contemplata tradere“to pass on the fruits of contemplation” or “to speak only of God or with God.”   (Read the Nine Ways of Prayer of St Dominic here:

There was a time that St Dominic became discouraged at the progress of his mission.   To him, it seemed that no matter how much he worked, heresy remained.   As he contemplated the future of his order, he received a vision from Our Blessed Mother, who showed him a wreath of roses, representing the Holy Rosary.   Mary told him to say the Rosary daily, to teach it to all who would listen and eventually the faith would defeat heresies.  The spread of the Rosary, is attributed to the preaching of Saint Dominic.   The Rosary has for centuries been at the heart of the Dominican Order.   Pope Pius XI stated, “The Rosary of Mary is the principle and foundation on which the very Order of Saint Dominic rests for making perfect the life of its members and obtaining the salvation of others.” For centuries, Dominicans have been instrumental in spreading the rosary and emphasizing the Catholic belief in the power of the rosary. Saint Dominic is spread devotion to the Rosary, and used it to strengthen his own spiritual life.

Saint Dominic is also remembered for miracles (raising four people from the dead) and miraculous visions.   On one occasion, he received a vision of a poor beggar, who he sought out the following day.   Finding the beggar, Dominic embraced him and said, “You are my companion and must walk with me. If we hold together, no earthly power can withstand us.”   The beggar turned out to be Saint Francis of Assisi and the two holy men became the closest of friends. 

St Dominic died at the age of fifty-one, “exhausted with the austerities and labours of his career”.   He had reached the convent of St Nicholas at Bologna, Italy, “weary and sick with a fever”.   He  “made the monks lay him on some sacking stretched upon the ground” and that “the brief time that remained to him was spent in exhorting his followers to have charity, to guard their humility, and to make their treasure out of poverty”.    He died at noon on 6 August 1221.   His body was moved to a simple sarcophagus in 1233. Under the authority of Pope Gregory IX, Dominic was canonised in 1234.   In 1267 Dominic’s remains were moved to the shrine, made by Nicola Pisano and his workshop. The feast of Saint Dominic is celebrated with great pomp and devotion in Malta, in the old city of Birgu and the capital city Valletta.   The Dominican order has very strong links with Malta and Pope St. Pius V, a Dominican friar himself, aided the Knights of St. John to build the city of Valletta.

Posted in SAINT of the DAY

Saints’ Memorials – 8 August

St Dominic de Guzman (Memorial) – –

St Aemilian of Cyzicus
St Altman of Passau
St Cyriacus the Martyr
St Eleutherius of Constantinople
St Ellidius
St Famianus of Compostela
St Gedeon of Besancon
St Hormisdas of Persia
Bl John Felton
Bl John Fingley
St Largus
St Leobald of Fleury
St Leonidas of Constantinople
St Marinus of Anzarba
St Mary MacKillop – the first Australian born Saint.
St Mummolus of Fleury
St Myron the Wonder Worker
St Paulus Ge Tingzhu
St Rathard of Diessen
St Severus of Vienne
St Sigrada
St Smaragdus
St Ternatius of Besançon
St Ultan of Crayke
Bl William of Castellammare di Stabia
Bl Wlodzimierz Laskowski

Martyrs of Albano – 4 saints: Four Christians who were martyred together, and about we today know little more than their names – Carpóforo, Secondo, Severiano and Vittorino. They were martyred in Albano, Italy – their remains are interred in the San Senator cemetery, on the Appian Way, 15 miles from Rome, Italy.

Martyrs of Rome – 5 saints: Five Christians martyred together; we know nothing else about them but the names – Ciriaco, Crescenziano, Giuliana, Memmia and Smaragdus. They were martyred at the 7 mile marker, on the Via Ostia, Rome, Italy.

Martyred in the Spanish Civil War – Martyrs of El Saler – 5 beati: Five nuns, all members of the Sisters of the Pious Schools, all teachers, and all martyred together in the Spanish Civil War.
• Antonia Riba Mestres
• Maria Baldillou Bullit
• María Luisa Girón Romera
• Nazaria Gómez Lezaun
• Pascuala Gallén Martí
They were martyred on 8 August 1936 in El Saler, Valencia, Spain and Beatified on 11 March 2001 by Pope John Paul II.

Martyred in the Spanish Civil War:
Bl Antero Mateo Garcia
Bl Antonio Silvestre Moya
Bl Cruz Laplana Laguna
Bl Fernando Español Berdie
Bl Leoncio López Ramos
Bl Manuel Aranda Espejo
Bl Mariano Pina Turón
Bl Pedro Álvarez Pérez